Remarks by Associate Deputy Director Paul Abbate at Retrainer Opening Ceremony Monday, June 10, 2019

June 10, 2019

Welcome to the National Academy 22nd Asia-Pacific Chapter Conference.  Thank you for coming from across Asia and the Pacific to be with us here today, and a special welcome to the National Academy graduates.

First and foremost, I want to thank Taiwan and our partners from Ministry of Justice Investigation Bureau, MJIB, and National Police Agency for hosting this conference and going above and beyond to ensure it is a success.  Thank you especially to President Tsai for your strong support, Minister Tsai, Minister Hsu, Director Generals Leu, Chen, and Chiu for Taiwan’s immense hospitality in welcoming all of us to Taipei.

The FBI National Academy Associates is critical to our mission and to helping keep a free and open Indo-Pacific in which nations with diverse cultures and different aspirations can prosper side-by-side in freedom and in peace.

FBI’s vision for Indo-Pacific excludes no nation.  We seek to partner with all law enforcement agencies that respect national sovereignty, fairness, and the rule of law. Our goal is for all nations to live in prosperity, security, and liberty.

For the Indo-Pacific region to continue to flourish law enforcement must ensure each country in the region be free to determine its own course within a system of values that ensures opportunity for even the smallest countries to thrive, free from the predations of the strong.

Threats from cyber intruders, criminals, and terrorists are global concerns, and we cannot combat these threats without partners like all of you.  Training and exchange of intelligence information through the National Academy network is critical.

It is important that we come together to discuss the threats that we all face and to share new practices to combat them.  I hope you will take this opportunity to collaborate and build a network of partners to ensure a free and open Indo-Pacific region.  Staying engaged with fellow National Academy graduates is a great way to keep our partnerships strong and to stay ahead of the threats.

I also encourage you to engage with your local Legat office.  The FBI is proud of the work the men and women of the Legat Program do every day, many of whom are here today and eager to continue to work with you and build new relationships.

I hope you enjoy the presentations given during this week and find them invaluable as we work together to combat the many global threats we face.

Thank you again to Taiwan, American Institute in Taiwan, and all of you for being here in Taipei. Enjoy the conference.