Remarks by AIT Director William A. Stanton at Taipei American School

American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) Logo
September 25, 2009

AIT Official Text #: OT-0917E
(As Prepared)

Superintendant Dr. Hennessey, Chairman of the Board Winston Town, Faculty, Students, and Parents:

I am delighted to participate in this celebration of the 60th Anniversary of Taipei American School (TAS). There are at least three reasons I wanted to be here today.

First, as Director of the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT), TAS represents for me the best of both Taiwan and of America. TAS joins traditional Confucian respect for learning, scholarship and the value of education with America’s rich diversity, creativity and curiosity, and exhibits our shared traits of ambition, hard work, and willingness to take on challenges.

Second, I am proud of the close relationship we’ve enjoyed over the years and the support AIT has been able to give this great school, which so many of our children attend.

Third, TAS students represent the best and the brightest of a new globalized generation who will make our future — young people who appreciate other cultures, who have developed a strong sense of responsibility as global citizens, and who have the intellectual capacity and desire to make the world a better place. You are our hope for the future.

So as a former teacher and a lifelong student, and only three days before the birthday of Confucius, I am happy to have this opportunity to pay tribute to this great institution of learning, its faculty and students. I salute you!

Happy Birthday, Taipei American School!!