Remarks by AIT Director William A. Stanton at the 2011 American Chamber of Commerce in Kaohsiung “Ying Chun Yan” March 17, 2011

American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) Logo
OT-1105E | Date: 4/06/2011

(As Prepared for Delivery)

Premier Wu, Mayor Chen, CEO Lo, Chairman Lin, Kaohsiung AmCham President Aiello, Distinguished Kaohsiung AmCham Members, Kaohsiung American School Principal Farrell and Honored Guests:

Good evening!

I’m delighted to be here in Kaohsiung at the beautiful E-Da World Crowne Plaza Hotel to attend Amcham Kaohsiung’s second annual “Ying Chun Yan,” a wonderful new tradition that attests to Amcham Kaohsiung’s renewed vitality and the superb cooperation it receives from the people of southern Taiwan.

During my time as AIT Director, I have often heard the interesting phrase “zhong bei qing nan.” Personally, I like the sound of another formulation, “zhong nan qinq bei.” That’s why I’ve traveled to southern Taiwan so frequently – this is already my eighth visit to the south. All of us at AIT have a deep appreciation for southern Taiwan’s contribution to Taiwan’s economic miracle and its longtime support for strong U.S.-Taiwan ties. I would like to thank especially Premier Wu, Mayor Chen Chu and EY CEO Lo for their friendship to the U.S. and their shared determination to bring greater prosperity to southern Taiwan.

Last week, I had the pleasure of attending the 2011 Hsieh Nien Fan in Taipei along with President Ma Ying-jeou. During my remarks that night, I underscored AIT’s continuing resolve to work together to strengthen U.S.-Taiwan economic relations. Southern Taiwan is an important part of that effort. For example, AIT had the honor of working with Mayor Chen and the Kaohsiung City Government to host the first-ever U.S.-Taiwan Clean Energy Forum in Kaohsiung last December, which both President Ma and I attended. With the historic merger of Kaohsiung City and Kaohsiung County, I see even greater opportunities ahead for U.S. economic cooperation with southern Taiwan.

I congratulate Amcham Kaohsiung for producing another superb southern Taiwan White Paper, which helps us all appreciate more fully how we can work hand in hand to unleash southern Taiwan’s outstanding economic potential. I’m also pleased that “Ying Chun Yan” gives us a chance to present our AIT Importer of the Year Award, a small gesture of thanks to the Taiwan business community for actively supporting U.S.-Taiwan commercial ties. Furthermore, I salute the Kaohsiung American School for bringing another special touch to our event this evening through its generous donation to the Garden of Hope Foundation, which highlights the school’s focus on giving back to the local community.

My deepest thanks again to all of my friends in Kaohsiung and southern Taiwan for your support. As I conveyed to my AmCham friends in Taipei last week, may you all in the Year of the Rabbit “yáng méi tù qì (揚眉兔氣), hóng tù dà zhǎn (宏兔大展)!!