Remarks by Assistant Secretary of State Charles H. Rivkin at Global Cooperation Training Framework (GCTF) MOU Signing Ceremony

Remarks by AIT Director Christopher J. Marut at the “Global Cooperation Training Framework” MOU Signing Ceremony

Taipei, Taiwan
June 1, 2015

(As Prepared for Delivery)

Deputy Minister Kao, Chairperson Chang, Director Marut, ladies and gentlemen, colleagues and friends…

I am honored to be here today to witness the launch of the new U.S.-Taiwan Global Cooperation and Training Framework Agreement, which will not only support broader U.S.-Taiwan cooperation, but will also give us a strong platform to enhance our joint engagement in the Asia Pacific region and the world.

As many of you know, two important themes of my visit to Taiwan this week are innovation and entrepreneurship.  As Assistant Secretary for the State Department’s Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs, I lead the United States’ global effort to promote innovation and entrepreneurship as drivers of economic development.  Of course, the U.S. and Taiwan private sectors have long led the way in showing how creativity, courage, outward focus, and an emphasis on the cultivation of human talent can drive the development of the dynamic societies in which we now live. Government has a role to play too, in promoting and enacting smart policies, and in acting as a compass in challenging our private sectors to dedicate more resources to improving our societies and our neighborhoods.  That’s why I am so delighted to be here to witness the launch of this innovative and entrepreneurial policy initiative.

Shared global prosperity will require more than just lower tariffs and higher investment.  To build the Asia Pacific region we want and the Asia Pacific the world needs, we need to ensure that our citizens are safe, that they can breathe and drink clean air and water, that they are protected from pandemic illnesses, and that people from all walks of life enjoy fair rights and opportunities.  In the global community, no nation has the power to guarantee all of this without the assistance of their neighbors. And that’s what this Framework is about: two like-minded partners working to create new opportunities to demonstrate the meaning of global citizenship.   The Framework is a milestone that will bring into full focus Taiwan’s dramatic transformation from an international aid recipient to an aid provider.  This Framework will provide Taiwan a new venue to tell its story in a way that may inspire others to follow its successful development path.

On behalf of the U.S. Department of State, I offer my warmest congratulations on this launch, and look forward to many successes ahead. Thank you.