Remarks by AIT Chairman James Moriarty at Meeting with President Tsai Ing-wen

AIT Chairman James Moriarty at Meeting with President Tsai Ing-wen (Image Credit: Office of President [2018] [Open Government Data License, version 1.0])
November 5, 2018
AIT Official Text #: OT-1839


Remarks by AIT Chairman James Moriarty
Meeting with President Tsai Ing-wen
November 5, 2018


President Tsai, it is a great pleasure for me to be back in Taipei and to have this opportunity to call on you.

My visit is an opportunity to take stock of the flourishing U.S.-Taiwan relationship and our comprehensive, durable, and mutually beneficial partnership. That relationship is grounded in our shared interests, and, just as importantly, in our shared values, in particular our support for democracy and human rights.

Together, we have made significant achievements across the security, economic/commercial, and people-to-people pillars of the relationship. I was honored that you joined us in June to dedicate AIT’s new, state-of-the-art office complex — an important and enduring symbol of the close ties that link the people of the United States and Taiwan.

This week, I will be participating in the Joint Committee meeting of the Global Cooperation and Training Framework (GCTF) to plan our activities for the coming year. GCTF is a recognition of how much Taiwan has to offer the international community and an affirmation of U.S. support for finding ways to assist Taiwan in preserving and expanding its international space.

Next year, Taiwan and the United States will celebrate a milestone in the relationship – the 40th anniversary of the Taiwan Relations Act. In that anniversary year, I look forward to further advances across the many dimensions of this partnership. The coming year will, I am sure, show to all why the United States considers Taiwan to be a vital and reliable partner in Asia and a force for good in the world.