Remarks by AIT Deputy Director Jeremy Cornforth at the Teaching Chinese as a Second Language Symposium to Support the U.S.-Taiwan Education Initiative

Teaching Chinese as a Second Language Symposium

January 15, 2022

Remarks by AIT Deputy Director Jeremy Cornforth at the Teaching Chinese as a Second Language Symposium
to Support the U.S.-Taiwan Education Initiative
January 15, 2022

 (As Prepared for Delivery)


Deputy Secretary-General Hsu, Deputy Minister of Education Lio, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Tseng, OCAC Deputy Minister Leu, Dr. Nadeau of Fulbright Taiwan, other esteemed guests, good morning!

I am excited to be here today to welcome you to attend this TCL (Teaching Chinese as a Second Language) conference as a part of the U.S.-Taiwan Education Initiative.  The Initiative is aimed expanding access to Mandarin learning to more Americans while safeguarding academic freedom.  Through the joint efforts of the United States and Taiwan, the initiative has entered its second year and we look forward to working with all our partners here to ensure its continued success.

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Foundation for Scholarly Exchange who worked closely to make it possible for more than 200 American Fulbrighters to come to Taiwan last year despite all the COVID-related restrictions.

Seeing all the talent gathered here in the room, we hope work together to help expand access to Taiwan’s Mandarin-language teaching and share Taiwan’s welcoming culture with more Americans.

Thank you.