Official Texts 2022
- Remarks by U.S. Special Envoy to Advance the Human Rights of LGBTQI+ Persons Jessica Stern at a GCTF on Ending Gender-based Violence (5/24/2022) - I want to especially thank Premier Su for his leadership in initiating this vibrant space for regional and international dialogue. I also extend my appreciation to his team for making this conference happen. Australian Representative Bloomfield, American Institute in Taiwan Director Oudkirk, and Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association Deputy Representative Akira Yokochi: thank you for convening this ...
- Remarks by AIT Director Sandra Oudkirk at Meta XR Hub Taiwan Launch Ceremony (5/6/2022) - Since I first lived here in the nineties, Taiwan has developed into an advanced economy and a vibrant democracy, and the U.S.-Taiwan partnership has steadily broadened and deepened. As AIT Director, I am focused on four key priorities: strengthening Taiwan’s role as a regional security partner, promoting global supply chain resilience, preserving and expanding Taiwan’s ...
- Opening Remarks by AIT Director Sandra Oudkirk at an Industry Forum on U.S.-Taiwan Cooperation on Global Semiconductor Supply Chain Resilience (4/29/2022) - OT-2208 Opening Remarks by AIT Director Sandra Oudkirk at an Industry Forum on U.S.-Taiwan Cooperation on Global Semiconductor Supply Chain Resilience April 29, 2022 (As Prepared for Delivery) Minister Wang, distinguished guests and friends, good morning 早安!大家好! It is my pleasure to be here with you today to discuss global supply chain resilience. AIT seeks ...
- Opening Remarks by AIT Director Sandra Oudkirk at the American Innovation Center (AIC) Annual Innovation Forum on Earth Day 2022 (4/22/2022) - As you know, today is Earth Day, an opportunity to raise awareness of our environmental challenges, and also come together to discuss strategies to make meaningful change. “Innovation Drives the Sustainable Economy” – this is the theme of this year’s Forum, and it highlights that creativity, entrepreneurship, and collaboration are the driving forces that overcome ...
- 2021 Human Rights Report — Taiwan Part (4/13/2022) - 2021 Human Rights Report — Taiwan Part Executive Summary Taiwan is a democracy led by a president and parliament selected in multiparty elections. In 2020 voters re-elected President Tsai Ing-wen of the Democratic Progressive Party to a second four-year term in an election considered free and fair. Civilian authorities maintained effective control over the ...
- Remarks by former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Michael Glenn Mullen (3/2/2022) - I lead this delegation of private citizens to voice our support for the continued and growing strength of the vital partnership between the United States and Taiwan. We come to Taiwan at a very difficult and critical moment in world history. As President Biden has said, democracy is facing sustained and alarming challenges, most recently ...
- Remarks by AIT Director Sandra Oudkirk on “Making Taoyuan City a Pioneer Base for Gender Equality in Sports in the Asia-Pacific Region” (2/10/2022) - Today’s event reflects the value that both Taiwan and the United States place on equity, inclusion, and access and demonstrates how creative policy making at the local government level can advance shared values.|OT-2203|February 10, 2022
- Remarks by AIT Director Sandra Oudkirk at the European Values Center for Security Policy (1/28/2022) - Thank you for the opportunity to be part of this event. We are pleased to see increased interest from our European partners on Asia-Pacific security matters.|OT-2202|January 28, 2022
- Remarks by AIT Deputy Director Jeremy Cornforth at the Teaching Chinese as a Second Language Symposium to Support the U.S.-Taiwan Education Initiative (1/15/2022) - I am excited to be here today to welcome you to attend this TCL (Teaching Chinese as a Second Language) conference as a part of the U.S.-Taiwan Education Initiative. |OT-2201|January 15, 2022
Official Texts 2021
- Remarks by AIT Director Sandra Oudkirk at the AmCham Taiwan 70th Anniversary Celebration (12/8/2021) - This anniversary is a good time to reflect on the extraordinary economic and political transformation Taiwan has experienced over the last 70 years. Throughout the past decades, the U.S. business community has been a significant contributor to growth and development both here and in the United States, and AmCham Taiwan has flourished along with Taiwan’s ...
- Remarks by AIT Director Sandra Oudkirk at 2021 Award Ceremony for the U.S. Coast Guard’s Automated Mutual Assistance Vessel (AMVER) Program (12/3/2021) - Ocean Affairs Council Deputy Minister Chou, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Southern Taiwan Office Deputy Director-General Liu, Taiwan International Ports Corporation Chairman Lee, Fisheries Agency Deep Sea Fishery Research and Development Center Deputy Director Yang, representatives of Maritime and Port Bureau, Brogent Group, Kaohsiung International Shipowners Association, fishery associations leaders, ladies and gentlemen, shipmates, members of ...
- Remarks by AIT Director Sandra Oudkirk at the Taiwan Climate Action Expo (12/3/2021) - Deputy Minister Chen, Deputy Minister Tsai, honorable guests, friends, good morning! Dàjiā zǎo! First of all, I would like to congratulate Executive Director Chao and all other organizers for convening the first Taiwan Climate Action Expo.| OT-2159|December 3, 2021
- Remarks by AIT Director Sandra Oudkirk at the U.S.-Taiwan Education Initiative – Forming Global Partnerships Symposium (12/3/2021) - Foreign Minister Wu, Deputy Magistrate Liu, Chung Cheng University President Dr. Fong, representatives from the British Council, Australia, New Zealand and Canadian offices, esteemed guests, and online friends, good morning! I am excited to welcome you to today’s international education symposium which is a part of the U.S.-Taiwan Education Initiative.|OT-2158|November 30, 2021
- Keynote Speech by AIT Director Sandra Oudkirk at Association of International Relations’ Annual Conference (11/26/2021) - Good morning, Deputy Foreign Minister Tien, current and former government officials, scholars and students, colleagues, friends, members of the media and distinguished guests. It is an honor to address this esteemed group in my capacity as the Director of the American Institute in Taiwan. I would like to especially thank National Taiwan University and the ...
- Remarks by AIT Director Sandra Oudkirk at Academy for Women Entrepreneurs (AWE) Graduation Ceremony (11/19/2021) - First, I would like to congratulate all graduates of the Academy for Women Entrepreneurs on your successful completion of the program. As you just heard from Acting Assistant Secretary Matt Lussenhop, we are proud of every one of you as you work to fulfill your entrepreneurship dream.|OT-2156|November 19, 2021
- Remarks by AIT Director Sandra Oudkirk at the AmCham Taiwan Annual General Membership Meeting (11/16/2021) - I am delighted to have the opportunity to participate in AmCham Taiwan’s first-ever virtual annual general meeting. I have been very impressed by both Taiwan and AmCham Taiwan’s ability to adapt in these pandemic-affected times.|OT-2155|November 16, 2021
- Remarks by the AIT Director Sandra Oudkirk at Virtual GCTF Workshop on “Defending Democracy through Media Literacy III” (11/9/2021) - As the United States and Taiwan both know all too well, the internet age has seen a dramatic rise in the spread and effectiveness of disinformation. As open, democratic societies, the United States, Taiwan, and many others are particularly vulnerable to the pernicious effects of intentionally misleading and harmful misinformation.|OT-2154|November 9, 2021
- Remarks by AIT Director Sandra Oudkirk at AIT Esports Kick-off (11/5/2021) - Hi, everyone. Welcome to the official kick-off of AIT Esports! Video gaming platforms have become one of the biggest communication mediums on the planet. Massive Multiplayer Online Games like League of Legends have more than 150 million registered users.|OT-2153|November 5, 2021
- Remarks by AIT Director Sandra Oudkirk at the Opening for the Virtual GCTF on “Implementation of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities” (11/4/2021) - Foreign Minister Wu, Representative Izumi, Representative Bloomfield, Representative Caspi, honored guests, I am glad to join you in opening this important Global Cooperation and Training Framework workshop on “Implementation of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.”|OT-2152|November 4, 2021
- Remarks by AIT Deputy Director Cornforth at the Opening of Advancing Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) in the Tech Industry Forum (11/3/2021) - Good afternoon, I am AIT’s Deputy Director Jeremy Cornforth. Welcome to the American Innovation Center (AIC) and welcome to those of you joining us virtually on Gather Town. I’m glad that we have all come together today to discuss a topic that is very important to all of us at AIT. On his inauguration day, President ...
- Remarks by AIT Director Sandra Oudkirk on the Delivery of U.S. Vaccines (11/1/2021) - AIT is very pleased to help facilitate this shipment of 1.5 million doses of Moderna vaccine that is being donated by the U.S. government to the people of Taiwan. We are proud to be able to add to the 2.5 million doses of Moderna that the United States provided in June.|OT-2150|November 1, 2021
- Remarks by AIT Director Sandra Oudkirk at The Environmental Education Green Life Carnival Exhibition (10/30/2021) - Minister Chang, ladies, gentlemen, friends, good morning! It is my great pleasure to commemorate the 10th anniversary of Taiwan’s Environmental Education Act. Congratulations! I applaud the contributions from Taiwan’s EPA, local environmental bureaus, schools, and the private sector to raise awareness and create lasting change in Taiwan’s environmental education ecosystem in order to build a ...
- Remarks by AIT Director Sandra Oudkirk at the Press Conference Opening (10/29/2021) - Good morning everyone, thank you for coming today. I hope you got through the door without any problem. It is fantastic to see all of you here in person. Given my schedule and the COVID requirements, I have not had the opportunity to really talk with most of you since arriving in Taiwan earlier this summer. I have, however, been reading your reporting and I am ...
- AIT and TAITRA Co-host the Taiwan Session of the 2021 IPBF: “Building a Resilient Supply Chain to Power Electric Vehicles for the Future” (10/29/2021) - This morning, AIT co-hosted with TAITRA a session of the Indo-Pacific Business Forum (IPBF) entitled “Building a Resilient Supply Chain to Power Electric Vehicles for the Future.” During the session, representatives of Taiwan’s public and private sectors discussed how Taiwan utilizes its experiences and expertise in information and communication technology (ICT) products to develop a ...
- Remarks by AIT Director Sandra Oudkirk at the Taiwan session of the 2021 Indo-Pacific Business Forum (10/29/2021) - Hello everyone! On behalf of the American Institute in Taiwan, I am delighted to welcome you to participate in this virtual panel co-hosted with the Taiwan External Trade Development Council, otherwise known as TAITRA. Today, you will hear from a diverse panel of experienced Taiwan industry players about Taiwan’s role working with likeminded partners to ...
- Remarks by AIT Director Sandra Oudkirk at the Opening of a Virtual Global Cooperation and Training Framework (GCTF) Workshop on Road to Parity: Women’ (10/27/2021) - While the improvement in the United States is notable and the continued successes of Taiwan truly commendable, we all still have a long road ahead of us to achieve parity, which is what brings us together today.|OT-2146|October 27, 2021
- Remarks by AIT Director Sandra Oudkirk at the Launch for the Inspiring Women Entrepreneurs (10/15/2021) - It is my pleasure to meet you in person as we kick off the Inspiring Women Entrepreneurs (IWE) program. Today we will have the first of our Training Workshops, bringing together more than 30 indigenous women entrepreneurs and mentors from around the island.|OT-2145|October 15, 2021
- Remarks by AIT Deputy Director Cornforth at the Opening of a Virtual GCTF on Combating Cybercrime through International Law Enforcement Collaboration (10/6/2021) - Minister of Interior Hsu, Deputy Foreign Minister Tseng, Chief Representative Izumi, panelists, virtual guests, good morning! It is my pleasure to offer remarks to kick off this virtual GCTF on combatting cybercrime through international law enforcement cooperation. We are grateful for the contributions of experts from the United States, Taiwan, and Japan and for the ...
- Remarks by AIT Director Sandra Oudkirk at the Opening of NASA Hackathon (10/1/2021) - Dear participants and collaborators, I am AIT Director Sandra Oudkirk. During the next 48 hours, you will join participants from around the world to use Earth observation data to develop solutions to issues our world is facing.| OT-2143|October 1, 2021
- Remarks by AIT Deputy Director Cornforth at the Opening of a Virtual GCTF Workshop on Building Resilience and Accelerating the SDGs Through Technology (9/30/2021) - Deputy to the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Prescott, Foreign Minister Wu, Chief Representative Izumi, panelists, virtual guests, good morning! It is my pleasure to offer remarks to kick off this virtual GCTF on building resilience and accelerating the UN Sustainable Development Goals through technology.|OT-2142|September 30, 2021
- Remarks by AIT Director Sandra Oudkirk at 2021 GCTF Virtual Conference on Building Disaster Resilience at Global and National Levels (9/24/2021) - This workshop is the final activity for the United States, Taiwan, and Japan in a yearlong effort that began on the tenth anniversary of the March 11, 2011 triple disaster at Fukushima, and ends on September 21, the 22nd anniversary of Taiwan’s second deadliest seismic event ever, the Chi Chi earthquake in Nantou. Through the ...
- Remarks by AIT Director Sandra Oudkirk at Closing of a vGCTF Workshop on The Future of Work in a Post-Covid-19 Economic Recovery (9/10/2021) - It is my pleasure to offer remarks at the conclusion of the first-ever Global Cooperation and Training Framework webinar focused on the intersection of artificial intelligence and labor. We are grateful for the contributions of experts from the United States, Taiwan, and Japan and for the participation of distinguished guests from around the world.|OT-2140|September 10, ...
- Remarks by AIT Director Sandra Oudkirk at Ministry of Culture MOU Signing and Center Stage Performance (8/31/2021) - Friends from the media, colleagues, ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon. It is an honor to be here today to witness the MOU signing ceremony between Taiwan’s Ministry of Culture and the Foundation of Scholarly Exchange (FSE) as Honorary Chair of the FSE Board.|OT-2139|August 31, 2021
- Remarks by AIT Director Sandra Oudkirk at Virtual GCTF Workshop on Green Energy: A Way to a Clean and Sustainable Earth (8/12/2021) - It is my great pleasure to kick off today’s workshop on “Green Energy: A Way to a Clean and Sustainable Earth,” held under the Global Cooperation and Training Framework program, or “GCTF.” |OT-2138|August 12, 2021
- Remarks by AIT Chairman James Moriarty at the Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce (8/10/2021) - John (Hsieh), thanks for the kind introduction. I was last here in 2019, celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Taiwan Relations Act with you. In many ways the time since has been difficult; many of us here today probably feel we spent the last year or so in hibernation as the world tackled the COVID-19 pandemic. |OT-2137|August ...
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at the Virtual AIT July 4 Reception (7/13/2021) - Independence Day was celebrated in the United States on Sunday, July 4. And today, we are commemorating America’s 245th birthday here in Taiwan. In our observance of our Independence Day, we celebrate the birth of America as a nation with a government “of the people, by the people and for the people.”|OT-2136|July 13, 2021
- A Farewell Letter from AIT Director W. Brent Christensen (7/9/2021) - As my time as AIT Director draws to a close and I prepare to leave Taiwan, I want to take this opportunity to tell you what this experience has meant to me. It is not an exaggeration to say that this has been the honor of my life and the fulfillment of a career-long aspiration.|OT-2134|July ...
- Remarks by former AIT Deputy Director Raymond Greene for the Virtual 2021 Ocean Challenge Event (7/7/2021) - Today marks the third Ocean Challenge event, a joint effort between AIT and the Ocean Affairs Council. I would like to thank the OAC for their continued partnership and support for this important youth-focused endeavor. |OT-2135|July 7, 2021
- 2021 Trafficking in Persons Report – Taiwan (7/2/2021) - OT-2133 July 2, 2021 2021 Trafficking in Persons Report – Taiwan Taiwan (Tier 1) June 2021 Taiwan authorities fully meet the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking. Authorities continued to demonstrate serious and sustained efforts during the reporting period, considering the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, if any, on their anti-trafficking capacity; therefore Taiwan ...
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at the Opening of TIFA Council Meeting (6/30/2021) - As my three years as AIT Director soon come to an end, the relaunch of the TIFA process is a fitting conclusion to my time here.|OT-2132|June 30, 2021
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at Presidential Office Order of the Brilliant Star with Grand Cordon Award Ceremony (6/25/2021) - As I have said before, the U.S.-Taiwan relationship is a rare and special one. Yet I have been personally – and pleasantly – surprised by the dramatic growth in our ties as we weathered the global pandemic over the past year and a half. |OT-2131|June 25, 2021
- Remarks by AIT Deputy Director Raymond Greene at Ministry of Foreign Affairs Friendship Medal of Diplomacy Award Ceremony (6/24/2021) - Let me begin by thanking Foreign Minister Wu not only for this gracious honor, but for everything you and your MOFA team have done to enhance the U.S.-Taiwan relationship. We at AIT could not have asked for better partners to advance our shared interests and values across the Indo-Pacific and around the world. |OT-2130|June 24, 2021
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at Ministry of Foreign Affairs Grand Medal of Diplomacy Award Ceremony (6/24/2021) - It is truly an honor to be here today to receive this award. As I prepare to leave Taiwan, I am reminded of the first time I arrived here over 40 years ago when Taiwan had yet to become the economic powerhouse and democratic success story that it is today. It was my early experience ...
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at Forum on Tech Supply Chain Partnership (6/22/2021) - As my three years as AIT Director will soon come to a close, I am proud to say that the work AIT has accomplished in raising awareness on securing resilient supply chains with Taiwan and our likeminded partners has been a great success. Our efforts towards building global supply chain resiliency have become a critical ...
- AIT Director W. Brent Christensen’s Remarks at vGCTF on Trade Secrets Protection and Digital Piracy Prevention (6/17/2021) - AIT has a long history of positive cooperation with Taiwan on the protection of intellectual property rights, including just last year for our first ever GCTF workshop on IPR. That workshop was well-attended and received high marks from participants, leading us all to agree that a follow-on event this year would be well received.|OT-2127|June 17, ...
- Remarks by Senator Chris Coons (6/6/2021) - Ni Hao! Thank you so much for welcoming us. It is such an honor for me to join with these two tremendous senators: Senator Duckworth and Senator Sullivan, who have served our nation in our nation's military, who’s personal stories of commitment and engagement in this region of the world are inspiring to me and ...
- Remarks by Senator Dan Sullivan (6/6/2021) - Well thank you, everybody. It's great to be back in Taiwan. I want to begin by just mentioning something that I think most people know, but it's always important to reiterate: the United States has a long history of advancing security, prosperity, and democracy in the Indo-Pacific area. We are an Asia-Pacific nation. We have ...
- Remarks by Senator Tammy Duckworth (6/6/2021) - Thank you. I'm so honored to be here today, and we are here to today to underscore the bipartisan support for Taiwan and the strength of our partnership.|OT-2124|June 6, 2021
- AIT Director W. Brent Christensen’s Remarks at GCTF on Anti-Money Laundering (5/26/2021) - OT-2123 May 26, 2021 AIT Director W. Brent Christensen’s Remarks at GCTF on Anti-Money Laundering May 26, 2021 Greetings! As Director of the American Institute in Taiwan, and on behalf of the United States government, I ’d like to welcome you to the 2021 Global Cooperation and Training Framework workshop (GCTF ) on anti-money ...
- AIT Director W. Brent Christensen’s Farewell Speech (5/26/2021) - Good morning. As you may know, my three years as AIT Director will soon come to a close. I can honestly say that this assignment – serving as Director of the American Institute in Taiwan – was my dream job. And my experience exceeded my expectations in every way.|OT-2122|May 26, 2021
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at GCTF Workshop on COVID-19 Vaccine Roll-out: Experiences and Challenges (5/19/2021) - These are difficult times and talking about COVID-19 vaccines can be a sensitive subject. But just because this is a challenging topic, does not mean that health experts cannot build connections and work on ways to move forward.|OT-2121|May 19, 2021
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at the TAITRA Press Event (5/6/2021) - I want to congratulate TAITRA for their tremendous efforts in publishing this inaugural whitepaper. This comprehensive analysis sheds light on complex supply chain trends, opportunities, and challenges that Taiwan industries are facing as the world rethinks the supply chain network of the past.|OT-2119|May 6, 2021
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at CyberSec Trade Show (5/4/2021) - I can say with firsthand knowledge that your participation today is not just a token gesture. AIT has cooperated with many of you on major cybersecurity events and initiatives, particularly over the past eighteen months, including last year’s research trip to the RSA cybersecurity conference in San Francisco, the critical infrastructure virtual seminar, the cybersecurity ...
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at the AIC Innovation Forum (4/22/2021) - Today is the 51st anniversary of Earth Day, with an estimated one billion people around the world mobilizing to commemorate it. The events of today’s Innovation Forum highlight U.S. commitment to the environment and to finding innovative solutions for combating climate change. This aligns with President Biden’s priority of placing climate change at the center ...
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at Hsieh Nien Fan (4/22/2021) - This past year has had more than its share of tragedy, as the COVID-19 pandemic is still wreaking havoc throughout the globe. But 2021 has also brought some hope and we can see signs of a return to normalcy on the horizon. I know that I speak for all of us in the room in ...
- Remarks by Ambassador Richard L. Armitage, former Deputy Secretary of State (4/15/2021) - First of all, I want to tell you what a great thrill it is for me, and for the delegation led by Senator Dodd, to be here in Taipei, to be here in this room, and most importantly, meeting the President, Dr. Tsai Ing-wen. So good to see you again, Madam President.|OT-2115|April 15, 2021
- Remarks by Senator Christopher J. Dodd (retired) (4/15/2021) - On behalf of the delegation, thank you Madame President for welcoming us to Taiwan and hosting us. I am honored to be joined on this visit to Taiwan by two seasoned foreign policy hands with particular knowledge and experience in Taiwan-U.S. relations — Richard Armitage, who served as Deputy Secretary of State in the George ...
- Remarks by James B. Steinberg, former Deputy Secretary of State (4/15/2021) - Good morning President Tsai, Advisor Koo, Minister Wu, let me just say that I too am honored and pleased to be here today with two great Americans, my good friends, Senator Dodd and Ambassador Richard Armitage, who really represent the finest that America has and I am honored today to be with you.|OT-2113|April 15, 2021
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at the virtual GCTF on Supply Chain Restructuring and SME Financing (4/14/2021) - Well before the devastation wrought by the global pandemic made countries around the world consider the vulnerabilities of their supply chains, we at AIT recognized the shifting trends in global supply chains and the critical role that Taiwan can play. Over the past year and a half, we have been closely working with Taiwan on the promotion of global ...
- 2020 Human Rights Report (Taiwan Part) (3/31/2021) - Taiwan is a democracy led by a president and parliament selected in multiparty elections. On January 11, voters re-elected President Tsai Ing-wen of the Democratic Progressive Party to another four-year term in an election considered free and fair.|OT-2111|March 31, 2021
- Remarks by Ambassador Hennessey-Niland (3/30/2021) - It is a special privilege to be part of the delegation of President of Palau, Surangel Whipps Jr. to visit Taiwan to commemorate the start of the travel bubble between Taipei and Koror on April 1. I believe this will be the first two-way travel bubble in the Indo-Pacific since the onset of the global ...
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen (3/30/2021) - Practically speaking, this travel and the new policy that made it possible, is a tangible sign of progress and cause for optimism in the fight against COVID-19. It shows that Taiwan and Palau’s diligent and effective COVID prevention efforts have brought them to a point of stability and security that allowed them to begin the ...
- Remarks by AIT Deputy Director Raymond Greene at Forward Alliance Workshop (3/30/2021) - It’s a pleasure for me to be here today and for the American Institute in Taiwan to partner with Forward Alliance for this “Be Prepared” (《後盾計畫》) workshop. Today you will learn medical and other skills that can help the community – your community – in times of crisis. |OT-2108|March 30, 2021
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at the Bilingual Education Symposium to Support the U.S.-Taiwan Education Initiative (3/29/2021) - AIT and TECRO signed an important Memorandum of Understanding on international education cooperation last year. This Initiative gives Taiwan and the United States the opportunity to strengthen our cooperation and collaboration on international education in many different ways. One key method is to increase the numbers of Americans coming to Taiwan to study, while at ...
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at Coast Guard MOU Launch Ceremony (3/26/2021) - Yesterday in Washington, AIT and TECRO signed a Memorandum of Understanding to further cooperation between the U.S. Coast Guard and Taiwan’s Coast Guard Administration. This MOU formalizes our already robust and longstanding cooperation with Taiwan’s Coast Guard, and, notably, is the first one signed in the Biden Administration. |OT-2106|March 26, 2021
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at PSMC’s Tongluo Fab Groundbreaking Ceremony (3/25/2021) - I am delighted to be here to participate in the groundbreaking ceremony for Powerchip Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation’s new Tongluo Fabrication Plant. This is a great opportunity to congratulate PSMC, to highlight the leadership role Taiwan plays in the global semiconductor industry, and to restate the U.S. government’s focus on supply chain security.|OT-2105|March 25, 2021
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at GCTF Workshop on Building the Resilience of Nations and Communities to Disasters (3/10/2021) - It is fitting that we come together today to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the March 11, 2011 Great Japan Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami for a workshop focused on rebuilding communities and nations following disaster. We still have so much to learn from one another. | OT-2104|March 10, 2021
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at the Press Launch for the Academy for Women Entrepreneurs (3/8/2021) - Before I begin, I’d like to wish everyone a Happy International Women’s Day! It is a real pleasure to help announce today the launch of this important and meaningful training program – the Academy for Women Entrepreneurs – or AWE. We all know that when women are successful, communities proposer, countries thrive, and the world ...
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at the Chinese Language Symposium to Support the U.S.-Taiwan Education Initiative (1/16/2021) - As you may have heard, on December 2, AIT and TECRO signed an important Memorandum of Understanding on international education cooperation. This MOU gives Taiwan and the United States the opportunity to strengthen our cooperation and collaboration on international education.|OT-2102|January 16, 2021
- Remarks by the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Kelly Craft at the Virtual Meeting with President Tsai Ing-wen (1/15/2021) - It is important for me to be clear on the U.S.-Taiwan relationship. The United States stands with Taiwan. The United States will always stand with Taiwan. The United States stands shoulder to shoulder with Taiwan as pillars of democracy.|OT-2101|January 15, 2021
Official Texts 2020
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen On the Announcement of the U.S.-Taiwan Scientific and Technological Cooperation Agreement (12/18/2020) - The United States and Taiwan have an impressive record of cooperation and joint achievements, particularly in the area of science and technology. Our shared traditions of innovation and entrepreneurship ensure that both the United States and Taiwan will benefit from our continued scientific and technological engagements.|OT-2054|December 18, 2020
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at the Launch of Women’s Livelihood Bond 3 (12/14/2020) - It is my distinct pleasure to be with you today and to join my colleagues at the Development Finance Corporation and the United States Agency for International Development to support the public launch of Women’s Livelihood Bond 3. Indeed, this program is a testament to the United States and Taiwan’s commitment to the shared value ...
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at the Launch of the U.S.-Taiwan Education Initiative (12/3/2020) - I am excited to be here today for the public launch of the U.S.-Taiwan Education Initiative. This new bilateral Initiative is aimed at expanding access to Chinese and English language instruction, while safeguarding academic freedom.|OT-2052|December 3, 2020
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen on the Inaugural U.S.-Taiwan Economic Prosperity Partnership Dialogue (11/21/2020) - Just a few hours ago, the United States and Taiwan concluded the inaugural meeting of the U.S.-Taiwan Economic Prosperity Partnership Dialogue. Convened under the auspices of the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) and the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office (TECRO) in the United States, the U.S.-Taiwan Economic Dialogue signifies that not only is the ...
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at Opening Ceremony of Meet Taipei 2020 (11/19/2020) - The theme of this year’s Meet Taipei conference “Arising Vision” is quite appropriate. As both the United States and Taiwan face the new “normal” of dealing with a global economy battered by COVID-19, novel approaches are required to overcome these unprecedented challenges. |OT-2050|November 18, 2020
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at Taiwan Internet Governance Forum (11/12/2020) - Indeed, as the Internet evolves and new network technologies blur the line between the physical world and the virtual, now is the time as a multi-stakeholder community to take stock of the rising challenges to the global, open Internet. |OT-2049|November 12, 2020
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at the Capstone Session of the 2020 U.S.-Taiwan Consultations on Democratic Governance (10/28/2020) - But these consultations would not be complete without committing to concrete next steps towards fostering sustainable, long-term partnerships between U.S. and Taiwan civil society. That is the theme of today’s event. I look forward to hearing your ideas about what more our governments can do to empower civil society efforts.|OT-2046|October 28, 2020
- Remarks by Assistant Secretary Robert Destro at the Capstone Session of the 2020 U.S.-Taiwan Consultations on Democratic Governance (10/28/2020) - The Consultations on Democratic Governance we are concluding today represent a joint effort between the United States and Taiwan to further realize Taiwan’s potential contributions to the protection and promotion of human rights and fundamental freedoms across the entire Indo-Pacific region.|OT-2047|October 28, 2020
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at Taiwan Session of Indo-Pacific Business Forum (10/28/2020) - First, the United States applauds the success of the Taiwan Model of pandemic response on COVID-19. The recent visit of U.S. HHS Secretary Alex Azar to Taiwan signifies the important role that Taiwan can play in the international arena to share its expertise. |OT-2045|October 28, 2020
- Remarks by AIT Deputy Director Raymond Greene at Virtual Global Cooperation and Training Framework on Combatting COVID-19 Related Crimes (10/28/2020) - For some, this pandemic has brought out the best in human resiliency and generosity. For example, Taiwan skillfully managed the COVID-19 crisis, through what has become known as the “Taiwan Model.” Taiwan not only generously chose to share its expertise around the world, but also drastically increased its PPE production to come to the aid ...
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at the Circular Economy Summit (10/16/2020) - I am pleased to be here today to speak about three things: the depth of U.S.-Taiwan cooperation on environmental matters, the growing challenges of waste management, and Taiwan as a force for good in seeking solutions to these challenges, especially during the COVD-19 pandemic.|OT-2043|October 16, 2020
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at vGCTF on Trade Secrets Protection and Digital Piracy Prevention (10/15/2020) - AIT has a long history of positive cooperation with Taiwan on the promotion of intellectual property rights, making this an ideal topic for a GCTF workshop. Taiwan’s progress in this area is quite remarkable, and we believe that Taiwan, Japan, and the United States each have tremendous knowledge and experience to share today. |OT-2042|October 15, 2020
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at WTCC Annual Meeting (9/29/2020) - The work done by Taiwan Chambers of Commerce across the globe is inextricably linked to AIT’s work, and a central pillar in the U.S.-Taiwan relationship. |OT-2041|September 29, 2020
- Remarks by AIT Deputy Director Raymond F. Greene at SEMICON Talent Cultivation Symposium (9/24/2020) - Since its inception in July 2019, the Talent Circulation Alliance has been an important platform for AIT, Taiwan’s government, and private sector partners to promote the circulation of talent between Taiwan, the United States, and other like-minded partners, with the goal of cultivating a deep pool of capable, internationally-integrated, and digitally-savvy professionals. |OT-2040|September 24, 2020
- Remarks by AIT Deputy Director Raymond Greene at the American Innovation Center Housewarming Opening Ceremony (9/23/2020) - I am pleased to be here today representing the American Institute in Taiwan to celebrate the sixth anniversary of the American Innovation Center and to open both the New AIC with our partner Songyang Creative and Culture Park (SCCP) and our Anniversary Forum hosted with the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology with the ...
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at Presidential Hackathon (9/21/2020) - AIT has been involved in the Presidential Hackathon since its inception in 2018, but this year AIT co-hosted with Taiwan the International Track of the Presidential Hackathon, which brought together teams from around the world to use technology and social innovation to advance human progress.|OT-2038|September 21, 2020
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at the Forum on Supply Chain Restructuring: Improving Resilience Amongst Like-Minded Partners (9/4/2020) - As we plan for a post-pandemic world and evaluate what changes to the global supply chain are necessary, one thing is certain: Taiwan has demonstrated time and again that it is a reliable partner and a critical player for moving toward a more sustainable global economy. |OT-2036| |September 4, 2020|
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at the Security Cooperation Month Memorial Unveiling Ceremony (9/2/2020) - We face dangerous new technologies, a deadly pandemic and the unpredictable effects of climate change. But our partnership, rooted in tradition, continues to exemplify the mutual support, mutual respect, and mutual interests that these service members and their cohort helped to build between our societies and between our militaries. |OT-2035| |September 2, 2020|
- Remarks by U.S. Ambassador-at-Large John Cotton Richmond at the 2020 International Workshop on Combating Human Trafficking (9/1/2020) - And it’s not just the authorities who have demonstrated a strong commitment to fight trafficking. Taiwan has an active, thriving, and vocal array of civil society organizations all working to ensure that Taiwan can stop traffickers, protect victims, and prevent this crime by dismantling the systems that make it easier for traffickers to operate. |OT-2034|September 1, ...
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at the 2020 International Workshop on Combating Human Trafficking (9/1/2020) - Taiwan's participation, alongside the United States and the broader international community, in the fight against human trafficking is part of our shared value system.|OT-2033|September 1, 2020
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at the AmCham’s Hsieh Nien Fan Dinner (8/26/2020) - It is my pleasure to represent AIT once again at the annual AmCham Hsieh Nien Fan dinner, coming a few months later than usual this year. I think the very fact that we can all be gathered here together is not only a testament to Taiwan’s extremely deft handling of the COVID-19 pandemic response, but ...
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at the MAPECT 2020 International Investment Forum (8/26/2020) - I am confident that today’s forum about supply chain restructuring and merger and acquisition opportunities in a post-pandemic environment will provide important insights to the public, Taiwan’s business leaders, and policymakers. |OT-2030|August 26, 2020
- Remarks by HHS Secretary Alex Azar at National Taiwan University (8/11/2020) - In these trying times, the United States knows that we will always have a friend in Taiwan, and we will not shy away from telling the rest of the world that they can rely on Taiwan too. |OT-2028| |August 11, 2020|
- HHS Secretary Alex Azar Statement on Meeting with Foreign Minister Wu (8/11/2020) - Thank you, Minister Wu, for welcoming me to Taiwan and for the opportunity to meet with you today. It is an honor to be here to bring greetings from President Trump and to be here to recognize Taiwan’s health leadership. |OT-2026| |August 11, 2020|
- HHS Secretary Alex Azar Statement on Meeting with President Tsai Ing-wen (8/10/2020) - Thank you, President Tsai, for welcoming me to Taiwan today. It is a true honor to be here to convey a message of strong support and friendship from President Trump to Taiwan. |OT-2025| |August 10, 2020|
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at USA Caucus Launch Event Legislative Yuan (7/20/2020) - Last year, we at AIT celebrated forty years since the U.S. Congress codified our commitment to Taiwan in the Taiwan Relations Act, and also established the American Institute in Taiwan. The TRA was passed swiftly and overwhelmingly on a bipartisan basis by both the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives. Forty-one years later, Taiwan still ...
- 2020 Trafficking in Persons Report – Taiwan (6/26/2020) - 2020 Trafficking in Persons Report – Taiwan |OT-2023| June 26, 2020
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at Virtual GCTF Workshop on COVID-19: Preparing for the Next Wave (6/24/2020) - Today’s event is our seventh workshop focused on public health under the GCTF – a recognition of the impressive expertise and capability that Taiwan has in this area. |OT-2022|June 24, 2020
- 2019 Report on International Religious Freedom: Taiwan (6/15/2020) - Taiwan has been continuing to improve the Muslim travel environment by increasing trainings, Muslim-friendly hotels, and halal restaurants by 20 percent annually. |OT-2021| |June 11, 2020|
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at TCA White Paper Launch (6/12/2020) - The Talent Circulation Alliance (TCA) is a public-private partnership, jointly founded last April by the American Institute in Taiwan and the Taiwan authorities, that facilitates the circulation of talent between Taiwan, the United States, and other like-minded partners, with the goal of cultivating a deep pool of capable, internationally-integrated, and digitally-savvy professionals.|OT-2020|June 12, 2020
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at AmCham White Paper Luncheon (6/10/2020) - It is my great pleasure to be here today to help celebrate the publication of the American Chamber of Commerce’s annual White Paper, which this year includes a new chapter on talent circulation. |OT-2019|June 10, 2020
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at GCTF Fifth Anniversary Press Conference (6/1/2020) - The GCTF was born out of a very simple idea, which MOFA recently adapted into its slogan: Taiwan can help. In today’s context, the value of Taiwan’s assistance is almost too obvious to mention. |OT-2018|June 1, 2020
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at the Taiwan-U.S. COVID-19 Prevention Cooperation Press Conference on the Modular Hospital Ward Design (5/15/2020) - I often describe the U.S.-Taiwan relationship with the phrase “Real Friends, Real Progress,” and I am honored to be here today to celebrate another milestone in U.S.-Taiwan cooperation, a new partnership between Temple University and Fu Jen Catholic University to build Modular, Adaptable, Convertible (“MAC”) hospital wards to help serve COVID-19 patients in the United ...
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at the Virtual GCTF on Combatting COVID-19 Disinformation (4/30/2020) - Combating disinformation and containing a highly contagious virus are actually not so different. Both require an understanding of how the adversary operates, what mechanisms it uses to reproduce, and where it came from. |OT-2016|April 30, 2020
- Opening Remarks by Assistant Secretary Robert A. Destro at the Virtual GCTF on Countering COVID-19 Disinformation (4/30/2020) - It is no secret that Taiwan is leading the Indo-Pacific region in its handling of COVID-19. You are serving as an inspiration for the world, and we are grateful for your leadership. All of us are learning from the Taiwan Model...|OT-2015|April 30, 2020
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Hosts Webcast (4/25/2020) - It is moments like this that give new meaning to U.S.-Taiwan relationship, which we describe in the expression: Real Friends, Real Progress. That is why Secretary of State Pompeo recently tweeted: During tough times, real friends stick together. |OT-2014|April 25, 2020
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at MOFA Thermometer Donation Ceremony (4/24/2020) - From our perspective, the “Taiwan Model” offers five key lessons for the world which can perhaps be summarized as the “Five Ts”: Transparency, Transportation Controls, Tracking, Testing, and Technology. Today, we could add a sixth T: Thermometers! |OT-2013|April 24, 2020
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at the COHACK Press Conference (4/24/2020) - Taiwan’s response to COVID-19 has been more successful than any in the world according to nearly all available metrics. Despite its proximity to China and regular cross-Strait flows of travelers and commerce, Taiwan has thus far succeeded in controlling the spread of COVID-19. |OT-2012|April 24, 2020
- The United States Is Assisting Pacific Island Countries To Respond to COVID-19 (4/23/2020) - As the leader in global health and humanitarian response to COVID-19, the United States has acted swiftly to monitor, respond to, and mitigate the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic in Pacific island countries. |OT-2011|April 21, 2020
- 2019 Human Rights Report (Taiwan Part) (3/12/2020) - Taiwan is a democracy governed by a president and parliament selected in multiparty elections. In 2016 voters elected President Tsai Ing-wen of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) to a four-year term in an election considered free and fair. |OT2010|March 12, 2020
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at the Opening of “U.S.-Taiwan Relations Since 1979” Exhibition (3/11/2020) - We often talk about the U.S.-Taiwan partnership in very simple terms: Real Friends, Real Progress (真朋友,真進展). What does that mean? It means that the United States is a committed partner and a true friend to Taiwan; that our words match our deeds; that with us, what you see is what you get; and that the ...
- Remarks by AIT Deputy Director Raymond Greene at the COSMIC-2/FORMOSAT-7 Press Conference (3/6/2020) - The FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 satellite mission marks another major milestone in U.S.-Taiwan space cooperation and exemplifies Taiwan’s contribution to the world. |OT-2008| |March 6, 2020|
- Remarks by AIT Deputy Director Raymond Greene at the Presidential Hackathon Press Conference (2/21/2020) - AIT has been involved in the Presidential Hackathon since its inception in 2018, but this year AIT is proud to co-host with Taiwan the International Track of the Presidential Hackathon. |OT-2007|February 20, 2020
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at U.S.-Taiwan Tech Challenge Award Ceremony (2/20/2020) - All sectors of society – not just government – must work together to find innovative solutions to the pressing problem of disinformation and the manipulation of the truth by malign actors. |OT-2006| |February 20, 2020|
- Remarks by Daniel Kimmage at U.S.-Taiwan Tech Challenge Day 2 (2/20/2020) - We understand that technology is a double-edged sword. What can be used can be misused. What facilitates the spread of information can enable the spread of disinformation. |OT-2005| |February 20, 2020|
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at U.S.-Taiwan Tech Challenge Day 2 (2/20/2020) - Strong societies benefit from real news; flawed governments traffic in fake news. The United States, Taiwan, and other democracies have great stories to tell. We benefit when people understand the truth. |OT-2004| |February 20, 2020|
- Remarks by Patricia Watts Director of the Technology Engagement Team of the Global Engagement Center at U.S.-Taiwan Tech Challenge Day 1 (2/19/2020) - The GEC was created by Congress in 2017 to “Direct, lead, integrate, synchronize, and coordinate efforts of the Federal Government to recognize, understand, expose, and counter foreign state and non-state propaganda and disinformation efforts aimed at undermining United States national security interests.” |OT-2003|February 19, 2020
- Remarks by AIT Deputy Director Raymond Greene at U.S.-Taiwan Tech Challenge Day 1 (2/19/2020) - Countering propaganda and disinformation is one of the most vexing and complex challenges facing democratic societies around the world today. |OT-2002|February 19, 2020
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen At the Fourth Digital Dialogue (1/17/2020) - Today I want to talk about our accomplishments over the past year; say a few words about the fourth Digital Dialogue theme: people-to-people ties; and provide a preview of our vision and activities for 2020. |OT-2001|January 17, 2020
Official Texts 2019
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen At Taiwan-USA Trade and Investment Networking Center Opening Ceremony (12/18/2019) - It is my honor to celebrate the opening of the Taiwan-USA Trade and Investment Networking Center. This Center is designed to be a one-stop, all-purpose platform to advise and assist Taiwan and American enterprises in expanding two-way trade and investment between the United States and Taiwan. |OT-1995|December 18, 2019
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at the Opening of AIT@40 exhibition in Taitung (12/17/2019) - In the AIT@40 exhibition that we are here to open today, AIT has brought together documents, artifacts, interviews, hundreds of photos, and even augmented and virtual reality features to tell the story of AIT’s role in forging U.S.-Taiwan relations over the past 40 years. |OT-1994|December 17, 2019
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at the Grand Opening Ceremony of the 31st Taipei Building Show (12/12/2019) - To begin with, I would like to express my great appreciation to the show organizers for their continued support for AIT’s USA Pavilion at the Taipei Building Show. This is our 12th year in a row to organize a country pavilion. |OT-1993|December 12, 2019
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at the Global Environmental Education Partnership Asia-Pacific Regional Center Opening Ceremony (12/3/2019) - Taiwan is correctly recognized among experts as one of the world’s most dedicated supporters of environmental education. We can all learn from Taiwan in this area, including the United States and your neighbors in Asia. |OT-1992|December 3, 2019
- The 4th Promote Speech: Enhancing U.S.-Taiwan People-to-People Ties (11/22/2019) - Over the last forty years, this relationship has continued to grow, and I am proud of the work that the United States and Taiwan are doing together to promote even stronger people-to-people ties. |OT-1991|November 22, 2019
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at the Opening of AIT@40 exhibition in Hualien (11/21/2019) - The transformation of Taiwan, and of this relationship over the past 40 years has been remarkable. As we celebrate this important anniversary, we are also looking forward and focusing on even more ways to strengthen and broaden the U.S.-Taiwan relationship over the next 40 years and beyond. |OT-1990|November 21, 2019
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at GCTF Workshop on Good Energy Governance in the Indo-Pacific (11/20/2019) - The workshop builds on a long history of cooperation between the United States and Taiwan on energy issues. The U.S. Department of Energy conducts multiple technical exchanges with counterpart agencies in Taiwan. U.S. companies have also provided solutions to meet Taiwan’s energy needs. |OT-1989|November 20, 2019
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at Opening Ceremony of StartOpps (11/19/2019) - U.S.-Taiwan startup cooperation is robust. For the last three years, we have been working together under the auspices of the U.S.-Taiwan SME Work Plan. |OT-1988|November 19, 2019
- Remarks by AIT Acting Director Raymond Greene at Opening Ceremony of Meet Taipei 2019 (11/14/2019) - As we move forward together to build the digital age, we look forward to continuing to work closely with all of you here today and the organizers of Meet Taipei. Taiwan’s future depends upon moving up the value-chain to become a full-fledged innovation-based economy. |OT-1987|November 14, 2019
- Remarks by A/DDIR Dannielle Andrews at the 1st Annual Talent Circulation Alliance Job Fair (11/12/2019) - Earlier this year, AIT launched with the Taiwan Authorities the TCA. The TCA is a public private partnership that has two simple goals: facilitating the circulation of talent between Taiwan and like-minded partners, and cultivating the skills of the talent already here. |OT-1971-2 | |September 28, 2019|
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at the Digital Dialogue Public Forum on U.S.-Taiwan Security Cooperation (11/7/2019) - Today’s forum focuses on a topic that has attracted a great deal of attention, not only in the United States and Taiwan, but also throughout the Indo-Pacific region and across the Strait: promoting U.S.-Taiwan security cooperation. |OT-1986| |November 7, 2019|
- Remarks by AIT Deputy Director Raymond Greene at the Press Conference Prior to the Taipei Symphony Orchestra’s U.S. tour (11/7/2019) - 2019 is a very special year. This year marks the 50th anniversary of TSO, the 40th anniversary of the Taiwan Relations Act and the establishment of AIT, as well as the 40th anniversary of Taipei’s sister city ties with Atlanta. Therefore, TSO’s visit to Washington, DC and a concert in Atlanta is a significant diplomatic ...
- Remarks by Remarks by EAP/RSP Jeff Campbell at The Opening Session of the Taiwan-led part of the 2019 Cyber Offensive and Defensive Exercises (11/7/2019) - It’s an absolute pleasure to be here today at the first ever cyber exercises hosted by the United States and Taiwan. Our co-hosting this year’s CODE is a sign of our commitment to close collaboration with Taiwan on cybersecurity. |OT-1984|November 7, 2019
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at The Opening Session of the Taiwan-led part of the 2019 Cyber Offensive and Defensive Exercises (11/6/2019) - As many have pointed out this week, this year marks the first time the United States and Taiwan have co-organized and co-hosted international cyber exercises. In doing so, our message to the world is this: Taiwan is not alone on cyber.|OT-1983|November 6, 2019
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at the International Air Safety Summit Gala Dinner (11/6/2019) - First of all, allow me to congratulate the Flight Safety Foundation on its 72nd Annual International Air Safety Summit. The Flight Safety Foundation has an impressive record of achievement in its ongoing effort to improve global aviation safety, and I am honored to be a part of this annual summit.|OT-1982|November 6, 2019
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at the Opening Session of the Talent Circulation Summit (11/5/2019) - The Talent Circulation Alliance is a public-private partnership that facilitates the circulation of talent between Taiwan and like-minded partners, with the goal of cultivating a deep pool of capable, internationally-integrated, and digitally savvy professionals.|OT-1981|November 5, 2019
- Remarks by AIT Acting Director Raymond Greene at The Opening Session of the 2019 Cyber Offensive and Defensive Exercises (11/4/2019) - The U.S. government is proud, for the first time ever, to co-host international cyber exercises with Taiwan focused on combatting cyber threats from North Korea and other actors.|OT-1980|November 4, 2019
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at The MOST 2019 Global Leaders Forum (10/30/2019) - Over the last six decades, Taiwan has gone from a largely agrarian society to a global technology powerhouse. This radical transformation has come about largely due to the forward-looking leadership in the Ministry of Science and Technology and its predecessors, the National Council on Science Development and the National Science Council. |OT-1979| |October 30, 2019|
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at Chinese Flagship Program Launch Event (10/29/2019) - I have said this before, but it’s worth repeating. Taiwan is a democratic role model, a reliable partner, and a force for good in the world. In addition, it’s also an amazing place to study Chinese. |OT-1978|October 28, 2019
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at AMVER Award Ceremony (10/23/2019) - Today, we are here to recognize the crews from 33 vessels, from 10 shipping companies, in Taiwan that participated in the United States Coast Guard-supported Amver program. The program exemplifies the ongoing close U.S.-Taiwan cooperation in maritime security and safety, and highlights Taiwan’s important contributions to the global community. |OT-1977|October 23, 2019
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at AVRDC (10/23/2019) - The experts at AVRDC are active in helping countries across the world deal with both scientific and market issues related to vegetables. The United States is happy to collaborate with AVRDC through the U.S. Agency for International Development as a project donor. |OT-1976|October 23, 2019
- Remarks by APEC Senior Official and DAS Sandra Oudkirk at the Yushan Forum, Taipei, Taiwan (10/9/2019) - The United States looks forward to continued cooperation with Taiwan to help realize our shared goal of building a more prosperous, safe, inclusive, and interconnected Indo-Pacific region. |OT-1975| |October 9, 2019|
- Remarks by Director Brent Christensen at The Forum on International High-Tech Education Exchange (10/8/2019) - Educational exchange and technology cooperation will be key to Taiwan becoming an innovation-based economy. |OT-1974| |October 8, 2019|
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at Microsoft AI R&D Training Academy Grand Opening (9/27/2019) - It is my great pleasure to be here today to help celebrate the grand opening of the newly expanded Microsoft AI Research and Development Center and Training Academy. In many ways, this center is the quintessential example of the strength and the future of the U.S.-Taiwan technology relationship. |OT-1971|September 27, 2019
- Remarks by AIT Acting Deputy Director Dannielle Andrews at World Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce’s 25th Annual Meeting (9/26/2019) - Beyond deepening our economic relationship, AIT continues to promote stronger security ties between the U.S. and Taiwan, more people-to-people exchanges, and a preservation of Taiwan’s international space. |OT-1970|September 26, 2019
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at SEMICON Taiwan (9/18/2019) - It is my distinct honor to be here today at the SEMICON Taiwan trade show, Taiwan’s most important semiconductor event of the year. Semiconductors are the foundation of the digital economy, and Taiwan is the foundation of the global semiconductor industry. |OT-1969|September 18, 2019
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at Hacking for Good: AI & Cybersecurity (9/17/2019) - Cyber defense and hacking for good are no longer optional, they are foundational for the future of free societies. I implore all of you to dedicate yourself to this mission. It is no exaggeration to say the world as we know it depends upon all of you doing so. |OT-1968|September 17, 2019
- Opening Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at the U.S.-Taiwan Consultations on Democratic Governance in the Indo-Pacific Region (9/12/2019) - This important new forum is designed to formalize, regularize, and deepen cooperation between the United States and Taiwan on good governance issues. I believe that governments coordinate best when they meet regularly. |OT-1966|September 12, 2019
- Opening Remarks by Deputy Assistant Secretary Scott Busby at the U.S.-Taiwan Consultations on Democratic Governance in the Indo-Pacific Region (9/12/2019) - I firmly believe that Taiwan’s global footprint should be commensurate with its impressive democracy. It is a beacon for others to follow. |OT-1967| |September 12, 2019|
- Opening Remarks by Deputy Assistant Secretary Scott Busby at the GCTF Workshop on “Defending Democracy through Media Literacy II” (9/10/2019) - OT-1965 September 10, 2019 Opening Remarks by Deputy Assistant Secretary Scott Busby at the Global Cooperation and Training Framework Workshop on “Defending Democracy through Media Literacy II” Tuesday, September 10, 2019 Chairman Su, Minister Wu, Representative Nishiumi, Representative Jevrell, Director Christensen, and distinguished guests, “ZOW-shang How!” (good morning) I am pleased to make a return ...
- Opening Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at the GCTF Workshop on Defending Democracy through Promoting Media Literacy (9/10/2019) - Taiwan is also on the frontline of this battle and faces the same challenge, albeit from a more determined opponent. And as we all quickly discovered during last year’s workshop, both the United States and countries around the world have much to learn from Taiwan about how to marshal our academic, policy, and technical resources ...
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at the Opening of AIT@40 exhibition in New Taipei City (9/5/2019) - In this exhibition, AIT has brought together documents, artifacts, interviews, hundreds of photos, and even augmented and virtual reality features to tell the story of AIT’s role in forging U.S.-Taiwan relations over the past 40 years. The exhibition shows the breadth and depth of the engagement between the U.S. and Taiwan have shared since 1979.|OT-1963|September ...
- Remarks by AIT Deputy Director Raymond Greene at TCA White Paper Kickoff Event (8/26/2019) - The TCA is a public-private partnership that aims to facilitate the circulation of talent between Taiwan and other like-minded partners in order to cultivate a deep pool of capable, internationally-integrated, and digitally savvy professionals. | OT-1962|August 26, 2019
- Opening Remarks by AIT Deputy Director Raymond Greene at a Public Forum on U.S.-Taiwan Economic Ties at the American Innovation Center (8/23/2019) - We believe the strategies proposed by you the public during this Digital Dialogue offer creative solutions for promoting U.S.-Taiwan economic and commercial ties. |OT-1961|August 15, 2019
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at Taipei Aerospace and Defense Trade Exhibition (8/15/2019) - Over the past 40 years, we have not only observed Taiwan’s enthusiasm to pursue necessary platforms to ensure its self-defense, but also its evolving tenacity to develop its own indigenous defense industry. Today’s exhibition is a clear example of that. |OT-1960|August 15, 2019
- The Third Promote Speech: Promoting Security Cooperation (8/14/2019) - I would like to emphasize that the U.S.-Taiwan security cooperation relationship – and our relationship writ large – is grounded in our fundamental shared values of human rights, freedom and democracy. |OT-1959|August 14, 2019
- Remarks by Acting Director Raymond Greene At IEP South and Southeast Asia – Air Improvements in the Region Annual Meeting (7/30/2019) - Taiwan has had tremendous success addressing environmental challenges, making it one of the most livable places in Asia. | OT-1958 | July 30, 2019
- Remarks by AIT Acting Director Raymond Greene at Presidential Hackathon (7/27/2019) - In many ways, the Presidential Hackathon embodies the very best of Taiwan. Hackathons originally started in the United States, but Taiwan has definitely taken them to a new level. |OT-1957|July 27, 2019
- Remarks by AIT Acting Director Raymond Greene At the Opening of 2019 NIA International Workshop on Strategies for Combating Human Trafficking (7/25/2019) - I would like to begin by congratulating Taiwan on being ranked Tier One in the State Department’s annual Trafficking in Persons Report for the tenth year in a row. This is truly a rare and remarkable accomplishment...|OT-1956| July 25, 2019
- Remarks by AIT Acting Director Raymond Greene at the III 40th Anniversary Celebration (7/24/2019) - We partnered with III on this important event because Taiwan is such a critical link in global technology supply chains. |OT-1955| July 24, 2019
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen Celebrating the United States’ 243rd Independence Day (7/8/2019) - As part of this year’s AIT@40 celebration, we have designated 2019 as the “U.S.-Taiwan Travel Year,” which is also the specific theme of today’s event. Last year, U.S. and Taiwan travelers took more than one million trips between the two locations. | OT-1954 | July 8, 2019
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at Press Conference for Brogent i-Ride (7/2/2019) - AIT is delighted that Brogent participated in both the 2018 and 2019 SelectUSA Investment Summits in Washington D.C. For the second year in a row, Taiwan’s 111-member delegation was the largest of over seventy economies at the Summit, highlighting the close links between the economies of the United States and Taiwan. | OT-1951 | July ...
- Remarks by Deputy Director Raymond Greene at AIT’s LGBTQ Pride Month Reception (6/26/2019) - AIT has been right beside the people of Taiwan on your march to marriage equality. We have been there with you at Taipei Pride Parades to advocate for LGBTQ rights… | OT-1950 | June 26, 2019
- Remarks by AIT Deputy Director Raymond Greene at APEC O2O Summit (6/26/2019) - Today’s event focuses on two priority areas for U.S.-Taiwan cooperation, the developing the digital economy and promoting entrepreneurship. | OT-1949 | June 26, 2019
- Remarks by AIT Director Brent Christensen at the COMIC 2/FORMOSAT-7 launch broadcast event (6/25/2019) - On behalf of the United States and American Institute in Taiwan (AIT), I am proud to be here today to witness this historical moment and applaud the great work of U.S. and Taiwan scientists, engineers, and academics. When the United States and Taiwan put their minds together, great things happen. | OT-1948 | June 25, ...
- Taiwan 2018 International Religious Freedom Report (6/24/2019) - TAIWAN 2018 INTERNATIONAL RELIGIOUS FREEDOM REPORT | OT-1947 | June 24, 2019
- 2019 Trafficking in Persons Report – The United States (6/20/2019) - OT-1945 | June 20, 2019
- 2019 Trafficking in Persons Report – Taiwan (6/20/2019) - 2019 Trafficking in Persons Report – Taiwan | OT-1946 | June 20, 2019
- Remarks by AIT Deputy Director Raymond Greene at the Facebook Journalism Project “Asia Pacific News Literacy Conference” (6/20/2019) - Governments must do what they can to fight disinformation, but ultimately enhancing media and news literacy among our publics is the best defense against disinformation and deliberate efforts to undermine democratic society. | OT-1944 | June 20, 2019
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at the Opening of AIT@40 exhibition in Hsinchu (6/20/2019) - The transformation of Taiwan, and of this relationship over the past 40 years has been remarkable. As we celebrate this important anniversary, we are also looking forward and focusing on how we can further strengthen and broaden the relationship over the next 40 years and beyond. | OT-1943 | June 20, 2019
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at Forum on Deepening Economic Ties in the Indo-Pacific (6/18/2019) - Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at Forum on Deepening Economic Ties in the Indo-Pacific | OT-1941 | June 18, 2019
- Remarks by Director Christensen at the Welcome Dinner for SelectUSA Delegates (6/12/2019) - Remarks by Director W. Brent Christensen at the Welcome Dinner for SelectUSA Delegates, TECRO | OT-1940 | June 12, 2019
- Remarks by AIT Director Christensen at the Ceremonial Signing for the Tatan Power Plant Project (6/12/2019) - Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at the Ceremonial Signing for the Tatan No. 8&9 Power Plant Project, GE Power and Taiwan Power Company | OT-1939 | June 11, 2019
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at the U.S.-Taiwan Business Forum (6/12/2019) - Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at the U.S.-Taiwan Business Forum | OT-1938 | June 10, 2019
- Remarks by AIT Deputy Director Raymond Greene at the FBI National Academy Association Asia-Pacific Chapter Conference’s Opening Ceremony June 10, 2019 (6/10/2019) - The American Institute in Taiwan is so pleased that the FBI National Academy Association selected Taipei to hold this year’s Asia-Pacific Chapter Conference. Taiwan is not only one of the United States’ closest law enforcement partners, it also fully shares the values and aspirations articulated in our Free and Open Indo-Pacific Vision. | OT-1937 | June ...
- Remarks by Associate Deputy Director Paul Abbate at Retrainer Opening Ceremony Monday, June 10, 2019 (6/10/2019) - First and foremost, I want to thank Taiwan and our partners from Ministry of Justice Investigation Bureau, MJIB, and National Police Agency for hosting this conference and going above and beyond to ensure it is a success. Thank you especially to President Tsai for your strong support, Minister Tsai, Minister Hsu, Director Generals Leu, Chen, ...
- Remarks by AIT Director Christensen at TCUSA (CCNAA) Renaming Ceremony (6/6/2019) - On behalf of AIT and the American people, I am delighted to attend this event to unveil the new name plaque for Taiwan Council for U.S. Affairs (TCUSA). This change, which better reflects the day-to-day work of TCUSA, is an opportunity to highlight the promising future we are building together. | OT-1935 | June 6, ...
- Remarks by AIT Director Christensen at Opening Ceremony of Applied Materials Display Manufacturing Facility and R&D Lab (6/5/2019) - Applied Materials, which has been operating in Taiwan since 1989, is one of Taiwan’s largest foreign investors, employing 2,300 people. Their investment here is yet another sign that major U.S. technology companies continue to look to Taiwan as a critical link in their global technology supply chains. | OT-1934 | June 5, 2019
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at a Public Forum on Taiwan’s Global Engagement at the American Innovation Center Tuesday, June 4, 2019 (6/4/2019) - It is my great pleasure to be here today to open what may be the first of its kind anywhere in the world – a public forum to discuss the results of an artificial intelligence-enabled digital dialogue between a foreign mission and a local community on how to tackle a pressing foreign policy challenge – ...
- Remarks by Suzanne Lawrence, the Special Advisor for Children’s Issues at the IPCA Joint Commission Press Conference (5/31/2019) - Parental child abduction occurs all over the world. Acknowledging this, AIT and TECRO further invested in our friendship by creating safeguards to protect our communities from international parental child abductions. | OT-1932 | May 31, 2019
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensenat the IPCA Joint Commission Press Conference (5/31/2019) - I am very pleased to introduce the Special Advisor for Children’s Issues, Suzanne Lawrence, and the Taiwan Minister for Health and Welfare, Chen Shih-Chung. They have just concluded the first U.S.-Taiwan joint commission meeting to discuss International Parental Child Abduction. This meeting was the first product of a Memorandum of Understanding signed between AIT and ...
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at the Opening of AIT@40 exhibition in Taichung (5/29/2019) - "As we celebrate this important anniversary, we are also looking forward and focusing on how we can further strengthen and broaden the relationship over the next 40 years and beyond." | OT-1930 | May 29, 2019
- Remarks by AIT Deputy Director Greene at Opening Ceremony of GCTF on Network Security and Emerging Technologies (5/28/2019) - Security cannot be an afterthought in the development of emerging technologies, it has to be the foundation. Just as we cannot have a vibrant economy without physical security, so too we cannot have a dynamic digital economy without network security. | OT-1929 | May 28, 2019
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at Computex (5/28/2019) - "Computex and Innovex demonstrate not only Taiwan at its best, but also underscore just how central Taiwan is to global technology supply chains." | OT-1928 | May 28, 2019
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensenat the Opening of Exchange Opportunities Day (5/24/2019) - To help promote more academic and professional exchange, in cooperation with Fulbright Taiwan, AIT has recently launched the “Talent Circulation Alliance.” For decades, Taiwan has been one of our closest economic and commercial partners. | OT-1927 | May 24, 2019
- Remarks by AIT Director Christensen at the Mergers & Acquisitions and Private Equity Council of Taiwan (MAPECT) (5/23/2019) - “I am pleased to add AIT’s voice to that of MAPECT and many others in urging continued enhancements to Taiwan’s investment climate, particularly with regard to M&A and private equity.” - Remarks by AIT Director Brent Christensen at the Mergers & Acquisitions and Private Equity Council of Taiwan (MAPECT) at Taiwan Industrial M&A and Transformation ...
- Remarks by AIT Director Christensen at GCTF Workshop on Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis (4/30/2019) - Remarks by AIT Director Brent Christensen at GCTF Workshop on Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis | OT-1925 | April 30, 2019
- Remarks by AIT Chairman James Moriarty at AIT@40 Exhibition Opening in Tainan (4/19/2019) - As we celebrate the achievements of the past 40 years under the Taiwan Relations Act, we will be just as focused on how we can strengthen and broaden the relationship over the next 40 years and beyond… | OT-1924E | April 19, 2019
- Remarks by Former House Speaker Paul D. Ryan at the 2019 Indo-Pacific Security Dialogue (4/17/2019) - “As Vice President Pence remarked last October in his speech outlining U.S. policy toward China, America will always believe that Taiwan’s embrace of democracy shows a better path for all the Chinese people, and for that matter, for all people wherever they call home.” | OT-1921E | April 17, 2019
- Remarks by AIT Chairman James Moriarty at Women’s Economic Empowerment GCTF (4/17/2019) - The United States and Taiwan have extensive cooperation when it comes to women’s economic empowerment. We each have contributed funding to the APEC sub-fund on women’s empowerment… | OT-1923E | April 17, 2019
- Remarks by AIT Director Brent Christensen at the 2019 Indo-Pacific Security Dialogue (4/16/2019) - I believe that Taiwan has a natural and important role to play in helping promote a free and open Indo-Pacific region through economic ties, security, and also governance. | OT-1920E | April 16, 2019
- Remarks by AIT Director Brent Christensen at the Women’s Economic Empowerment Summit (4/16/2019) - Taiwan is a leader in East Asia when it comes to empowering women, and we are proud to call it one of our closest partners in this important area. | OT-1922E | April 16, 2019
- Remarks by Former House Speaker Paul D. Ryan, TRA & AIT@40: Celebrating 40 Years of Friendship (4/16/2019) - It is such an honor to be with you to celebrate a legislative milestone – the 40th anniversary of the passage of the Taiwan Relations Act (TRA). | OT-1919E | April 15, 2019
- AIT Chairman Moriarty’s Remarks at AIT Taipei’s TRA/AIT@40 Event (4/15/2019) - AIT Chairman Moriarty’s Remarks at AIT Taipei’s TRA/AIT@40 Event | OT-1917 | April 15, 2019
- Remarks by Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson at TRA & AIT@40: Celebrating 40 Years of Friendship (4/15/2019) - Remarks by Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson at TRA & AIT@40: Celebrating 40 Years of Friendship | OT-1918 | April 15, 2019
- Remarks by AIT Director Brent Christensen at TRA & AIT@40: Celebrating 40 Years of Friendship (4/15/2019) - Remarks by AIT Director Brent Christensen at TRA & AIT@40: Celebrating 40 Years of Friendship | OT-1916 | April 15, 2019
- Remarks by AIT Director Christensen at the conference on “Taiwan Relations Act @ 40 – Where We’ve Been, and What’s Next?” (4/15/2019) - Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at the conference on “Taiwan Relations Act @ 40 - Where We’ve Been, and What’s Next?” | OT-1915 | April 15, 2019
- Remarks by AIT Director Brent Christensen at Hsieh Nien Fan (4/11/2019) - I look forward to advancing the many areas in which the United States and Taiwan have already found successful partnerships, and finding new ways to advance our shared values and interests. In particular, I look forward to conducting this work from our new AIT office in Neihu when we move in just a few short ...
- Remarks by David Meale Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Trade Policy and Negotiations (4/10/2019) - Remarks by David Meale Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Trade Policy and Negotiations | OT-1913E | April 10, 2019
- Remarks by AIT Director Brent Christensen at GCTF International Workshop on Anti-Corruption (3/26/2019) - This GCTF is the perfect event to showcase our shared values. It is also an opportunity to remind ourselves that democracies are not perfect, but must constantly strive for self-improvement. | OT-1912E | March 26, 2019
- Remarks by AIT Director Brent Christensen at AIT@40 Exhibition Opening in Pingtung (3/21/2019) - In this exhibition, AIT has brought together documents, artifacts, interviews, hundreds of photos, and even augmented and virtual reality features to tell the story of AIT’s role in forging U.S.-Taiwan relations over the past 40 years. | OT-1911E | March 21, 2019
- Remarks by AIT Director Brent Christensen at 2019 AIC Innovation Forum and “Imagine That! Innovation Exhibition” (3/20/2019) - The AIC was jointly established by AIT and the Taiwan Design Center in 2014 to promote shared U.S.-Taiwan values of Innovation, Entrpreneruship, Digitalization, and Culture & Design, by offering technology, creativity, and design-themed programs to public audiences. Over the past five years, more than 98,000 people have visited the AIC or attended one of over ...
- Remarks by AIT Director Brent Christensen at Joint Press Conference on Shared Values Month (3/19/2019) - I would also note that good governance is one of the three pillars of the Trump Administration’s Indo-Pacific Strategy. | OT-1907E | March 19, 2019
- 2018 Human Rights Report (Taiwan Part) (3/15/2019) - Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2018 (Taiwan Part) | OT-1908E | Date: 03/15/2019
- Remarks by Ambassador Sam Brownback at Taipei Religious Freedom Conference (3/13/2019) - And our confidence in the future, that religious freedom would be the hallmark of the world, that the gates of religious freedom would fly open around the world, and religious oppress, the Iron curtain of religious oppression would come down around the world; and that the people practicing their faith now can do so in ...
- Remarks by AIT Director Brent Christensen at 2019 Regional Religious Freedom Forum (3/11/2019) - Few places in the Indo-Pacific region, or worldwide for that matter, can claim to have given birth to religious organizations that have done so much to inspire the world and contribute to the common good beyond its own borders. | OT-1905 | March 11, 2019
- Remarks by Deputy Director Raymond Greene at USA Pavilion, 2019 Taipei TIMTOS (3/4/2019) - Welcome to the grand opening of the USA Pavilion at the 2019 Taipei International Machine Tool Show…We are confident that the partnerships between U.S. and Taiwan companies will result in machines that will make the factories of tomorrow smarter and more efficient. | OT-1904E | March 4, 2019
- Background of U.S.-Taiwan Space and Astronomy Exhibition (2/26/2019) - The United States and Taiwan have an impressive record of cooperation and joint achievements, particularly in the area of science and technology. Our shared traditions of innovation and entrepreneurship ensure that both the United States and Taiwan will benefit from our continued science engagement. | OT-1903E | February 26, 2019
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at U.S.-Taiwan Space and Astronomy Exhibition (2/26/2019) - This year AIT celebrates the 40th anniversary of the Taiwan Relations Act and we have planned a series of events throughout the year focusing on different aspects of our partnership. February is science month and is dedicated to the 40 years of close cooperation between the United States and Taiwan in science and technology. | ...
- Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen – AIT@40 Launch Announcement (2/1/2019) - AIT, in coordination with TECRO and MOFA, is launching a yearlong campaign called AIT@40. This campaign will celebrate forty years of friendship and partnership between the United States and Taiwan since the signing of the Taiwan Relations Act. | OT-1901E | February 1, 2019
Official Texts 2018
- Remarks by AIT Director Brent Christensen at Opening of the GCTF Workshop on Women’s Leadership (12/10/2018) - When it comes to empowering women to not only participate in the political process, but to lead it, Taiwan truly stands out as a model to us all. | OT-1844E | December 10, 2018
- Remarks by AIT Director Brent Christensen at AIT@40 Exhibition Opening in Kaohsiung (11/29/2018) - I am particularly honored to help open the AIT@40 exhibition here in Kaohsiung… The U.S.-Taiwan relationship has a remarkable history, and we have come a long way together, as Taiwan developed into both a hi-tech economic powerhouse and also a highly successfully liberal democracy. | OT-1843E | November 29, 2018
- Remarks by AIT Director Brent Christensen at USA Pavilion, 2018 Taipei ITF (11/23/2018) - We will also spend all of next year celebrating AIT and the Taiwan Relations Act’s 40’s anniversary. As part of this celebration of 40 years of U.S.-Taiwan friendship, we are announcing next year a “Travel Year.” | OT-1842E | November 23, 2018
- Remarks by AIT Director Brent Christensen at Meet Taipei Opening Ceremony (11/15/2018) - The United States and Taiwan are natural partners for startups and entrepreneurship. Our Indo-Pacific Strategy calls for cooperation aimed at expanding opportunities on infrastructure, energy, and the digital economy. | OT-1841E | November 15, 2018
- Remarks by Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo at U.S.-China Diplomatic and Security Dialogue (11/9/2018) - Secretary Pompeo (Nov. 9): "As President Trump has made clear, the United States seeks a constructive, results-oriented relationship with China grounded in fairness, reciprocity, and respect…Regarding our strong ties with a democratic Taiwan, I reiterated the U.S. policy has not changed and that we are concerned about China’s increasing efforts to coerce others, constraining Taiwan’s ...
- Remarks by AIT Chairman James Moriarty at Meeting with President Tsai Ing-wen (11/5/2018) - My visit is an opportunity to take stock of the flourishing U.S.-Taiwan relationship and our comprehensive, durable, and mutually beneficial partnership. That relationship is grounded in our shared interests, and, just as importantly, in our shared values, in particular our support for democracy and human rights. | OT-1839 | November 5, 2018
- Remarks by AIT Chairman James Moriarty at U.S.-Taiwan Defense Industry Conference (11/1/2018) - The United States considers the security of Taiwan central to the security of the broader Indo-Pacific region… The United States considers stable cross-Strait relations as essential to maintaining regional stability. | OT-1838E | November 1, 2018
- Remarks by AIT Director Brent Christensen at Press Conference (10/31/2018) - As we celebrate the 40th anniversary of this remarkable legislation, we will also be looking forward, focusing on how we can strengthen and broaden the relationship over the next 40 years – build upon our strong foundation a bright future.
- Remarks by AIT Director Brent Christensen at Micron Backend Grand Opening (10/26/2018) - I am very pleased to be here today to both mark Micron’s 40th anniversary and to celebrate the grand opening of their backend facility here in Taichung. As we all know, Micron is Taiwan’s largest foreign investor, creating more than 5,300 jobs, and they have been operating in Taiwan for 21 years. | OT-1836E | ...
- Remarks by AIT Director Brent Christensen at the the Closing Ceremony of Pacific Islands Leadership Program (10/24/2018) - AIT Director Christensen: “Taiwan is a world leader in a wide range of economic, social, health, education, and environmental areas. The United States recognizes that Taiwan has not only addressed many challenges in these areas but, more importantly, has the willingness to share its experiences as its neighbors address these same challenges…Likewise, the United States ...
- Remarks by Deputy Assistant Secretary Scott Busby at the Opening of GCTF Workshop (10/18/2018) - At a time of democratic backsliding and human rights abuses elsewhere in the Indo-Pacific region, Taiwan serves as an invaluable model to others. And given the challenges we all face, it is especially important that democracies like Taiwan and the United States stand together in promoting a brighter future, free of repression, censorship, and exploitation. ...
- Remarks by AIT Director Brent Christensen at the Opening of GCTF Workshop (10/18/2018) - The United States is grappling with the spread of disinformation, particularly as foreign actors seek to use social media to interfere in our elections, divide the American public, and undermine confidence in our democratic institutions. Taiwan is also on the frontlines, and we all have much to learn from Taiwan about how to marshal our ...
- Remarks by Ambassador Atul Keshap at Yushan Forum, Taipei, Taiwan (10/12/2018) - “I am grateful to the organizers of the Yushan Forum for giving me the opportunity to share with you some humble insights from my studies of South Asia and its role in world affairs…” | OT-1832E | October 12, 2018
- Remarks by AIT Chairman James Moriarty at TECRO’s Twin Oaks Double Ten Celebration (10/12/2018) - “Tonight is also an opportunity to take stock of that flourishing relationship. Through the years, the United States and Taiwan have built a comprehensive, durable, and mutually beneficial partnership, grounded in our shared interests and our shared values of support for democracy and human rights.”| OT-1831E | October 12, 2018
- Remarks by EPA Principal Deputy Assistant Administrator Jane Nishida at Yushan Forum (10/12/2018) - “Taiwan has been an important environmental protection partner of the United States for over 25 years. I am honored to be invited here today to talk about the International Environmental Partnership and to participate in conversation on global collaboration at the Yushan Forum.” | OT-1830E | October 12, 2018
- Remarks by Deputy Director Raymond Greene at U.S. Business Day Opening (10/4/2018) - “The United States is proud to be Taiwan’s 2nd largest trading partner, and we look forward to finding new ways to strengthen and expand our trade relationship.”| OT-1829E | October 4, 2018
- Remarks by Director Brent Christensen at the GEC+ Opening Ceremony (9/27/2018) - The GEC+ will explore how entrepreneurs can use artificial intelligence and the internet of things for social good. From our perspective, the theme of this event perfectly encapsulates some of the best the U.S.-Taiwan technology relationship has to offer. | OT-1828E | September 27, 2018
- Remarks by Director Brent Christensen at the World Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce (9/26/2018) - In the years ahead, as business relationships evolve in the Indo-Pacific region, I believe the role and importance of Taiwan businesses will continue to grow and expand around the world. | OT-1827E | September 25, 2018
- Remarks by AIT Chairman James Moriarty at the Global Taiwan Institute Annual Symposium (9/20/2018) - Taiwan is not just a vital and reliable partner in the Indo-Pacific region; it is also a force for good in the world. That is why Taiwan merits our continued strong support. | OT-1826 | September 20, 2018
- Remarks by Director Brent Christensen at the AIT-MOEA Private Equity Forum (9/14/2018) - The Private Equity Forum is part of an ongoing dialogue about the investment climate in Taiwan and part of the effort to raise awareness about the role of private equity in today’s economies. | OT-1825 E | September 14, 2018 |
- Remarks by AIT Deputy Director Raymond Greene, AI Forum – From Artificial to Augmented Intelligence (9/6/2018) - As part of the United States’ Indo-Pacific Strategy, we hope to work closely with Taiwan on infrastructure, the development of cleaner energy, and the digital economy. AI will be central to all three. | OT-1824E | September 6, 2018
- Remarks by AIT Director Christensen at Symposium on Smart Cities: The Future of Transportation (8/28/2018) - As we look to the future, one important aspect of U.S.-Taiwan partnership will be our cooperation in developing the world’s emerging technologies, including smart cities and smart transportation. | OT-1823E | August 28, 2018
- Remarks by AIT Director Brent Christensen Prior to Meeting with President Tsai Ing-wen (8/24/2018) - It is my honor to represent the United States as the new AIT Director, and I look forward to working closely with Taiwan to deepen our relationship. | OT-1822E | August 24, 2018
- Opening Remarks by AIT Director Christensen at GCTF’s Transnational Crime and Forensic Science Workshop (8/14/2018) - As we kick off this GCTF program, featuring 26 participants from 16 countries, I am positive that you will all come to see Taiwan as a hub of law enforcement expertise, a reliable partner, and a force for good in the world. | OT-1821E | August 14, 2018
- Remarks by AIT Acting Director Raymond Greene at GEC+ Launch Event (8/10/2018) - The United States looks forward to being an active participant at the GEC+ in September and we consider ourselves fortunate to have Taiwan as our close partner in innovation and entrepreneurship.
- Remarks by AIT Deputy Director Raymond Greene at Facebook DevC Taipei Build Day 2018 (7/8/2018) - The United States and Taiwan for decades have had very close cooperation on technology, mostly in hardware. Taiwan firms form an integral part of U.S. technology supply chains; and our technology cooperation has been the primary force bringing our two economies together for years. | OT-1819 | July 8, 2018
- Remarks by AIT Director Kin Moy at his Farewell Press Conference (7/6/2018) - AIT Director Kin Moy: It has been an honor to serve at AIT, to work alongside AIT’s dedicated team of American and Taiwan staff, and to cooperate closely with Taiwan to advance this important relationship. | OT-1818 | July 6, 2018
- 2018 Trafficking in Persons Report – Taiwan (Tier 1) (6/28/2018) - (Released on June 28, 2018) Taiwan authorities fully meet the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking. Authorities continued to demonstrate serious and sustained efforts during the reporting period; therefore Taiwan remained on Tier 1. | OT-1817 | June 28, 2018
- Remarks by AIT Director Kin Moy at the Symposium on Social Innovation and Digital Transformation (6/25/2018) - We want the U.S. and Taiwan to not only be business partners in the digital age, but also partners in shaping an inclusive digital future that works for all. OT-1816E | June 22, 2018
- Remarks by Chairman James Moriarty at the Dedication Ceremony of AIT’s New Office Complex (6/12/2018) - Today's dedication ceremony for AIT's new office complex is a milestone in the relationship that all of us here so deeply treasure. This occasion marks the remarkable journey that we have taken together since AIT was established by the Taiwan Relations Act in 1979. | June 12, 2018
- Remarks by Director Kin Moy at the Dedication Ceremony of AIT’s New Office Complex (6/12/2018) - I am deeply honored to be here today as Director of the American Institute in Taiwan to celebrate one of the grandest milestones in the history of AIT, the dedication ceremony of AIT’s new office complex in Taipei. | OT-1811E | June 12, 2018
- Remarks by Ambassador William Moser at Dedication Ceremony of AIT’s New Office Complex (6/12/2018) - Working closely with AIT we designed and built a modern, efficient and secure new facility that will support their important mission and work here.
- Remarks by Assistant Secretary Marie Royce at the Dedication Ceremony of AIT’s New Office Complex (6/12/2018) - The New Office Complex is beautiful, and I want to congratulate the people who have worked tirelessly to turn this dream to reality. I also want to acknowledge that it represents much more than steel and glass and concrete. The New Office Complex is a symbol of the strength and vibrancy of the U.S.-Taiwan partnership ...
- Remarks by AIT Deputy Director Robert Forden at IEP Air Quality Management Policy Exchange Workshop (6/5/2018) - The United States and Taiwan have made great progress in cleaning up our respective environments over the last 25 years. However, the global community is still facing a spectrum of environmental challenges.
- “Strong Foundation, Bright Future: AIT@40 U.S.-Taiwan Relations Since 1979”, Remarks by AIT Director Kin Moy at Opening Ceremony of the Exhibition (5/31/2018) - In this exhibition, AIT has brought together documents, artifacts, interviews, hundreds of photos, and even augmented and virtual reality features to tell the story of AIT’s role in forging U.S.-Taiwan relations over the past 40 years.
- Taiwan 2017 International Religious Freedom Report (5/29/2018) - The constitution provides for freedom of religious belief. Domestic service workers and caretakers are not covered under the labor standards law and are therefore not legally guaranteed a weekly rest day. Due to this exclusion, many domestic workers were not able to attend religious services. | OT-1715E | Date: 08/16/2017
- Remarks by AIT Director Kin Moy at AIT Press Conference (5/21/2018) - AIT Directory Moy: Today, I am pleased to announce that on June 12, the American Institute in Taiwan will hold a ceremony to dedicate AIT’s new office complex in Neihu. | OT-1808 | May 21, 2018
- The United States and Taiwan: An Enduring Partnership, Remarks by AIT Chairman James Moriarty at Stanford University (5/4/2018) - Taiwan’s transformation from an island ruled by martial law to a beacon of democracy is one of the great stories of the late 20th and early 21st centuries. We should all cherish the powerful example that Taiwan offers to the Indo-Pacific region and the world. | OT-1807 | Posting Date: May 4, 2018
- Remarks by AIT Director Kin Moy at the GCTF Enteroviruses Laboratory Diagnosis Workshop (4/23/2018) - AIT Director Kin Moy: We consider Taiwan to be a vital partner, a democratic success story, and a force for good in the world. And these programs demonstrate why Taiwan should be welcomed as part of the solution to global challenges, given its own significant experience overcoming many of these same issues. | OT-1805E | ...
- 2017 Human Rights Report (Taiwan Part) (4/20/2018) - Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2017 (Taiwan Part) | OT-1806E | Date: 04/20/2018
- Remarks by U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Manufacturing Ian Steff at the Smart City Summit & Expo Mayor Summit (3/27/2018) - I am confident that if we work together, share information on our smart city deployments, and ensure that all technology providers have a fair shot at smart city procurements, we will see unparalleled economic growth, job creation, and societal benefits in the near term. | OT-1804E | March 27, 2018
- Remarks by Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Alex Wong at the American Chamber of Commerce in Taipei Hsieh Nien Fan (3/21/2018) - The United States supports Taiwan’s closer economic integration with its neighbors in East Asia, Southeast Asia and South Asia, as well as in the Pacific. Taiwan’s contribution to a network of cross-cutting linkages will strengthen the rules-based fabric of the region and ensure its free and open nature. | OT-1803 | March 21, 2018
- Remarks by AIT Director Kin Moy at the American Chamber of Commerce in Taipei Hsieh Nien Fan (3/21/2018) - AIT Director Kin Moy: Looking back on this last year, and looking back even farther on my three years as AIT Director, I am grateful for the successes and spirit of cooperation that exists between the United States and Taiwan. | OT-1802E | March 21, 2018
- Remarks by AIT Director Kin Moy at the 2018 AIC Innovation Forum (3/9/2018) - AIT Director Kin Moy: In four years, the AIC has hosted 470 programs and served over 85,000 visitors with technology-focused programs, including programs about the maker movement, 3D printing, virtual and augmented reality, and entrepreneurship. | OT-1801E | March 9, 2018
Official Texts 2017
- Remarks by AIT Acting Director Robert Forden at the Global Cooperation and Training Framework Workshop (12/4/2017) - Closing this “digital divide” is not just a question of social fairness, it is also smart economics. There is no denying that the global economy and society are moving increasingly on-line. | OT-1722E | November 8, 2017
- Remarks by AIT Director Kin Moy at the Opening Ceremony of GCTF Workshop: Building a Bright Future for Women Entrepreneurs in Tech (11/14/2017) - AIT Director Moy: The combination of digital platforms and women tech entrepreneur empowerment has the potential to lift millions of women out of poverty and change the culture of our tech businesses in positive ways all while bringing much needed goods and services to consumers around the world. | OT-1721 | November 14, 2017
- AIT Deputy Director Robert Forden’s remarks at Opening of the Taiwan Environmental Engineering Conference (11/8/2017) - Remarks by AIT Deputy Director Robert Forden at the Joint Opening Session of the Taiwan Environmental Protection Technology Exhibition and Environmental Engineering Conference (As Prepared for Delivery) | OT-1720E | November 8, 2017
- Remarks by AIT Director Kin Moy at the Official Launch Ceremony of e-Gate for the United States and Global Entry for Taiwan (10/27/2017) - AIT Director Kin Moy: With the introduction of Global Entry, we look forward to welcoming more Taiwan friends to the United States. The United States is honored to be the first country to benefit from full membership in the e-Gate Program. I am happy and proud to be here for this historic display of reciprocal ...
- Remarks by AIT Chairman James Moriarty at U.S.-Taiwan Business Council, Defense Industry Conference (10/24/2017) - As a Pacific power, the United States has a vital interest in the security of our partners, and in the overall security of the region. | OT-1718A | October 16, 2017
- Remarks by AIT Chairman James Moriarty at Brookings Institution (10/19/2017) - The United States endeavors to improve our economic partnership, support Taiwan’s confidence and freedom from coercion, deepen the bonds of friendship between our people, and ensure that Taiwan can continue to make positive contributions to the international community. | OT-1718 | October 12, 2017
- Remarks by AIT Deputy Director Robert Forden at the 2017 International Environmental Partnership Conference (9/25/2017) - The United States is proud to continue our cooperation with Taiwan through the International Environmental Partnership, or IEP, which was launched by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration, and Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2014. | OT-1717E | Date: 09/25/2017
- Remarks by AIT Director Kin Moy at U.S. Business Day Opening Ceremony (8/29/2017) - AIT Director Kin Moy: The U.S. Business Day, an annual event that helps us strengthen and expand the significant economic relationship between the United States and Taiwan. | OT-1716 | August 29, 2017
- International Religious Freedom Report for 2016: Taiwan Part (8/16/2017) - The constitution provides for freedom of religious belief. Domestic service workers and caretakers are not covered under the labor standards law and are therefore not legally guaranteed a weekly rest day. Due to this exclusion, many domestic workers were not able to attend religious services. | OT-1715E | Date: 08/16/2017
- Remarks by AIT Acting Director Robert Forden at 2017 International Workshop on Strategies for Combating Human Trafficking (7/25/2017) - Taiwan has become a model to the region and to the world in so many ways, and your proactive efforts to combat trafficking in persons and protect victims is another way in which Taiwan sets the global standard. | OT-1714 | July 25, 2017
- Remarks by AIT Chairman James Moriarty at Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) (7/21/2017) - The United States and Taiwan have built a comprehensive, durable, and mutually beneficial partnership, grounded in our shared interests and values. | OT-1713E | July 21, 2017
- Remarks by AIT Director Kin Moy at the GCTF Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief Workshop (7/5/2017) - AIT Director Kin Moy: Given this tremendous capability, it makes perfect sense for the United States and Taiwan to partner together, with each of you here today, to bolster our ability to respond to disasters whenever and wherever they occur. | OT-1712E | Date: 07/05/2017
- Remarks by AIT Director Kin Moy at AIT Independence Day Reception (6/29/2017) - AIT Director Kin Moy: If you'll allow me a couple of more sports metaphors - U.S.-Taiwan relations are like a team. We are stronger together. The United States and Taiwan have shared values, shared prosperity, and shared security. OT-1711E | Date: 06/29/2017
- 2017 Trafficking in Persons Report – Taiwan (Tier 1) (6/28/2017) - (Released on June 28, 2017) Taiwan authorities fully meet the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking. Authorities continued to demonstrate serious and sustained efforts during the reporting period; therefore, Taiwan remained on Tier 1. | OT-1710 | June 28, 2017
- Fulbright 60 Years of Educational Exchange in Taiwan, Remarks by AIT Director Kin Moy (6/1/2017) - AIT Director Kin Moy: This anniversary is a valuable opportunity to celebrate academic collaboration and cultural and educational ties between the United States and Taiwan. | OT-1709 | Date: June 1, 2017
- Remarks by AIT Director Kin Moy at Student Visa Day (5/25/2017) - AIT Director Kin Moy: AIT recognizes the importance of education and its role in the relationship between the United States and Taiwan. | OT-1708E | Date: 05/25/2017
- Remarks by AIT Chairman James Moriarty at the Global Cooperation and Training Framework Mosquito-borne Viral Diseases Laboratory Diagnosis Workshop (4/25/2017) - We consider GCTF one of the signature programs in the U.S.-Taiwan relationship, built on our long history of strong cooperation. | OT-1707E | Date: 04/25/2017
- Remarks by AIT Director Kin Moy at the GCTF Workshop (4/25/2017) - AIT Director Kin Moy: Once again, the United States and Taiwan are partnering under the GCTF, with all of you here today, to address a pressing regional and global threat. | OT-1706E | Date: 04/25/2017
- Remarks by AIT Director Kin Moy at the Digital Economy Forum – Smart Technology Symposium (4/25/2017) - AIT Director Kin Moy: Today we will be launching the Smart Technologies Working Group, a platform which brings together public and private sector leaders from both the United States and Taiwan charged with carrying forward our cooperation on smart technologies. | OT-1705E | Date: 04/25/2017
- AIT Director Kin Moy Welcomes Taiwan Students to Study in the U.S. (4/12/2017) - AIT Director Kin Moy: I want to congratulate all students in Taiwan who have received offers of admission from one of the over 4,500 accredited institutions of higher learning in the United States. | OT-1704E | Date: 04/12/2017
- Remarks by AIT Acting Deputy Director Christian Marchant at the Technology Licensing Expert Dialogue Thursday, March 30, 2017 AIT American Center (3/30/2017) - The benefits of licensing partnerships extend both ways. In an intensely competitive global business climate, access to the latest technology can be a decisive factor in winning new customers. | OT-1703E | Date: 03/30/2017
- Remarks by AIT Director Kin Moy at the American Chamber of Commerce in Taipei Hsieh Nien Fan (3/22/2017) - AIT Director Kin Moy: There is tremendous enthusiasm for expanding trade and investment ties in ways that would bring mutual benefit, reinforce our shared values, and demonstrate renewed commitment to advancing our shared goals for the Asia-Pacific region. | OT-1702E | Date: 03/22/2017
- 2016 Human Rights Report (Taiwan Part) (3/13/2017) - Principal human rights problems reported during the year were exploitation of foreign workers, including foreign crewmembers on long-haul fishing vessels and household caregivers; domestic violence; and official corruption. | OT-1701E | Date: 03/13/2017
Official Texts 2016
- Remarks by Acting Special Representative for the Secretary’s Office of Global Partnerships Thomas Debass at Meet Taipei (11/17/2016) - Remarks by Acting Special Representative for the Secretary’s Office of Global Partnerships Thomas Debass at Meet Taipei. OT-1622E | Date: 11/17/2016
- Remarks by AIT Director Kin Moy at the Fourth International Conference on Sustainable Materials Management (10/26/2016) - AIT Director Kin Moy: The United States is proud to continue our cooperation with Taiwan through the International Environmental Partnership, or IEP. This partnership has created a platform for the United States and Taiwan to jointly provide technical assistance and pursue cooperative efforts with countries across Asia and around the world. | OT-1621E | Date: ...
- Remarks by AIT Director Kin Moy at the Opening Ceremony of the American Innovation Pavilion (10/12/2016) - AIT Director Kin Moy: Organized jointly by AIT and the Taiwan Design Center, the American Innovation Pavilion showcases innovative technologies and their applications through interactive experiences, activities and exhibitions. | OT-1620E | Date: 10/12/2016
- Remarks by AIT Deputy Director Robert Forden at the GCTF E-Commerce Workshop International Cooperation and Development Fund (10/5/2016) - OT-1619E | Date: 10/05/2016 The GCTF is a vehicle for the United States and Taiwan to jointly address emerging global and regional challenges by providing training to colleagues and experts from around the Asia-Pacific region.
- Remarks by AIT Director Kin Moy at the 2016 Conference of Southeast Asian Studies in Taiwan (9/22/2016) - AIT Director Kin Moy: As President Obama said, a united, integrated and effective regional multilateral architecture is a force of stability, prosperity and peace. I believe this conference will contribute to even closer regional cooperation. | OT-1618E | Date: 09/22/2016
- Remarks by AIT Director Kin Moy at the APEC Innovation for Women and Economic Development Project Conclusion Meeting (9/7/2016) - AIT Director Kin Moy: We applaud Taiwan's leadership in advancing the economic integration of women in the APEC region and beyond. | OT-1617E | Date: 09/07/2016
- Remarks by AIT Deputy Director Robert Forden at the “We Are Who We Are: From Participation in Cultural Life, See Our Precious Disability Culture” (9/2/2016) - OT-1616E | Date: 09/02/2016 The United States is proud to partner with Taiwan in advancing human rights causes, and we applaud the work all of you are doing to build awareness and protect the rights of persons with disabilities.
- International Religious Freedom Report for 2015: Taiwan Part (8/11/2016) - The constitution provides for freedom of religious belief. Domestic service workers and caretakers are not covered under the labor standards law and are therefore not legally guaranteed a weekly rest day. Due to this exclusion, many domestic workers were not able to attend religious services. | OT-1615E | Date: 08/11/2016
- Remarks by Susan Coppedge Ambassador-at-Large to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons And Senior Advisor to the Secretary of State 2016 (7/27/2016) - OT-1614E | Date: 07/27/2016 I would like to commend Taiwan for consistently meriting a Tier 1 status in our annual TIP Report since 2010. This is, indeed, a reflection of Taiwans unyielding efforts to continuously strengthen its own capacity and to build a broad coalition of partners locally and abroad to combat human trafficking.
- Remarks by AIT Acting Director Robert W. Forden at 2016 International Workshop on Strategies for Combating Human Trafficking (7/27/2016) - OT-1613E | Date: 07/27/2016 Human trafficking violates the most basic sense of our common humanity. It is therefore essential that like-minded partners around the globe coordinate our efforts to eliminate modern slavery.
- Remarks by Daniel H. Marti at the 2016 International Conference: Best Practices for Stemming Digital Piracy (7/26/2016) - OT-1612E | Date: 07/26/2016 I renew the call for not only corporate leadership and responsibility to help minimize persistent IP-infringing activities, but also for all stakeholders to help enhance our understanding of the nature of digital piracy.
- Remarks by AIT Acting Director Robert W. Forden at 2016 International Conference: Best Practices for Stemming Digital Piracy (7/26/2016) - OT-1611E | Date: 07/26/2016 Intellectual property rights protection touches on many facets of strong economic growth, whether it is patents, copyright, trademarks, trade secrets, or fostering an overall environment for innovation and creativity.
- 2016 Trafficking in Persons Report – Taiwan (Tier 1) (7/1/2016) - (Released on July 1, 2016) Taiwan authorities fully meet the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking. During the reporting period, authorities continued to prosecute trafficking offenses, including both forced labor and sex trafficking, trained law enforcement and other officials on trafficking indicators, took steps to make the system of direct hiring of employees without ...
- Remarks by AIT Director Kin Moy at AIT Independence Day Reception (6/29/2016) - AIT Director Kin Moy: Now is the best time in our history to work on U.S.-Taiwan relations. We simply cooperate in more areas and in greater depth than at any other time. | OT-1609E | Date: 06/29/2016
- Remarks by Ambassador Matthew J. Matthews Deputy Assistant Secretary and U.S. Senior Official for APEC at the “Conference on Energy Efficiency in Asia (6/16/2016) - OT-1608E | Date: 06/16/2016 Today’s forum provides an opportunity for countries throughout the region to come together to jointly work on challenges. As Acting Director Forden noted, the United States is a global leader in energy, and we take a particular interest in energy policy as it relates to the Asia Pacific region.
- Remarks by AIT Director Kin Moy at Student Visa Day (6/3/2016) - AIT Director Kin Moy: At AIT, we welcome students from Taiwan to study or do exchanges in the United States. Our goal is to make that process as fast and as simple as possible. | OT-1607E | Date: 06/03/2016
- Remarks by AIT Director Kin Moy at 2016 Counter Wildlife Trafficking Law Enforcement and Species Identification Capacity Building Workshop (5/25/2016) - AIT Director Kin Moy: If we can end the buying of illegal wildlife products, then we will be able to preserve these wonderful creatures so that they can bring joy and beauty to our future generations. | OT-1606E | Date: 05/25/2016
- Remarks by Marcus Jadotte, U.S. Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Industry & Analysis at 2016 U.S.-Taiwan Cyber Security Forum (5/24/2016) - OT-1605E | Date: 05/24/2016 As Taiwan is our ninth largest trading partner, cyber security issues impact our commercial relationship in a deep and meaningful way.
- Remarks by Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Industry & Analysis Marcus Jadotte at AIT Reception in Honor of the Cyber Security Business Development (5/24/2016) - OT-1604E | Date: 05/24/2016 The U.S. government aims to protect critical infrastructure, not only in the U.S. but around the world and especially among our friends.
- U. S.-Taiwan Relations: Our Shared Future, Remarks by AIT Director Kin Moy at National Chengchi University (4/28/2016) - U. S.-Taiwan Relations: Our Shared Future. Remarks by AIT Director Kin Moy at National Chengchi University. | OT-1603E | Date: 04/28/2016
- 2015 Human Rights Report (Taiwan Part) (4/14/2016) - Principal human rights problems reported during the year were labor exploitation of migrant workers by fishing companies, exploitation of domestic workers by brokerage agencies, and official corruption. | OT-1602E | Date: 04/14/2016
- Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Kurt Tong at AmCham Taipei Hsieh Nien Fan Banquet (4/1/2016) - OT-1601E | Date: 04/01/2016 U.S. goals and interests in the Asia-Pacific region focus on peace, stability, and a rules-based order; economic openness and sustainable development; and a steady commitment to democracy and human rights.
Official Texts 2015
- AIT Director Kin W. Moy Press Conference (10/27/2015) - OT-1525E | Date: 10/29/2015 Some people have asked me since my arrival what I hope to accomplish during my assignment in Taiwan. I tell them that when I depart I would like the people of Taiwan to know that they have no better friend than the United States. And that Americans will continue to support ...
- International Religious Freedom Report for 2014: Taiwan Part (10/15/2015) - The constitution provides for freedom of religious belief. Domestic service workers and caretakers are not covered under Taiwans labor standards law and are therefore not legally guaranteed a weekly rest day. Due to this exclusion, many domestic workers are effectively prevented from attending religious services. | OT-1524E | Date: 10/15/2015
- U.S.-Taiwan Relations in a Changing Regional Landscape, Remarks by AIT Director Kin Moy at Monte Jade Taiwan Annual Meeting (10/15/2015) - Taiwan's evolution into the world's only Chinese democracy, a laboratory and workshop for the information and communication technology products that power the 21st century economy, and an important source of financing and investment all have made it a critical enabler - a model, even -- of the kind of Asia-Pacific region the United States envisions." ...
- SUMMARY OF THE TRANS-PACIFIC PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT United States Trade Representative Oct. 5, 2015 (10/6/2015) - OT-1522E | Date: 10/06/2015 We envision conclusion of this agreement, with its new and high standards for trade and investment in the Asia Pacific, as an important step toward our ultimate goal of open trade and regional integration across the region.
- Remarks by Deputy United States Trade Representative Robert Holleyman (10/1/2015) - OT-1521E | Date: 10/01/2015 The TIFA process remains the key forum to find ways to further expand and enhance this important trade and investment relationship.
- Remarks by AIT Director Kin Moy at 14th Annual Daniel Pearl World Day of Music (9/26/2015) - AIT Director Kin Moy: We hold this event to support and promote values shared across the globe: tolerance, love, and freedom of expression and press. | OT-1520E | Date: 09/26/2015
- Remarks by AIT Deputy Director Robert W. Forden at the Opening Ceremony of the Taiwan 2015 UNFCCC NGO Forum MOTC GIS Convention Center, Taipei (8/21/2015) - OT-1519E | Date: 08/21/2015 We recognize that addressing the threat of climate change effectively is going to require us to do much more, both independently and in cooperation with like-minded partners.
- Remarks by AIT Director Kin Moy at U.S. Trade Day Opening (8/5/2015) - AIT Director Kin Moy: The U.S.-Taiwan trade partnership has evolved into something quite special, and it is clearly a win-win for both sides. | OT-1518E | Date: 08/05/2015
- Remarks by AIT Deputy Director Brent Christensen at 2015 International Workshop on Strategies for Combating Human Trafficking (7/29/2015) - This annual event is an excellent way for Taiwan to share its experiences with international partners, and for experts from around the world to discuss ways we can work together to eradicate modern slavery. | OT-1517E | Date: 07/29/2015
- 2015 Trafficking in Persons Report – Taiwan (Tier 1) (7/28/2015) - (Released on July 25, 2015) As required by the Trafficking Victims Protection Act, the TIP Report assesses efforts around the world to combat modern slavery. Read the State Departments 2015 Taiwan TIP Report here. | OT-1516E | Date: 07/28/2015
- Remarks by AIT Acting Director Brent Christensen at AIT Independence Day Reception (7/2/2015) - On the Fourth of July, we reflect upon the values of freedom, democracy, equality, and justice that shape the United States values that we share with Taiwan. OT-1515E | Date: 07/02/2015
- 2014 Human Rights Report (Taiwan Part) (6/26/2015) - We salute all those who tirelessly work to champion Human Rights. Read the State Departments 2014 Taiwan Human Rights Report here. | OT-1514E | Date: 06/26/2015
- Remarks by AIT Acting Director Brent Christensen at 2015 International Partnership Conference on Carbon Reduction Strategies (6/25/2015) - Carbon reduction technologies are an important part of efforts to fight climate change. The United States has committed over six billion dollars over the past decade for carbon capture, utilization, and sequestration, and it is inspiring to see that Taiwan is also stepping up its efforts to address climate change with the passage of a ...
- Charles H. Rivkin, Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs, Remarks at Future City Workshop Opening Ceremony, United Hall, (6/2/2015) - OT-1512E | Date: 06/02/2015 The U.S. is working in many different ways to support entrepreneurs and innovators in the Asia Pacific region and around the world.
- Charles H. Rivkin, Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs, Remarks at Computex Taipei, Taiwan Tuesday, June 2, 2015 (6/2/2015) - OT-1511E | Date: 06/02/2015 The digital economy is no longer just one part of the traditional economy. It is the economy. It has transformed the way we conduct business, communicate and share information, allowing us to achieve previously unimaginable things.
- Remarks by Assistant Secretary of State Charles H. Rivkin at Global Cooperation Training Framework (GCTF) MOU Signing Ceremony (6/1/2015) - OT-1510E | Date: 06/01/2015 U.S.-Taiwan Global Cooperation and Training Framework Agreement will enhance our joint engagement in the Asia Pacific region and the world.
- Remarks by AIT Director Christopher J. Marut at the “Global Cooperation Training Framework” MOU Signing Ceremony (6/1/2015) - OT-1509E | Date: 06/01/2015 This Framework will institutionalize and serve as a platform for expanding U.S.-Taiwan relations: cooperation on regional and global issues.
- Remarks by AIT Director Christopher J. Marut at Opening Ceremony of the Conference on Next Generation Power in Asia (5/12/2015) - OT-1508E | Date: 05/12/2015 Today's conference significantly extends the scope of our ambitions, and the regional impact of our efforts to promote wider adoption of renewable energy.
- Keynote Speech at the Conference on Next Generation Power in Asia by Robert S. Wang, U.S. Senior Official for APEC (5/12/2015) - OT-1507E | Date: 05/12/2015 From the economic perspective, that this is the time to begin developing and expanding the use of renewable resources in all of our countries
- Three Years at the Helm of AIT: Reflections on the U.S.-Taiwan Relationship, Remarks by AIT Director Christopher J. Marut at Tsinghua University (4/22/2015) - OT-1506E | Date: 04/22/2015 Director Marut: Thirty-six years after the enactment of the Taiwan Relations Act, we enjoy a robust relationship that encompasses trade, security, environment, science, technology, health and energy cooperation, education and cultural exchanges, and humanitarian assistance and disaster relief.
- Remarks by AIT Director Marut at American Chamber of Commerce in Taipei “Hsieh Nien Fan” (4/9/2015) - Taiwan has a golden opportunity to institutionalize and implement clear and transparent regulations that foreign investors are seeking, and that would bring Taiwan practice into line with other developed economies. | OT-1505E | Date: 04/09/2015
- Remarks by AIT Director Christopher J. Marut at the Opening Ceremony of Taiwan’s Ebola Training Course for Regional Partners (3/18/2015) - OT-1504E | Date: 03/18/2015 The United States and Taiwan share a distinguished history of cooperation in health, science, and other related fields, and during this past year we have found opportunities in times of crisis to bring our cooperation to a new level.
- Statement by AIT Director Christopher J. Marut on Taiwan Ebola Donation (3/11/2015) - OT-1503E | Date: 03/11/2015 The United States commends Taiwan for its recent donation to the Pan-American Development Foundation (PADF).
- Remarks by AIT Director Christopher J. Marut at the opening of the 17th International Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases in the Pacific Rim (1/26/2015) - OT-1502E | Date: 01/26/2015 As democracies, developed economies, and research and technology centers, Taiwan, Japan, and the United States have a special responsibility to demonstrate leadership and share expertise on issues that shape the lives and livelihoods of the regions people.
- Remarks by AIT Director Christopher J. Marut at Opening of “Tradition and Transformation: U.S.-Taiwan Relations, 1979-2014” exhibit (1/13/2015) - OT-1501E | Date: 01/13/2015 The Taiwan Relations Act continues to underpin the relationship between the people of the United States and the people of Taiwan.
Official Texts 2014 (Partially Imported)
- Statement by AIT Director Christopher J. Marut on Recent Successes in Taiwan (12/23/2014) - OT-1412E | Date: 12/23/2014 We look forward to continuing to deepen and strengthen the relationship between the people of the United States and the people of Taiwan in 2015.
- Remarks by AIT Director Christopher J. Marut at “Culture and Conservation” Program (12/11/2014) - OT-1411E | Date: 12/11/2014 AIT is delighted to cooperate with these six museums to promote public awareness of the problem of wildlife trafficking, and to do our part to reduce demand for illegal animal products in Asia.
- Remarks by AIT Director Christopher J. Marut Taiwan Ebola Response Donation Ceremony (11/25/2014) - OT-1410E | Date: 11/25/2014 These contributions help earn Taiwan the respect and appreciation it deserves in the international community for being a net contributor to global challenges.
- Remarks by Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs Kurt Tong at the Asian Venture Capital Journal Taiwan (11/21/2014) - OT-1409E | Date: 11/21/2014 The United States welcomes Taiwans interest in joining the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) at a future date, and we look forward to exploring this idea together.
- Remarks by AIT Director Christopher J. Marut at Opening of New AIT Kaohsiung Branch Office Friday, August 8, 2014 China Steel Building, Kaohsiung (8/8/2014) - OT-1408E | Date: 08/08/2014 Kaohsiung is a prosperous and resilient city, and AIT has always cherished being part of this vibrant community.
- International Religious Freedom Report for 2013: Taiwan Part (7/29/2014) - The constitution and other laws and policies protect religious freedom and, in practice, the authorities generally respected religious freedom. Taiwan labor law, however, does not guarantee domestic service workers and caretakers a right to a day off, effectively making it difficult or impossible for such workers to attend religious services. | OT-1407E | Date: 07/29/2014
- Remarks by AIT Director Christopher J. Marut AIT Independence Day Reception (7/3/2014) - OT-1406E | Date: 07/03/2014 Democracy, respect for the rule of law, human rights and free markets are among the shared values at the heart of the enduring friendship and close relations between the people of the United States and Taiwan.
- 2014 Trafficking in Persons Report – Taiwan (Tier 1) (6/20/2014) - (Released on Released on June 20, 2014) Taiwan authorities fully comply with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking. | OT-1405E | Date: 6/20/2014
- Remarks by Christopher J. Marut, Director, American Institute in Taiwan – Ceremonial Opening of the AIT Community Garden (4/23/2014) - OT-1404E | Date: 04/23/2014 This AIT Community Garden is a wonderful sign of AITs efforts to contribute - in a small but significant way - to the future greening of an already-beautiful city.
- Remarks by Administrator Gina McCarthy of the U.S. Environmental Protection Administration (4/14/2014) - OT-1403E | Date: 04/14/2014 | Over the past two decades, Taiwan has steered away from environmental hardship, toward a healthier quality of life.
- 2013 Human Rights Report (Taiwan Part) (3/14/2014) - Taiwan is governed by a president and a parliament selected in multi-party elections. In 2012 voters re-elected President Ma Ying-jeou of the KMT to a second four-year term in an election considered free and fair. |OT-1402E | Date: 03/14/2014
- Remarks by AIT Acting Director Brent Christensen at the 2014 American Chamber of Commerce in Taipei Hsieh Nien Fan (3/11/2014) - As we celebrate the 35th anniversary of the Taiwan Relations Act, it is important to recall the significant role that the U.S.-Taiwan friendship has played for the entire Asian region. OT-1401E | Date: 03/11/2014
Official Texts 2013 (Partially Imported)
- Remarks by AIT Deputy Director Brent Christensen at U.S.-Taiwan Natural Gas Development Summit -Supply/Demand, Price and Prospect (11/14/2013) - Natural gas has become an increasingly important energy source around the world, with what many are calling an “energy revolution” in the United States and elsewhere. OT-1313E | Date: 11/14/2013
- Remarks by AIT Deputy Director Brent Christensen Launching the Chen-Fu and Cecilia Yen Koo Chair in Taiwan Studies (9/12/2013) - Over the years, the foundation of our relationship has been our common values, which includes a shared commitment to freedom and democracy. | OT-1312E | Date: 09/12/2013
- Remarks by AIT Acting Director W. Brent Christensen at ECPAT International Conference (9/3/2013) - Along with Taiwan’s success in combating trafficking in persons, Taiwan can make another contribution to human rights through its efforts to combat online child exploitation. | OT-1311E | Date: 09/03/2013
- Fostering Innovation and Entrepreneurship in a Globalized Context (8/2/2013) - OT-1310E | Date: 08/02/2013 We have also seen tremendous growth in accelerators and incubators around the world. In fact, I have visited Appsworks right here in Taipei. These programs provide a breeding ground for learning, mentorship, networking, and funding.
- Remarks by AIT Director Christopher J. Marut AIT Independence Day Reception (7/13/2013) - OT-1309E | Date: 07/03/2013 On the Fourth of July, we celebrate the founding of our nation, and reflect on the values upon which it was founded – values such as freedom and democracy.
- Remarks by AIT Director Christopher Marut at the Opening of Historical Exhibit Celebrating 20 Years of U.S.-Taiwan Environmental Cooperation June 21, (6/23/2013) - OT-1308E | Date: 06/26/2013 The relationship formalized by our environmental cooperation agreement 20 years ago has become one of the centerpieces of the close relationship between the people of the United States and the people on Taiwan.
- Remarks by Senior Advisor Mark Kasman, Office of International Affairs Asia-Pacific, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency at the Opening Ceremony of H (6/21/2013) - OT-1307E | Date: 06/21/2013 Through our regional partnership, USEPA works with EPAT to address what we call global “meat and potato” issues: Clean air, water, soil, waste management, toxics reduction and sustainable communities.
- 2013 Trafficking in Persons Report – Taiwan (Tier 1) (6/20/2013) - (Released on June 19, 2013) Taiwan receives Tier One status on annual Trafficking in Persons report for the 4th consecutive year. | OT-1306E | Date: 6/20/2013
- Remarks by AIT Director Christopher J. Marut at Launch of Art Alliance Website Entrepreneurship in the Cyber Age for Disadvantaged Women and Youth Pro (6/5/2013) - OT-1305E | Date: 6/5/2013 The United States believes that when their partners have strong, stable economies, it is good for them and good for us.
- International Religious Freedom Report for 2012: Taiwan Part (5/21/2013) - The constitution and other laws and policies protect religious freedom and, in practice, the authorities generally respected religious freedom. The trend in the authorities’ respect for religious freedom did not change significantly during the year.There were no reports of societal abuses or discrimination based on religious affiliation, belief, or practice. | OT-1304E | Date: 05/21/2013
- Remarks by AIT Director Christopher J. Marut at Opening Ceremony for the Mobile American Corner and the “AIT in the Community” Exhibit (4/30/2013) - OT-1303E | Date: 04/30/2013 AIT Director Christopher J. Marut: I am so excited to be here today for the opening of the Mobile American Corner, the first digital mobile American Corner in the global American Corner family.
- 2012 Human Rights Report (Taiwan Part) (4/22/2013) - Principal human rights problems reported during the year were corruption and violence against women and children. During the first seven months of the year, authorities indicted 576 officials, including 40 high-ranking officials, on corruption charges. There were no reports of impunity. | OT-1302E | Date: 04/22/2013
- Remarks by AIT Director Marut at American Chamber of Commerce in Taipei “Hsieh Nien Fan” (3/25/2013) - OT-1301E | Date: 03/25/2013 The Asia-Pacific region, which currently accounts for more than one quarter of global GDP, is likely to remain the powerhouse of the global economy.
Official Texts 2012 (Partially Imported)
- Supply Chain Security (12/5/2012) - OT-1213E | Date: 12/05/2012 The benefits we all reap from an interdependent global economy means we are all stakeholders in the security of the system.
- Homeland Security of the United States: Current Situation and Future Developments (12/5/2012) - OT-1212E | Date: 12/05/2012 We recognize that achieving domestic security across all of these areas requires efforts that extend beyond our borders.
- Remarks by AIT Director Christopher J. Marut USEPA-EPAT Workshop on Management of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment October 15, 2012 (10/15/2012) - OT-1211E | Date: 10/15/2012 Properly disposing of e-waste is a complex challenge, but Taiwan has done extremely well in addressing these complexities.
- Remarks by AIT Director Christopher J. Marut, 2012 Sustainable Development Conference: Pathways to a Better Future (10/8/2012) - OT-1210E | Date: 10/08/2012 “We must build prosperity in ways that will not only not damage our environment, but in ways that will actually improve the environment.”…
- AIT Director Christopher J. Marut Press Conference October 3, 2012 [Video] (10/3/2012) - OT-1209E | Date: 10/03/2012 ..."The Department of Homeland Security announced that Taiwan will become part of the Visa Waiver Program. This is a very positive development for both Taiwan and the United States."...
- Remarks by U.S. APEC Senior Official in American Chamber of Commerce Luncheon (9/25/2012) - OT-1208E | Date: 09/25/2012 Remarks by U.S. APEC Senior Official and Coordinator for Economic Policy in the Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs Atul Keshap American Chamber of Commerce Luncheon, Taipei, Taiwan.
- The Future of U.S.-Taiwan Economic Relations (8/7/2012) - OT-1207E | Date: 08/07/2012 Remarks by Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business Affairs Jose W. Fernandez to the American Chamber of Commerce in Taipei Taipei, Taiwan August 7, 2012
- International Religious Freedom Report for 2011: Taiwan Part (7/31/2012) - OT-1206E | Date: 07/31/2012 The constitution and other laws and policies protect religious freedom and the authorities generally respected religious freedom.
- Remarks by AIT Director William A. Stanton at AIT Independence Day Reception (7/3/2012) - OT-1205E | Date: 07/03/2012 The people of Taiwan know how precious freedom is and it is the fundamental shared value that brings together Americans and Taiwanese.
- 2012 Trafficking in Persons Report – Taiwan (Tier 1) (6/21/2012) - (Released on June 19, 2012) 2012 Trafficking in Persons Report Taiwan (Tier 1) Released by the U.S. Department of State June 19, 2012 | OT-1204E | Date: 06/21/2012
- 2011 Human Rights Report (Taiwan Part) (6/21/2012) - OT-1203E | Date: 06/21/2012 Country Report on Human Rights Practices in 2011 Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor U.S. Department of State May 24, 2012
- More Facts about U.S. Beef and Ractopamine (3/1/2012) - OT-1202E | Date: 03/01/2012 With high feed grain prices and increasing world demand for meat products, producers in the United States and other countries must use all available technologies to increase meat production while reducing production costs and maintaining affordable prices for consumers.
- The Facts about U.S. Beef and Ractopamine (2/21/2012) - OT-1201E | Date: 02/21/2012 Ractopamine hydrochloride is a feed ingredient that helps increase the animals’ ability to efficiently turn what they eat into lean muscle rather than fat…
Official Texts 2011 (Partially Imported)
- “Tackling Future Energy Challenges” Remarks by U.S. Deputy Secretary of Energy Daniel B. Poneman at National Taiwan University Tuesday, December 13, 2 (12/13/2011) - OT-1120E | Date: 12/13/2011 The United States and Taiwan face a number of shared energy and climate challenges
- Trans-Pacific Workshop on Combating Corruption and Illicit Trade Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs Phuket, Thailand 27-29 (11/7/2011) - OT-1119E | Date: 11/07/2011 Trans-Pacific workshop highlighted the importance of inter-regional partnerships to combat corruption and illicit trade, sharing information and best practices in meeting regional challenges. Discussion focused on: narcotics trafficking; falsified/counterfeit medicines; environmental crimes and corruption and money laundering that facilitates illicit trade.
- Energizing the Green Revolution Remarks by AIT Director William A. Stanton at 2011 U.S.-Taiwan Clean Energy Forum (10/25/2011) - OT-1118E | Date: 10/25/2011 It is possible to develop new, clean forms of energy that help reduce carbon footprint while also increasing our prosperity.
- Remarks at the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Women and the Economy Summit (10/7/2011) - OT-1117E | Date: 10/07/2011 The increasing numbers of women in the economy and the rising productivity gains from their talents and skills has helped fuel significant growth.
- Kurt M. Campbell Assistant Secretary, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs Testimony Before the House Foreign Affairs Committee Washington, DC Oct (10/5/2011) - OT-1116E | Date: 10/05/2011 Although the U.S.-Taiwan relationship is unofficial, it has multiple dimensions including political, economic, security, and people-to-people ties.
- Congratulatory Remarks for American Chamber of Commerce in Taipei by Under Secretary of State for Economic, Energy and Agricultural Affairs Robert D. (9/15/2011) - OT-1115E | Date: 09/15/2011 Over the last six decades, AmCham Taipei has been a devoted partner to Taiwan, helping promote Taiwan’s development as a leading hub in Asia.
- Remarks by Assistant Secretary of Commerce Suresh Kumar, Taiwan Business Community Luncheon (9/14/2011) - OT-1114E | Date: 09/14/2011 Taiwan and American businesses share an affinity for each other, and we are here to support business aspirations for further collaboration.
- July-December, 2010 International Religious Freedom Report-Taiwan (9/14/2011) - OT-1113E | Date: 09/14/2011 The constitution and other laws and policies protect religious freedom and, the authorities generally enforced these protections.
- Remarks by AIT Director William A. Stanton at Opening Ceremony of “Dr. Sun Yat-sen and the United States” Exhibit (7/5/2011) - OT-1112E | Date: 7/5/2011 Dr. Sun and President Lincoln had a very clear idea of freedom and democracy. They both understood that government must come from the people and must serve the interests of the people.
- Remarks by AIT Director William A. Stanton at AIT Independence Day Reception on July 1, 2011 (7/5/2011) - OT-1111E | Date: 7/5/2011 It is an honor for me to be in a great democracy like Taiwan as we celebrate the 4th of July. For more than 60 years, the people of Taiwan and the U.S. have worked and prospered together.
- Remarks by AIT Director William A. Stanton at Opening Ceremony of “Dr. Sun Yat-sen and the United States” Exhibit (7/5/2011) - OT-1112E | Date: 7/5/2011 Dr. Sun and President Lincoln had a very clear idea of freedom and democracy. They both understood that government must come from the people and must serve the interests of the people.
- 2011 Trafficking in Persons Report – Taiwan (Tier 1) (6/28/2011) - (Released on June 27, 2011) Taiwan is a destination, and to a much lesser extent, source and transit territory for men, women, and children subjected to sex trafficking and forced labor. | OT-1110E | June 28, 2011
- President Obama’s Speech on U.S. Policies in Middle East and North Africa (5/20/2011) - OT-1109E | Date: 5/20/2011 We will not tolerate aggression across borders, and we will keep our commitments to friends and partners….
- Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton Remarks on the Killing of Osama bin Laden May 2, 2011 Treaty Room, Washington, D.C. (5/3/2011) - OT-1108E | Date: 5/3/2011 History will record that bin Laden’s death came at a time of great movements toward freedom and democracy
- Remarks by AIT Deputy Director Eric H. Madison at 2011 International Conference on Homeland Security April 13, 2011 (4/13/2011) - OT-1107E | Date: 4/13/2011 This year Taiwan will be the first Asian economy to become a “Graduate Partner” with the United States under our Export Control and Related Border Security Program.
- 2010 Human Rights Report (Taiwan Part) (4/8/2011) - Principal human rights problems reported were corruption, violence and discrimination against women and children, trafficking in persons, and abuses of foreign workers. |OT-1106E | Date: 04/08/2011
- Remarks by AIT Director William A. Stanton at the 2011 American Chamber of Commerce in Kaohsiung “Ying Chun Yan” March 17, 2011 (4/6/2011) - OT-1105E | Date: 4/06/2011 With the historic merger of Kaohsiung City and Kaohsiung County, I see greater opportunities ahead for U.S. economic cooperation with southern Taiwan.
- Remarks by AIT Director Stanton at American Chamber of Commerce in Taipei “Hsieh Nien Fan.” (3/10/2011) - Remarks by AIT Director William A. Stanton at the 2011 American Chamber of Commerce in Taipei "Hsieh Nien Fan." OT-1104E | March 10, 2011
- Remarks by AIT Director William A. Stanton at Straits Exchange Foundation 20th Anniversary Symposium March 8, 2011 (3/8/2011) - OT-1103E | Date: 3/08/2011 We especially have welcomed the progress of the past three years and we will continue to support increased cross-Strait dialogue.
- AIT Chairman Raymond Burghardt Press Roundtable Taipei, January 25, 2011 (2/1/2011) - OT-1102E | Date: 2/01/2011 The United States, in going into these negotiations and throughout them, we believe that the result was we purposefully constructed a document that in no way violates any of Taiwans interests.
Official Texts 2010 (Partially Imported)
- Remarks by AIT Director William A. Stanton at Opening Ceremony of “American Footsteps in Taiwan, 1950-1980” (12/17/2010) - OT-1031E | Mr. President, Minister Yang, Minister Shen, Ambassador Yuan, Director Gu, Mrs. Patricia Linder, distinguished guests, ladies and gentleman, good morning.
- Remarks by AIT Director William A. Stanton at 2010 U.S.-Taiwan Clean Energy Forum Kaohsiung, Taiwan December 14, 2010 (12/14/2010) - OT-1030E | I am honored to have the opportunity to make remarks at the first ever U.S.-Taiwan Clean Energy Forum.
- The United States and Taiwan: An Important Economic Relationship (11/30/2010) - OT-1029E | I am pleased to be with you today to discuss the topic of The United States and Taiwan: An Important Economic Relationship.
- International Religious Freedom Report for 2010: Taiwan Part (11/18/2010) - OT-1028E | Date: 11/18/2010 The constitution provides for freedom of religion, and other laws and policies contributed to the generally free practice of religion. Taiwan authorities generally respected religious freedom in practice. There was no change in the status of respect for religious freedom by Taiwan authorities during the reporting period. There were no reports ...
- America’s Engagement in the Asia-Pacific (11/2/2010) - OT-1026E | Date: 11/2/2010 The original idea for this speech is that we were going to do it outside. And if you saw the front page of the newspaper this morning where I was being greeted by Admiral Willard with my hair straight up in the wind (laughter) we decided we didnt want another story ...
- 10th Anniversary of Trafficking Legislation (10/29/2010) - OT-1027E | October 29, 2010 | Elementary students across America are taught that slavery ended in the 19th Century. But, sadly, nearly 150 years later, the fight to end this global scourge is far from over.
- Remarks by AIT Deputy Director Eric Madison at Customs Border Enforcement Workshop Combating Cross-Border Crime and Safeguarding Market Integrity (10/4/2010) - OT-1025E | 2010年10月4日 All of us recognize that criminal organizations exploit our customs rules and regulations, whether the crime is undervaluation to circumvent taxes or duties, importation of counterfeit pharmaceuticals, bulk cash smuggling, munitions smuggling, drug and tobacco smuggling, or the trade of endangered species.
- Net-centric Partnerships for Leveraging and Synchronizing Full Spectrum Capabilities To Dismantle Converging Transnational Criminal Threats and Networ (9/30/2010) - OT-1024E | Date: 9/30/2010 The threats and challenges we face today across the Pacific are real and complex. Our greatest strength is to work together to stay ahead and trust each other.
- Statement by Secretary Clinton on Typhoon Fanapi in Taiwan (9/23/2010) - OT-1023E | On behalf of the people of the United States, I express our deep regret over the recent devastation and loss of life caused by Typhoon Fanapi in Southern Taiwan.
- Remarks by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton At the Annual State Department Iftar (9/9/2010) - OT-1022E | Ramadan is a time for reflection and introspection, for charity and for compassion, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton says at the annual State Department iftar.
- Remarks by AIT Director William A. Stanton at the 2010 International Workshop on Strategies for Combating Human Trafficking September 1, 2010 (9/3/2010) - OT-1021E | I am pleased to be here today with Minister Kao and Director-General Hsieh to welcome all of you who have worked tirelessly to combat trafficking in persons, to bring to justice those who profit from forced labor and sexual exploitation, and to protect and help those who are either victims or potential victims ...
- The Global Health Initiative: The Next Phase of American Leadership in Health Around the World – Remarks by Hillary Rodham Clinton, Secretary of State (8/26/2010) - OT-1020E | Speech by Secretary Clinton on U.S. Global Health Initiative: The Next Phase of American Leadership in Health Around the World on August 16, 2010
- Remarks by AIT Director William A. Stanton AIT Independence Day Reception July 2, 2010 (7/6/2010) - OT-1019E | On behalf of everyone at the American Institute in Taiwan I would like to welcome you here today to celebrate together with us the 234th birthday of the United States of America…
- AIT Chairman Raymond Burghardt Press Roundtable Taipei, June 4, 2010 (6/17/2010) - OT-1018E | During the press roundtable, AIT Chairman Raymond Burghardt briefed about the just concluded Sino-U.S. Strategic and Economic Dialogue, stability across the Taiwan Strait and the TIFA.
- 2010 Trafficking in Persons Report – Taiwan (Tier 1) (6/15/2010) - (Released on June 15, 2010) Taiwan is a destination, and to a much lesser extent, source and transit territory for men, women, and children subjected to forced prostitution and forced labor. | OT-1017E
- Overview of National Security Strategy (6/3/2010) - OT-1016E | At the dawn of the 21st century, the United States of America faces a broad and complex array of challenges to our national security.
- Remarks By Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton On the Obama Administration’s National Security Strategy May 27, 2010 The Brookings Institute (5/28/2010) - OT-1015E | SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, thank you very much for giving us this opportunity to come here to Brookings to talk about the National Security Strategy.
- Remarks by Joseph Donovan, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Department of State at the CSIS/Brook (5/19/2010) - OT-1014E | “We insist that cross-Strait differences be resolved peacefully and according to the wishes of the people on both sides of the Strait. We welcome active efforts on both sides to engage in a dialogue that reduces tensions and increases contacts of all kinds across the Strait and hope such dialogue continues to expand.”…
- Closing Remarks at the Presidential Summit on Entrepreneurship By Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, Ronald Reagan Building Washington, DC Apr (4/29/2010) - OT-1012E | SECRETARY CLINTON: Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you. I want to thank Jim Wolfensohn for participating in this conference.
- Remarks by President Obama at Summit on Entrepreneurship Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center Washington, D.C. April 26, 2010 (4/29/2010) - OT-1013E | In my life, and as President, I have had the great pleasure of visiting many of your countries, and I've always been grateful for the warmth and the hospitality that you and your fellow citizens have shown me.
- Remarks by AIT Director William A. Stanton at the 2010 International Conference on Homeland Security April 28, 2010 (4/28/2010) - OT-1011E | Mr. President, Premier Wu, Representative Imai of Japan, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, good morning. It is an honor for me to be here this morning to help inaugurate the 2010 International Conference on Homeland Security.
- The 40th Anniversary of Earth Day Statement by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton (4/20/2010) - OT-1010E | Forty years ago, Earth Day began in the United States as a "teach-in" - a day to educate people about the environmental challenges facing our planet.
- Remarks by AIT Director William A. Stanton at the 2010 American Chamber of Commerce in Kaohsiung “Ying Chun Yan” April 15, 2010 (4/19/2010) - OT-1009E | Mayor Chen, Magistrate Yang, CEO Lo, President Aiello, AmCham Members, Distinguished Guests, Media, and Friends: Good evening! As you know, AmCham Taipei has a wonderful tradition each year called Hsieh Nien Fan.
- 2009 Human Rights Report (Taiwan Part) (3/25/2010) - OT-1007E | Taiwan generally respected the human rights of its citizens; however, the following problems continued to be reported: corruption by officials, violence and discrimination against women, trafficking in persons, and abuses of foreign workers.
- U.S.-Taiwan Relations: Bilateral Cooperation in Meeting Global Challenges Remarks by AIT Director William A. Stanton at Commonwealth Publishing Group (3/25/2010) - OT-1008E | I would like to thank Commonwealth Publishing Group Founder and Chairman Professor Charles Kao for the opportunity to speak on the important, but seldom noted, topic of U.S.-Taiwan cooperation on global issues.
- Remarks by AIT Director Stanton at the American Chamber of Commerce in Taipei “Hsieh Nien Fan” (3/17/2010) - OT-1006E | Remarks by AIT Director William Stanton at the 2010 American Chamber of Commerce in Taipei "Hsieh Nien Fan" on March 16, 2010
- U.S. Department of State Background Briefing on Asian Security Senior Officials (2/3/2010) - OT-1005 | We have two Senior Administration Officials here that can help you go through any particulars that you have on the items themselves, the rationale for it, the history of our arms sales to Taiwan.
- REMARKS ON INTERNET FREEDOM: Hillary Rodham Clinton Secretary of State (1/22/2010) - OT-1004E | SECRETARY CLINTON: Thank you very much, Alberto, for not only that kind introduction but your and your colleagues’ leadership of this important institution.
- REMARKS ON REGIONAL ARCHITECTURE IN ASIA: PRINCIPLES AND PRIORITIES (1/14/2010) - OT-1003E | SECRETARY CLINTON: Thank you very much. And thank you, Charles, for that kind introduction.
- REMARKS BY PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA ON STRENGTHENING INTELLIGENCE AND AVIATION SECURITY January 7, 2010 (1/8/2010) - OT-1002E | Good afternoon, everybody. The immediate reviews that I ordered after the failed Christmas terrorist attack are now complete.
- Joint Statement from USTR, USDA on Taiwan’s Actions to Unjustifiably Restrict U.S. Beef Imports in Violation of Our Bilateral Agreement (1/6/2010) - OT-1001E | Washington, D.C. – The Office of the United States Trade Representative and the U.S. Department of Agriculture today released a statement regarding the decision by Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan to bar import of some U.S. beef and beef products.
Official Texts 2009 (Partially Imported)
- Joint Statement from USTR, USDA on the Proposed Passage of an Amendment to Taiwan’s Food Sanitation Act (12/30/2009) - OT-0932E | Date: 12/30/2009
- Remarks by President Barack Obama to the Nation on the Way Forward in Afghanistan and Pakistan at Eisenhower Hall Theatre (12/28/2009) - OT-0928E | Date: 12/2/2009
- A Letter to the People of Taiwan (12/18/2009) - OT-0931E | Date: 12/18/2009
- Remarks by the President at the Acceptance of the Nobel Peace, Oslo City Hall, Norway (12/14/2009) - OT-0930E | Date: 12/14/2009
- Statement from the Press Secretary on the United Nations Climate Change Conference (12/7/2009) - OT-0929E | Date: 12/7/2009
- Remarks by AIT Chairman Raymond Burghardt (11/30/2009) - OT-0926E | Date: 11/30/2009
- Facts about U.S. Beef and the Taiwan Market (11/27/2009) - OT-0927E | Date: 11/27/2009
- Remarks by President Barack Obama at Town Hall Meeting with Future Chinese Leaders (11/16/2009) - OT-0925E | Date: 11/16/2009
- Remarks by President Obama in Tokyo (11/14/2009) - OT-0924E | Date: 11/14/2009
- Joint Statement from USTR and USDA Spokeswomen Regarding Expanded Market Access for U.S. Beef in Taiwan November 2, 2009 (11/4/2009) - OT-0923E | Date: 11/4/2009 | Washington, D.C. - The Office of the United States Trade Representative and the U.S. Department of Agriculture today released a brief statement regarding Taiwan's announcement on the import of American beef. The following statement is from Carol Guthrie, Assistant United States Trade Representative for Public Affairs, and Chris Mather, USDA ...
- International Religious Freedom Report for 2009: Taiwan Part (10/28/2009) - OT-0922E | Date: 10/28/2009
- Expanding Cooperation in the Fight Against Trafficking-in-Persons, Remarks by AIT Director Eric H. Madison (10/28/2009) - OT-0921E | Date: 10/28/2009
- U.S.-Taiwan Defense Relations, Remarks by principal (10/27/2009) - OT-0920E | Date: 10/27/2009
- Press Conference – William A. Stanton, Director, American Institute in Taiwan [Video] (10/22/2009) - OT-0919E | Date: 10/22/2009
- Remarks by AIT Director William A. Stanton at Taipei American School (9/25/2009) - OT-0917E | Date: 09/25/2009 | Remarks by AIT Director William A. Stanton at Taipei American School in celebration of the 60th Anniversary of Taipei American School (TAS)
- William A. Stanton, Director of The Taipei Office of the American Institute In Taiwan – Arrival Statement (8/28/2009) - OT-0915E | Date: 8/28/2009
- Remarks by AIT Director Stephen M. Young at Independence Day Reception (7/2/2009) - OT-0914E | Date: 7/2/2009
- Press Conference Stephen M. Young Director, at American Institute In Taiwan American Cultural Center (6/26/2009) - OT-0913E | Date: 6/26/2009
- Remarks by AIT Director Stephen M. Young New Office Compound Site Dedication on June 22, 2009 (6/22/2009) - OT-0912E | Date: 6/22/2009
- 2009 Trafficking in Persons Report – Taiwan (Tier 2) (6/17/2009) - (Released on June 16, 2009) Recommendations for Taiwan: Extend labor protections to all categories of workers including domestic workers and caregivers to prevent labor trafficking; implement the new comprehensive anti-trafficking law and effectively carry out its victim and witness protections so that victims are not penalized for acts committed as a direct result of being ...
- Remarks by AIT Director Stephen M. Young to American Chamber of Commerce In Taipei (6/4/2009) - OT-0910E | Date: 6/4/2009
- Statement by Robert A. Wood, Acting Spokesman of U.S. Department of State Taiwan’s Participation in The World Health Assembly (4/29/2009) - OT-0909E | Date: 4/29/2009
- Remarks by AIT Director Stephen M. Young AIT, at Formosa Cancer Foundation “5-7-9” Press Conference (4/15/2009) - OT-0908E | Date: 4/3/2009
- “Taiwan and The TRA: Past, Present and Future” by AIT Director Stephen M. Young (3/27/2009) - OT-0907E | Date: 3/27/2009
- Chairman Raymond Burghardt, AIT Press Conference (3/26/2009) - OT-0906E | Date: 8/26/2009
- Remarks of AIT Director Stephen M. Young to the 2009 Hsieh Nien Fan of the American Chamber of Commerce in Taipei March 5, 2009 (3/5/2009) - OT-0905E | Date: 3/5/2009
- 2008 Human Rights Report (Taiwan Part) (2/26/2009) - OT-0904E | Date: 2/26/2009
- The State of U.S.-Taiwan Economic Relations Remarks by AIT Chairman Raymond Burghardt San Francisco Taiwan Chamber of Commerce (2/20/2009) - OT0903E | Date: 2009-02-20
- AIT Director Stephen M. Young Address to Lincoln Society (2/19/2009) - OT-0902E | Date: 2/19/2009
- Remarks by AIT Director Stephen M. Young at Charity Dinner “Celebrating The Year of the Ox in Taiwan With U.S. Beef” Grand Formosa Regent Taipei (2/9/2009) - OT-0901E | Date: 2/9/2009
Official Texts 2008 (Partially Imported)
- International Religious Freedom Report for 2008: Taiwan Part (10/16/2008) - The Constitution provides for freedom of religion, and other laws and policies contributed to the generally free practice of religion. Taiwan authorities generally respected religious freedom in practice. There was no change in the status of respect for religious freedom by Taiwan authorities during the period covered by this report. There were no reports of ...
- 2008 Trafficking in Persons Report – Taiwan (Tier 2) (6/5/2008) - (Released on June 5, 2008) Taiwan is primarily a destination for men, women, and children trafficked for the purposes of forced labor and sexual exploitation. | OT-0810E | June 05, 2008
- Remarks by AIT Director Stephen M. Young to the 2008 Hsieh Nien Fan of the American Chamber of Commerce in Taipei April 29, 2008 (4/29/2008) - Remarks by AIT Director Stephen M. Young to the 2008 Hsieh Nien Fan of the American Chamber of Commerce in Taipei April 29, 2008
- 2007 Human Rights Report (Taiwan Part) (3/12/2008) - Taiwan generally respected the human rights of its citizens; however, there continued to be problems reported in the following areas: corruption by officials, violence and discrimination against women, trafficking in persons, and abuses of foreign workers. |OT-0801E | Date: 03/12/2008
The followings are linking to our web archives:
Official Texts 2014
Statement by AIT Director Christopher J. Marut on Recent Successes in Taiwan
OT-1412E | Date: 12/23/2014 We look forward to continuing to deepen and strengthen the relationship between the people of the United States and the people of Taiwan in 2015.
Remarks by AIT Director Christopher J. Marut at “Culture and Conservation” Program
OT-1411E | Date: 12/11/2014 AIT is delighted to cooperate with these six museums to promote public awareness of the problem of wildlife trafficking, and to do our part to reduce demand for illegal animal products in Asia.
Remarks by AIT Director Christopher J. Marut Taiwan Ebola Response Donation Ceremony
OT-1410E | Date: 11/25/2014 These contributions help earn Taiwan the respect and appreciation it deserves in the international community for being a net contributor to global challenges
Remarks by Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs Kurt Tong at the Asian Venture Capital Journal Taiwan Forum
OT-1409E | Date: 11/21/2014 The United States welcomes Taiwans interest in joining the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) at a future date, and we look forward to exploring this idea together.
Remarks by AIT Director Christopher J. Marut at Opening of New AIT Kaohsiung Branch Office Friday, August 8, 2014 China Steel Building, Kaohsiung
OT-1408E | Date: 08/08/2014 Kaohsiung is a prosperous and resilient city, and AIT has always cherished being part of this vibrant community.
Taiwan 2013 International Religious Freedom Report
OT-1407E | Date: 07/29/2014 The constitution and other laws and policies protect religious freedom and, in practice, the authorities generally respected religious freedom. Taiwan labor law, however, does not guarantee domestic service workers and caretakers a right to a day off, effectively making it difficult or impossible for such workers to attend religious services.
Remarks by AIT Director Christopher J. Marut AIT Independence Day Reception July 3, 2014
OT-1406E | Date: 07/03/2014 Democracy, respect for the rule of law, human rights and free markets are among the shared values at the heart of the enduring friendship and close relations between the people of the United States and Taiwan.
2014 Trafficking in Persons Report Taiwan (Tier 1)
OT-1405E | Date: 6/20/2014 Taiwan authorities fully comply with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking.
Remarks by Christopher J. Marut, Director, American Institute in Taiwan – Ceremonial Opening of the AIT Community Garden
OT-1404E | Date: 04/23/2014 This AIT Community Garden is a wonderful sign of AITs efforts to contribute – in a small but significant way – to the future greening of an already-beautiful city.
Remarks by Administrator Gina McCarthy of the U.S. Environmental Protection Administration
OT-1403E | Date: 04/14/2014 | Over the past two decades, Taiwan has steered away from environmental hardship, toward a healthier quality of life.
Taiwan 2013 Human Rights Report
OT-1402E | Date: 03/14/2014 Taiwan is governed by a president and a parliament selected in multi-party elections. In 2012 voters re-elected President Ma Ying-jeou of the KMT to a second four-year term in an election considered free and fair.
Remarks by AIT Acting Director Brent Christensen at the 2014 American Chamber of Commerce in Taipei Hsieh Nien Fan
OT-1401E | Date: 03/11/2014 As we celebrate the 35th anniversary of the Taiwan Relations Act, it is important to recall the significant role that the U.S.-Taiwan friendship has played for the entire Asian region.
Official Texts 2013
Remarks by AIT Deputy Director Brent Christensen U.S.-Taiwan Natural Gas Development Summit -Supply/Demand, Price and Prospect November 14, 2013
OT-1313E | Date: 11/14/2013 Natural gas has become an increasingly important energy source around the world, with what many are calling an “energy revolution” in the United States and elsewhere.
Remarks by AIT Deputy Director Brent Christensen Launching the Chen-Fu and Cecilia Yen Koo Chair in Taiwan Studies at Brookings September 12, 2013
OT-1312E | Date: 09/12/2013 Over the years, the foundation of our relationship has been our common values, which includes a shared commitment to freedom and democracy.
“Creating a National Strategy to Combat Child Exploitation” Remarks by AIT Acting Director W. Brent Christensen
OT-1311E | Date: 09/03/2013 Along with Taiwan’s success in combating trafficking in persons, Taiwan can make another contribution to human rights through its efforts to combat online child exploitation.
Fostering Innovation and Entrepreneurship in a Globalized Context
OT-1310E | Date: 08/02/2013 We have also seen tremendous growth in accelerators and incubators around the world. In fact, I have visited Appsworks right here in Taipei. These programs provide a breeding ground for learning, mentorship, networking, and funding.
Remarks by AIT Director Christopher J. Marut AIT Independence Day Reception
OT-1309E | Date: 07/03/2013 On the Fourth of July, we celebrate the founding of our nation, and reflect on the values upon which it was founded – values such as freedom and democracy.
Remarks by AIT Director Christopher Marut at the Opening of Historical Exhibit Celebrating 20 Years of U.S.-Taiwan Environmental Cooperation
OT-1308E | Date: 06/26/2013 The relationship formalized by our environmental cooperation agreement 20 years ago has become one of the centerpieces of the close relationship between the people of the United States and the people on Taiwan.
Remarks by Senior Advisor Mark Kasman, Office of International Affairs Asia-Pacific, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) at the Opening Ceremony of Historical Exhibit Commemorating 20 Years of U.S.-Taiwan Environmental Cooperation
OT-1307E | Date: 06/21/2013 Through our regional partnership, USEPA works with EPAT to address what we call global “meat and potato” issues: Clean air, water, soil, waste management, toxics reduction and sustainable communities.
2013 Trafficking in Persons Report Taiwan (Tier 1)
OT-1306E | Date: 6/20/2013 Taiwan receives Tier One status on annual Trafficking in Persons report for the 4th consecutive year.
Remarks by AIT Director Christopher J. Marut at Launch of Art Alliance Website Entrepreneurship in the Cyber Age for Disadvantaged Women and Youth Project
OT-1305E | Date: 6/5/2013 The United States believes that when their partners have strong, stable economies, it is good for them and good for us.
Taiwan 2012 International Religious Freedom Report
OT-1304E | Date: 05/21/2013 The constitution and other laws and policies protect religious freedom and, in practice, the authorities generally respected religious freedom.
Remarks by AIT Director Christopher J. Marut at Opening Ceremony for the Mobile American Corner and the “AIT in the Community” Exhibit
OT-1303E | Date: 04/30/2013 AIT Director Christopher J. Marut: I am so excited to be here today for the opening of the Mobile American Corner, the first digital mobile American Corner in the global American Corner family.
2012 Human Rights Report: Taiwan
OT-1302E | Date: 04/22/2013 Taiwan is governed by a president and a parliament selected in multiparty elections. Principal human rights problems reported during the year were corruption and violence against women and children.
Remarks by AIT Director Christopher Marut at the 2013 American Chamber of Commerce in Taipei “Hsieh Nien Fan”
OT-1301E | Date: 03/25/2013 The Asia-Pacific region, which currently accounts for more than one quarter of global GDP, is likely to remain the powerhouse of the global economy.
Official Texts 2012
Supply Chain Security
OT-1213E | Date: 12/05/2012 The benefits we all reap from an interdependent global economy means we are all stakeholders in the security of the system.
Homeland Security of the United States: Current Situation and Future Developments
OT-1212E | Date: 12/05/2012 We recognize that achieving domestic security across all of these areas requires efforts that extend beyond our borders.
Remarks by AIT Director Christopher J. Marut USEPA-EPAT Workshop on Management of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment October 15, 2012
OT-1211E | Date: 10/15/2012 Properly disposing of e-waste is a complex challenge, but Taiwan has done extremely well in addressing these complexities.
Remarks by AIT Director Christopher J. Marut, 2012 Sustainable Development Conference: Pathways to a Better Future
OT-1210E | Date: 10/08/2012 “We must build prosperity in ways that will not only not damage our environment, but in ways that will actually improve the environment.”…
AIT Director Christopher J. Marut Press Conference October 3, 2012
OT-1209E | Date: 10/03/2012 …”The Department of Homeland Security announced that Taiwan will become part of the Visa Waiver Program. This is a very positive development for both Taiwan and the United States.”…
Remarks by U.S. APEC Senior Official in American Chamber of Commerce Luncheon
OT-1208E | Date: 09/25/2012 Remarks by U.S. APEC Senior Official and Coordinator for Economic Policy in the Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs Atul Keshap American Chamber of Commerce Luncheon, Taipei, Taiwan.
The Future of U.S.-Taiwan Economic Relations
OT-1207E | Date: 08/07/2012 Remarks by Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business Affairs Jose W. Fernandez to the American Chamber of Commerce in Taipei Taipei, Taiwan August 7, 2012
International Religious Freedom Report for 2011 – Taiwan
OT-1206E | Date: 07/31/2012 The constitution and other laws and policies protect religious freedom and the authorities generally respected religious freedom.
Remarks by AIT Director William A. Stanton at AIT Independence Day Reception
OT-1205E | Date: 07/03/2012 The people of Taiwan know how precious freedom is and it is the fundamental shared value that brings together Americans and Taiwanese.
2012 Trafficking in Persons Report Taiwan (Tier 1)
OT-1204E | Date: 06/21/2012 2012 Trafficking in Persons Report Taiwan (Tier 1) Released by the U.S. Department of State June 19, 2012
2011 Human Rights Reports – Taiwan
OT-1203E | Date: 06/21/2012 Country Report on Human Rights Practices in 2011 Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor U.S. Department of State May 24, 2012
More Facts about U.S. Beef and Ractopamine
OT-1202E | Date: 03/01/2012 With high feed grain prices and increasing world demand for meat products, producers in the United States and other countries must use all available technologies to increase meat production while reducing production costs and maintaining affordable prices for consumers.
The Facts about U.S. Beef and Ractopamine
OT-1201E | Date: 02/21/2012 Ractopamine hydrochloride is a feed ingredient that helps increase the animals’ ability to efficiently turn what they eat into lean muscle rather than fat…
Official Texts 2011
“Tackling Future Energy Challenges” Remarks by U.S. Deputy Secretary of Energy Daniel B. Poneman at National Taiwan University Tuesday, December 13, 2011 Taipei, Taiwan
OT-1120E | Date: 12/13/2011 The United States and Taiwan face a number of shared energy and climate challenges
Trans-Pacific Workshop on Combating Corruption and Illicit Trade Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs Phuket, Thailand 27-29 October 2011
OT-1119E | Date: 11/07/2011 Trans-Pacific workshop highlighted the importance of inter-regional partnerships to combat corruption and illicit trade, sharing information and best practices in meeting regional challenges. Discussion focused on: narcotics trafficking; falsified/counterfeit medicines; environmental crimes and corruption and money laundering that facilitates illicit trade.
Energizing the Green Revolution Remarks by AIT Director William A. Stanton at 2011 U.S.-Taiwan Clean Energy Forum October 25, 2011
OT-1118E | Date: 10/25/2011 It is possible to develop new, clean forms of energy that help reduce carbon footprint while also increasing our prosperity.
Secretary Clinton Remarks at the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Women and the Economy Summit
OT-1117E | Date: 10/07/2011 The increasing numbers of women in the economy and the rising productivity gains from their talents and skills has helped fuel significant growth. »
Kurt M. Campbell Assistant Secretary, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs Testimony Before the House Foreign Affairs Committee Washington, DC October 4, 2011
OT-1116E | Date: 10/05/2011 Although the U.S.-Taiwan relationship is unofficial, it has multiple dimensions including political, economic, security, and people-to-people ties.
Congratulatory Remarks for American Chamber of Commerce in Taipei by Under Secretary of State for Economic, Energy and Agricultural Affairs Robert D. Hormats September 14, 2011
OT-1115E | Date: 09/15/2011 Over the last six decades, AmCham Taipei has been a devoted partner to Taiwan, helping promote Taiwan’s development as a leading hub in Asia.
Remarks by Assistant Secretary of Commerce Suresh Kumar, Taiwan Business Community Luncheon
OT-1114E | Date: 09/14/2011 Taiwan and American businesses share an affinity for each other, and we are here to support business aspirations for further collaboration.
July-December, 2010 International Religious Freedom Report-Taiwan Released by the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor September 13, 2011
OT-1113E | Date: 09/14/2011 The constitution and other laws and policies protect religious freedom and, the authorities generally enforced these protections.
Remarks by AIT Director William A. Stanton at Opening Ceremony of “Dr. Sun Yat-sen and the United States” Exhibit
OT-1112E | Date: 7/5/2011 Dr. Sun and President Lincoln had a very clear idea of freedom and democracy. They both understood that government must come from the people and must serve the interests of the people.
Remarks by AIT Director William A. Stanton at AIT Independence Day Reception on July 1, 2011
OT-1111E | Date: 7/5/2011 It is an honor for me to be in a great democracy like Taiwan as we celebrate the 4th of July. For more than 60 years, the people of Taiwan and the U.S. have worked and prospered together.
2011 Trafficking in Persons Report Taiwan (Tier 1)
OT-1110E | Date: 6/28/2011 2011 Trafficking in Persons Report Taiwan (Tier 1)
President Obama’s Speech on U.S. Policies in Middle East and North Africa
OT-1109E | Date: 5/20/2011 We will not tolerate aggression across borders, and we will keep our commitments to friends and partners….
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton Remarks on the Killing of Osama bin Laden May 2, 2011 Treaty Room, Washington, D.C.
OT-1108E | Date: 5/3/2011 History will record that bin Laden’s death came at a time of great movements toward freedom and democracy
Remarks by AIT Deputy Director Eric H. Madison at 2011 International Conference on Homeland Security April 13, 2011
OT-1107E | Date: 4/13/2011 This year Taiwan will be the first Asian economy to become a “Graduate Partner” with the United States under our Export Control and Related Border Security Program. »
2010 Human Rights Reports – Taiwan
OT-1106E | Date: 4/08/2011 International observers considered the January 2008 legislative elections and the March 2008 presidential election free and fair.
Remarks by AIT Director William A. Stanton at the 2011 American Chamber of Commerce in Kaohsiung “Ying Chun Yan” March 17, 2011
OT-1105E | Date: 4/06/2011 With the historic merger of Kaohsiung City and Kaohsiung County, I see greater opportunities ahead for U.S. economic cooperation with southern Taiwan.
Remarks by AIT Director William A. Stanton at the 2011 American Chamber of Commerce in Taipei “Hsieh Nien Fan.”
OT-1104E | Date: 3/10/2011 The U.S.-Taiwan economic relationship encompasses much more than beef. Our overall bilateral relationship encompasses more than trade.
Remarks by AIT Director William A. Stanton at Straits Exchange Foundation 20th Anniversary Symposium March 8, 2011
OT-1103E | Date: 3/08/2011 We especially have welcomed the progress of the past three years and we will continue to support increased cross-Strait dialogue.
AIT Chairman Raymond Burghardt Press Roundtable Taipei, January 25, 2011
OT-1102E | Date: 2/01/2011 The United States, in going into these negotiations and throughout them, we believe that the result was we purposefully constructed a document that in no way violates any of Taiwans interests.
Official Texts 2010
Remarks by AIT Director William A. Stanton at Opening Ceremony of “American Footsteps in Taiwan, 1950-1980”
OT-1031E | Date: 12/17/2010 Taiwan people often say “Footprints in the sand surely show where you have been.” With this exhibit, “American Footsteps in Taiwan,” we try to tell the story of our relationship with Taiwan through the “footsteps.”
Remarks by AIT Director William A. Stanton at 2010 U.S.-Taiwan Clean Energy Forum Kaohsiung, Taiwan December 14, 2010
OT-1030E | Date: 12/14/2010 I am honored to have the opportunity to make remarks at the first ever U.S.-Taiwan Clean Energy Forum.
The United States and Taiwan: An Important Economic Relationship
OT-1029E | Date: 11/30/2010 Id like first to compliment Taiwan on its very healthy democratic system. For decades the peaceful exercise of democracy on Taiwan has been one of the best examples in Asia
2010 Report on International Religious Freedom – Taiwan
OT-1028E | Date: 11/18/2010 Taiwan authorities generally respected religious freedom in practice. There was no change in the status of respect for religious freedom by Taiwan authorities.
10th Anniversary of Trafficking Legislation
OT-1027E | Date: 11/2/2010 The problem of modern trafficking may be entrenched, but it is solvable. By using every tool at our disposal to put pressure on traffickers, we can set ourselves on a course to eradicate modern slavery.
America’s Engagement in the Asia-Pacific
OT-1026E | Date: 11/2/2010 The original idea for this speech is that we were going to do it outside. And if you saw the front page of the newspaper this morning where I was being greeted by Admiral Willard with my hair straight up in the wind (laughter) we decided we didnt want another story about my hair. (Laughter.)
Remarks by AIT Deputy Director Eric Madison at Customs Border Enforcement Workshop: Combating Cross-Border Crime and Safeguarding Market Integrity
OT-1025E | Date: 10/4/2010 All of us recognize that criminal organizations exploit our customs rules and regulations, whether the crime is undervaluation to circumvent taxes or duties, importation of counterfeit pharmaceuticals, bulk cash smuggling, munitions smuggling, drug and tobacco smuggling, or the trade of endangered species.
Partnerships To Dismantle Transnational Criminal Threats and Networks
OT-1024E | Date: 9/30/2010 The threats and challenges we face today across the Pacific are real and complex. Our greatest strength is to work together to stay ahead and trust each other.
Statement by Secretary Clinton on Typhoon Fanapi in Taiwan September 22, 2010
OT-1023E | Date: 9/23/2010 On behalf of the people of the United States, I express our deep regret over the recent devastation and loss of life caused by Typhoon Fanapi in Southern Taiwan.
Remarks by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton At the Annual State Department Iftar
OT-1022E | Date: 9/9/2010 Ramadan is a time for reflection and introspection, for charity and for compassion, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton says at the annual State Department iftar.
Remarks by AIT Director William A. Stanton at the 2010 International Workshop on Strategies for Combating Human Trafficking September 1, 2010
OT-1021E | Date: 9/3/2010 I am pleased to be here today with Minister Kao and Director-General Hsieh to welcome all of you who have worked tirelessly to combat trafficking in persons, to bring to justice those who profit from forced labor and sexual exploitation, and to protect and help those who are either victims or potential victims of trafficking.
The Global Health Initiative: The Next Phase of American Leadership in Health Around the World – Remarks by Hillary Rodham Clinton, Secretary of State
OT-1020E | Date: 8/26/2010 Speech by Secretary Clinton on U.S. Global Health Initiative: The Next Phase of American Leadership in Health Around the World on August 16, 2010
Remarks by AIT Director William A. Stanton AIT Independence Day Reception July 2, 2010
OT-1019E | Date: 7/6/2010 On behalf of everyone at the American Institute in Taiwan I would like to welcome you here today to celebrate together with us the 234th birthday of the United States of America…
AIT Chairman Raymond Burghardt Press Roundtable Taipei, June 4, 2010
OT-1018E | Date: 6/17/2010 During the press roundtable, AIT Chairman Raymond Burghardt briefed about the just concluded Sino-U.S. Strategic and Economic Dialogue, stability across the Taiwan Strait and the TIFA.
2010 Trafficking in Persons Report Taiwan (Tier 1) Released by the U.S. Department of State June 14, 2010
OT-1017E | Date: 6/15/2010 Taiwan was ranked in Tier 1 for the 2010 Trafficking in Persons Report because the Taiwan authorities fully comply with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking.
Overview of National Security Strategy
OT-1016E | Date: 6/03/2010 At the dawn of the 21st century, the United States of America faces a broad and complex array of chal�lenges to our national security.
Remarks By Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton On the Obama Administration’s National Security Strategy May 27, 2010 The Brookings Institute Washington, D.C.
OT-1015E | Date: 5/28/2010 | SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, thank you very much for giving us this opportunity to come here to Brookings to talk about the National Security Strategy.
Remarks by Joseph Donovan, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Department of State on May 19, 2010
OT-1014E | Date: 5/19/2010 | “We insist that cross-Strait differences be resolved peacefully and according to the wishes of the people on both sides of the Strait. We welcome active efforts on both sides to engage in a dialogue that reduces tensions and increases contacts of all kinds across the Strait and hope such dialogue continues to expand.”…
Remarks by President Obama at Summit on Entrepreneurship Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center Washington, D.C. April 26, 2010
OT-1013E | Date: 4/29/2010
Closing Remarks at the Presidential Summit on Entrepreneurship By Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton Ronald Reagan Building Washington, DC April 27, 2010
OT-1012E | Date: 4/29/2010
Remarks by AIT Director William A. Stanton at the 2010 International Conference on Homeland Security April 28, 2010
OT-1011E | Date: 4/28/2010
The 40th Anniversary of Earth Day Statement by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton
OT-1010E | Date: 4/20/2010
Remarks by AIT Director William A. Stanton at the 2010 American Chamber of Commerce in Kaohsiung “Ying Chun Yan” April 15, 2010
OT-1009E | Date: 4/19/2010
U.S.-Taiwan Relations: Bilateral Cooperation in Meeting Global Challenges Remarks by AIT Director William A. Stanton
OT-1008E | Date: 3/25/2010
2009 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices – Taiwan
OT-1007E | Date: 3/25/2010
Official Texts 2009
Joint Statement from USTR, USDA on the Proposed Passage of an Amendment to Taiwan’s Food Sanitation Act December 29, 2009
OT-0932E | Date: 12/30/2009
A Letter to the People of Taiwan
OT-0931E | Date: 12/18/2009
Remarks by the President at the Acceptance of the Nobel Peace, Oslo City Hall, Norway
OT-0930E | Date: 12/14/2009
Statement from the Press Secretary on the United Nations Climate Change Conference
OT-0929E | Date: 12/7/2009
Remarks by President Barack Obama to the Nation on the Way Forward in Afghanistan and Pakistan
OT-0928E | Date: 12/2/2009
Facts about U.S. Beef and the Taiwan Market
OT-0927E | Date: 11/27/2009
AIT Chairman Raymond Burghardt
OT-0926E | Date: 11/30/2009
Remarks by President Barack Obama at Town Hall Meeting with Future Chinese Leaders
OT-0925E | Date: 11/16/2009
Remarks by President Obama in Tokyo
OT-0924E | Date: 11/14/2009
Joint Statement from USTR and USDA Spokeswomen Regarding Expanded Market Access for U.S. Beef in Taiwan November 2, 2009
OT-0923E | Date: 11/4/2009
2009 Annual Report on International Religious Freedom – Taiwan Released by the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor October 26, 2009
OT-0922E | Date: 10/28/2009
Expanding Cooperation in the Fight Against Trafficking-in-Persons Remarks by AIT Director Eric H. Madison October 26
OT-0921E | Date: 10/28/2009
U.S.-Taiwan Defense Relations: 2009
OT-0920E | Date: 10/27/2009
AIT Director William A. Stanton Press Conference
OT-0919E | Date: 10/22/2009
Remarks by AIT Director William A. Stanton at Welcome Reception
OT-0918E | Date: 10/16/2009
Remarks by AIT Director William A. Stanton at Taipei American School
OT-0917E | Date: 9/25/2009
Remarks by AIT Director William A. Stanton at Grand Re-Opening of Sun Yat-Sen America Center
OT-0916E | Date: 9/18/2009
William A. Stanton Director of the Taipei Office the American Institute in Taiwan – Arrival Statement
OT-0915E | Date: 8/28/2009
Remarks by AIT Director Stephen M. Young Independence Day Reception
OT-0914E | Date: 7/2/2009
Press Conference Stephen M. Young Director, American Institute In Taiwan American Cultural Center
OT-0913E | Date: 6/26/2009
Remarks by AIT Director Stephen M. Young New Office Compound Site Dedication
OT-0912E | Date: 6/22/2009
2009 Trafficking in Persons Report Taiwan (Tier 2)
OT-0911E | Date: 6/17/09
Remarks by AIT Director Stephen M. Young to American Chamber of Commerce In Taipei
OT-0910E | Date: 6/4/2009
Statement by Robert A. Wood, Acting Spokesman of U.S. Department of State Taiwan’s Participation in The World Health Assembly
OT-0909E | Date: 4/29/2009
Remarks by AIT Director Stephen M. Young AIT, Formosa Cancer Foundation “5-7-9” Press Conference
OT-0908E | Date: 4/3/2009
“Taiwan and The TRA: Past, Present and Future” by AIT Director Stephen M. Young
OT-0907E | Date: 3/27/2009
Chairman Raymond Burghardt, AIT Press Conference
OT-0906E | Date: 8/26/2009
Remarks of AIT Director Stephen M. Young to the 2009 Hsieh Nien Fan of The American Chamber of Commerce in Taipei
OT-0905E | Date: 3/5/2009
2008 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices – Taiwan
OT-0904E | Date: 2/26/2009
The State of U.S.-Taiwan Economic Relations Remarks by AIT Chairman Raymond Burghardt San Francisco Taiwan Chamber of Commerce
OT-0903E | Date: 2/20/2009
AIT Director Stephen M. Young Address to Lincoln Society
OT-0902E | Date: 2/19/2009
Remarks by AIT Director Stephen M. Young at Charity Dinner “Celebrating The Year of the Ox in Taiwan With U.S. Beef” Grand Formosa Regent Taipei
OT-0901E | Date: 2/9/2009
Official Texts 2008
Remarks by AIT Director Stephen M. Young at 2008 International Conference on Homeland Security and Technology National Taiwan University Hospital Convention Center December 10, 2008
OT-0819E | Date: 12/10/2008
Looking to the Future, Building on Past Achievements Remarks by AIT Director Stephen M. Young at the American Chamber of Commerce Luncheon Thursday, December 4, 2008
OT-0818E | Date: 12/04/2008
U.S.-Taiwan Economic Relations Remarks by AIT Director Stephen M. Young at the Economist Intelligence Unit’s Business Roundtable November 18, 2008
OT-0817E | Date: 11/18/2008
Press Conference – AIT Director Stephen M. Young at American Cultural Center in Taipei, November 12, 2008
OT-0816E | Date: 11/12/2008
Statement on U.S. Beef by AIT Director Stephen M. Young at AIT Press Conference on November 12, 2008
OT-0815E | Date: 11/12/2008
Remarks by AIT Director Stephen M. Young at 2008 International Conference on Strategies for Combating Human Trafficking October 30, 2008
OT-0814E | Date: 10/30/2008
2008 Report on International Religious Freedom, Released by the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor on September 15, 2008
OT-0813E | Date: 10/16/2008
Statement on Taiwan’s Meaningful Participation in UN Specialized Agencies United States Mission to the United Nations September 17, 2008
OT-0812E | Date: 9/19/2008
Remarks by Director Stephen M. Young at 2008 Independence Day Reception
OT-0811E | Date: 7/03/2008
Trafficking in Persons Report – 2008 Report Taiwan(Tier 2)
OT-0810E | Date: 6/05/2008
AIT Observes Day of Solidarity with the Cuban People
OT-0809E | Date: 5/21/2008
Statement by Sean McCormack, Spokesman of U.S. Department of State Inauguration of Ma Ying-Jeou May 20, 2008
OT-0808E | Date: 5/21/2008
Remarks by AIT Director Stephen M. Young at the Third Anniversary of the Taichung American Corner And the Launch of Virtual Branch Office Taichung
OT-0807E | Date: 5/15/2008
Press Conference Stephen M. Young Director, American Institute in Taiwan American Cultural Center Taipei, May 8, 2008
OT-0806E | Date: 5/08/2008
Remarks by AIT Director Stephen M. Young to the 2008 Hsieh Nien Fan of the American Chamber of Commerce in Taipei April 29, 2008
OT-0805E | Date: 4/29/2008
Remarks by AIT Public Affairs Section Chief Thomas Hodges at the Launch of the 2008 “5-a-Day” Program April 22, 2008
OT-0804E | Date: 4/22/2008
Remarks by AIT Deputy Director Robert S. Wangearth Day Beach Cleanup at Jin Shan North Coastapril 19, 2008
OT-0803E | Date: 4/21/2008
U.S. Statements on Taiwan Presidential Election
OT-0802E | Date: 3/25/2008
2007 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices – Taiwan
OT-0801E | Date: 3/12/2008