Remarks by Remarks by EAP/RSP Jeff Campbell at The Opening Session of the Taiwan-led part of the 2019 Cyber Offensive and Defensive Exercises

American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) Logo

November 7, 2019

Remarks by Remarks by EAP/RSP Jeff Campbell at
The Opening Session of the Taiwan-led part of the
2019 Cyber Offensive and Defensive Exercises
November 6, 2019

(As Prepared for Delivery)

Vice Premier Chen, Chairman Koo, Minister Wu, Senior Advisor Lee, Senior Advisor Kuo, Director General Jyan, Director Christensen, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, good morning.

It’s an absolute pleasure to be here today at the first ever cyber exercises hosted by the United States and Taiwan.  Our co-hosting this year’s CODE is a sign of our commitment to close collaboration with Taiwan on cybersecurity.

My name is Jeff Campbell. I represent today the U.S. State Department’s Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs Regional and Security Policy Office.  We are responsible for overseeing the U.S. Indo-Pacific Strategy—including its digital economy and cyber elements.  Today, I would like to put these exercises into the larger context of the U.S. Indo-Pacific Strategy, in particular as it relates to our cybersecurity strategy for the region.

The United States is committed to a vision of a free and open Indo-Pacific in which all can prosper side by side as independent actors, free of coercion.

That vision is shared with billions of people in more than 35 countries and economies in the Indo-Pacific region, and is based on the values that have underpinned peace and prosperity here for generations.  Free, fair, and reciprocal trade; open investment environments; good governance; and freedom of the seas and skies.  These are goals shared by all the region’s peoples who wish to prosper in a free and open future.

In support of this vision, the United States is increasing the tempo and scope of our work with allies, partners, and regional institutions such as the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the Mekong states, the Pacific Island countries, our strategic partner India, and, of course, Taiwan.

We are happy to support events like CODE because our vision for a free and open Indo-Pacific extends into the digital space.

Given the global and cross-cutting nature of cyberspace, we all face increasing risks from state and non-state actors that conduct malicious cyber activity for the purpose of stealing trade secrets or personal information for commercial or financial gain, destroying data, harming critical infrastructure, or causing other types of harm, such as online terrorist radicalization and recruiting.

The next generation of information and communications technology, including 5G networks, is now being deployed. These technologies will create a larger attack surface for cyber threats, and 5G will be the foundation for many additional transformational technologies of the future, including autonomous vehicles, industrial robotics, artificial intelligence, and the internet of things.

The United States and our like-minded partners have grave concerns about the use of Chinese-made equipment, software, and services in ICT networks.  If Chinese companies like Huawei or ZTE control or have a privileged position in 5G infrastructure, mitigating the risk of disruption, data exfiltration, or manipulation will be impossible.

The Chinese Communist Party is above the law, and its laws compel citizens and organizations to cooperate with the party’s intelligence and security agencies, and keep such cooperation secret.  PRC entities have a track record of malicious cyber activity, including intellectual property theft, intentional rerouting of data, and stealing personal information.

Taiwan recognized this long ago and banned Chinese-made telecommunications equipment from its infrastructure more than five years ago.  It is only now that the rest of the world is beginning to follow Taiwan’s wise example.

Ultimately, 5G and cyber policy are matters of national security and human rights.  The United States stands ready to support all those who share our vision for a free and open Indo-Pacific, and to combat cyber threats and increase stability in cyberspace, including all those countries gathered here for this year’s CODE.

Cyber issues are a high priority for the U.S. administration. As you may know, in September 2018, the United States released the National Cyber Strategy which outlines the steps the U.S. government is taking to advance an open, interoperable, reliable, and secure cyberspace.

The Strategy is structured around the four pillars and identifies bold new steps the U.S. Government will take to apply national capabilities to protect public and private networks and information. Given the interconnected and global nature of cyberspace, the Department engages in diplomatic and programmatic initiatives to support the objectives reflected in the Strategy.

In particular, we stand for a framework of responsible state behavior in cyberspace which consists of 1) the applicability of international law to state behavior in cyberspace, 2) the promotion of voluntary, non-binding norms of responsible state behavior during peacetime, and 3) the development and implementation of practical cyber confidence building measures. This framework has been endorsed in the UN General Assembly, G-7, G-20, ARF, ASEAN, and many other international venues.

This year’s CODE is a living example of how to realize these goals by building confidence and trust among the partners to enhance stability in cyberspace, and we greatly appreciate Taiwan’s leadership in this endeavor.

Together, our challenge is to confront the threats that we face while upholding the important benefits that come from an open, interoperable, secure, and reliable cyberspace.

Across the Indo-Pacific region, like-minded and open societies are engaging with industry, sharing best practices, pushing for standards and regulations for emerging technologies, and supporting the protection of industrial control systems.

These efforts may require technical expertise, but they are based on values that anyone can understand: Freedom of expression, information sharing, commerce across borders, and improving people’s lives and standards of living.

We must craft our policies to heighten cybersecurity and protect privacy without creating barriers to innovation and emerging technologies or undermining individual liberties.

We must promote a cyberspace that fosters efficiency and economic prosperity, while respecting privacy and guarding against disruption, fraud, and theft.

Working together, we can ensure that our shared vision for the Internet is promoted and protected, so that our citizens and economies can reach their full potential. This goal is at the heart of U.S. efforts for a free and open Indo-Pacific region, both now and in the future.

Thank you.