Remarks by U.S. Special Envoy to Advance the Human Rights of LGBTQI+ Persons Jessica Stern at a GCTF on Ending Gender-based Violence

I want to especially thank Premier Su for his leadership in initiating this vibrant space for regional and international dialogue. I also extend my appreciation to his team for making this conference happen. Australian Representative Bloomfield, American Institute in Taiwan Director Oudkirk, and Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association Deputy Representative Akira Yokochi: thank you for convening this ...
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Remarks by AIT Director Sandra Oudkirk at Meta XR Hub Taiwan Launch Ceremony

Since I first lived here in the nineties, Taiwan has developed into an advanced economy and a vibrant democracy, and the U.S.-Taiwan partnership has steadily broadened and deepened. As AIT Director, I am focused on four key priorities: strengthening Taiwan’s role as a regional security partner, promoting global supply chain resilience, preserving and expanding Taiwan’s ...
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Opening Remarks by AIT Director Sandra Oudkirk at an Industry Forum on U.S.-Taiwan Cooperation on Global Semiconductor Supply Chain Resilience

OT-2208 Opening Remarks by AIT Director Sandra Oudkirk at an Industry Forum on U.S.-Taiwan Cooperation on Global Semiconductor Supply Chain Resilience April 29, 2022  (As Prepared for Delivery) Minister Wang, distinguished guests and friends, good morning 早安!大家好! It is my pleasure to be here with you today to discuss global supply chain resilience. AIT seeks ...
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Opening Remarks by AIT Director Sandra Oudkirk at the American Innovation Center (AIC) Annual Innovation Forum on Earth Day 2022

As you know, today is Earth Day, an opportunity to raise awareness of our environmental challenges, and also come together to discuss strategies to make meaningful change.  “Innovation Drives the Sustainable Economy” – this is the theme of this year’s Forum, and it highlights that creativity, entrepreneurship, and collaboration are the driving forces that overcome ...
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2021 Human Rights Report — Taiwan Part

2021 Human Rights Report — Taiwan Part   Executive Summary Taiwan is a democracy led by a president and parliament selected in multiparty elections. In 2020 voters re-elected President Tsai Ing-wen of the Democratic Progressive Party to a second four-year term in an election considered free and fair. Civilian authorities maintained effective control over the ...
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Remarks by former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Michael Glenn Mullen

I lead this delegation of private citizens to voice our support for the continued and growing strength of the vital partnership between the United States and Taiwan. We come to Taiwan at a very difficult and critical moment in world history.  As President Biden has said, democracy is facing sustained and alarming challenges, most recently ...
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Remarks by AIT Director Sandra Oudkirk on “Making Taoyuan City a Pioneer Base for Gender Equality in Sports in the Asia-Pacific Region”

Today’s event reflects the value that both Taiwan and the United States place on equity, inclusion, and access and demonstrates how creative policy making at the local government level can advance shared values.|OT-2203|February 10, 2022
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