Remarks by Director Christensen at the Welcome Dinner for SelectUSA Delegates

Remarks by Director W. Brent Christensen at the Welcome Dinner for SelectUSA Delegates TECRO
June 11, 2019


Remarks by Director W. Brent Christensen
at the Welcome Dinner for SelectUSA Delegates
June 11, 2019, 19:30
Willard InterContinental Hotel


(As Prepared for Delivery)


Minister Deng, Deputy Secretary Kelley, Director General Yang, Representative Kao, and distinguished delegates.  Good evening and welcome to Washington, D.C.

It is a pleasure to be here this evening to celebrate the joint efforts of the United States and Taiwan to promote investment in America.  I would be remiss if I did not take this opportunity to recognize the support of Minister John Deng and Director General Jen-Ni Yang.  Their partnership has been critical to the successful recruitment of the largest delegation at the Investment Summit.  Moreover, it is a delegation composed of sophisticated and accomplished companies.  Thank you to you both.

We know that investing in the United States is a business decision.  We feel honored that you consider the United States to be a good destination for your business.

The delegates from Taiwan represent the success and the potential of the U.S. – Taiwan commercial relationship.  This delegation truly runs the gamut.  Some companies are new to investing in the United States but have had many years of success operating manufacturing facilities across Asia.  On the other end, we have delegates whose companies have been investing in the United States for decades.  The broad spectrum of participants in events like this one demonstrates that the commercial ties between Taiwan and the United States are deep and will continue to flourish.

I also want to recognize the five associations from Taiwan that are attending the Investment Summit – the Taiwan Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers’ Association, the Taiwan Automation Industries and Robotics Association, the Importers and Exporters Association of Taipei, the Taiwan Semiconductor Industry Association, and the Taiwan Bio Industry Organization.

The participation by Taiwan industry associations in the Investment Summit mirrors the historic importance of industry associations in the United States.  It is admirable that companies that might be engaged in competition instead choose to cooperate to build association ties that work to enhance the prosperity of all of their members.

I am also pleased to see U.S. state and local government representatives here tonight.  Thank you for coming to the event to meet the Taiwan delegates.  I am confident that after you learn about their businesses, you will be impressed.

Whenever I give speeches in Taiwan – which is frequently – I talk about my four major policy priorities for my tenure as Director: promote U.S.-Taiwan economic and commercial ties; promote U.S.-Taiwan security cooperation; promote Taiwan’s role in the international community; and promote U.S.-Taiwan people-to-people ties.

I realize this event obviously contributes to the first goal of strengthening our commercial ties, but I believe it actual contributes in important ways to all four goals.  Forging diverse and reliable commercial relationships with partners who respect international norms is critical to the security and stability of the entire Indo-Pacific region.  In addition, events like this give Taiwan an opportunity to demonstrate for an international audience its incredible potential as both a trade partner and a partner in addressing some of the world’s most pressing challenges.  Finally, events like these allow us to forge personal bonds with current and future business partners, an important element in a resilient business relationship.  So thank you all for helping me advance my priorities.

Before I close, I would like to acknowledge the team from AIT’s Commercial Section who are here to support you.

Please stand up so everyone can recognize you:

From our Taiwan office: Mr. Andrew Gately, Deputy Senior Commercial Officer, Mr. Matthew Quigley, Commercial Officer, and Ms. Jackie Hong, Commercial Specialist.

I’d also like to recognize their colleagues from the U.S. Department of Commerce domestic team: Ms. Xiaobing Feng and Mr. Simon Kim.

Please reach out to any of them if you have any questions or need their support.

I look forward to spending time with all of you over the next couple of days.

Thank you.