Remarks by AIT Director Sandra Oudkirk at the Opening of NASA Hackathon

AIT Director Sandra Oudkirk on NASA Hackathon opening

October 1, 2021

 Remarks by AIT Director Sandra Oudkirk at the Opening of NASA Hackathon
October 1, 2021

Dear participants and collaborators, I am AIT Director Sandra Oudkirk.

During the next 48 hours, you will join participants from around the world to use Earth observation data to develop solutions to issues our world is facing.  To mark the tenth year of the International Space Apps Challenge, NASA is collaborating with nine international space agency partners to bring the largest global hackathon in the world to even more communities.

By using NASA data to solve these challenges, Space Apps teams will share in the creation and application of knowledge to expand our understanding through new scientific discoveries and to help us improve life on earth.  Space Apps inspires collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking to foster interest in Earth and space science and exploration.

This mission leverages our natural human curiosity to encourage the growth and diversity of the next generation of scientists, technologists, designers, storytellers, and engineers.

Thank you all for joining in this inspiring, important event.

Happy Hacking and Good luck with your solutions!