「女力經濟賦權高峰會」- 相關閱讀

女力經濟賦權高峰會 Women’s Economic Empowerment Summit

促進女性的經濟參與經濟力量,是聰明的經濟學。此次「女力經濟賦權高峰會」將邀請國際知名講者代表來台,分享她們在商業、政府、以及學界的心路歷程。 同時,此高峰會也希望能成為台灣在推廣女力的最佳範例,持續推動女性在經濟上扮演的重要角色,同時也是美國國務院推動女力的重大目標:女性全球發展與繁榮倡議,其英文縮寫W-GDP就是彰顯了女性在GDP上的貢獻與不可磨滅的重要性。 本活動為美國在台協會40週年慶祝系列活動之一。歡迎報名參加。以下為相關推薦閱讀文章與相關資訊。

The case for women’s economic empowerment is becoming clearer every day.  Below you will find links to articles on the subject, including by some of our expert speakers at the Summit.

Disclaimer: The views represented in the articles below are those of the author alone, and are not endorsed in any way as the official position of the American Institute in Taiwan or the U.S. Government.  The articles are provided for informational purposes only.

本高峰會講者分享 From our Expert Speakers:



Women’s Global Development and Prosperity Initiative (W-GDP):
Women’s Empowerment is Smart Economics:
Women in the Workforce:
Women Entrepreneurship:
書籍 Books: