Remarks by AIT Director Kin Moy at the Official Launch Ceremony of e-Gate for the United States and Global Entry for Taiwan

October 26, 2017

AIT Official Text #: OT-1719
(As Prepared for Delivery)

As Minister Yeh mentioned, we are approaching the fifth anniversary of the Visa Waiver Program for Taiwan, and U.S. citizens will be the first non-residents to be eligible for e-Gate.  We are delighted that Executive Director Hoffman of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) was able to come here in person to announce that Taiwan is joining Global Entry.  These three achievements give us great cause for celebration today!

The number of travelers to the United States from Taiwan has increased by almost 60% since Visa Waiver was introduced.  Travelers from Taiwan have proven over these past five years that, in addition to significantly contributing to the various local economies in the United States through travel and trade, they continue to be among the most trustworthy visitors as well.  With the introduction of Global Entry, we look forward to welcoming more Taiwan friends to the United States.  The United States is honored to be the first country to benefit from full membership in the e-Gate Program.  I am happy and proud to be here for this historic display of reciprocal trust.  These partnerships are further indications of the strength of the U.S.-Taiwan relationship.

To celebrate these achievements, we are conducting a Global Entry Give-Away Campaign with the Discover America Committee next month.  Awards include round-trip tickets to the United States, as well as many hotel vouchers and gifts from numerous destinations.  Keep an eye on AIT’s Facebook page for more details regarding this fun give-away.  We thank Ms. Brenda Tang, Chair of the Discover America Committee in Taiwan, for their generous support.

This is truly a milestone in U.S.-Taiwan relations!  Thank you, Taiwan, for being such a trusted partner.