AIT DIR Christensen at AIC Innovation Forum

Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at the AIC Innovation Forum

22 April, 2021 | Speeches

Today is the 51st anniversary of Earth Day, with an estimated one billion people around the world mobilizing to commemorate it.  The events of today’s Innovation Forum highlight U.S. commitment to the environment and to finding innovative solutions for combating climate change. This aligns with President Biden’s priority of placing climate change at the center ...

Virtual Program: #TheTaiwanModel: When Civic Technology Meets Open Data

17 April, 2020 | American Spaces, Events

Crises like COVID-19 are when partnerships matter the most. The United States will continue to advocate for Taiwan’s greater international participation, particularly to share its impressive global health expertise with the world. Sign up and join our virtual live-stream program on Apr. 28 at 9:00 AM. We are inviting Minister Audrey Tang and mask app ...
2019 AIC Innovation Forum and “Imagine That! Innovation Exhibition

Remarks by AIT Director Brent Christensen at 2019 AIC Innovation Forum and “Imagine That! Innovation

20 March, 2019 | Director, News, Speeches

The AIC was jointly established by AIT and the Taiwan Design Center in 2014 to promote shared U.S.-Taiwan values of Innovation, Entrpreneruship, Digitalization, and Culture & Design, by offering technology, creativity, and design-themed programs to public audiences.  Over the past five years, more than 98,000 people have visited the AIC or attended one of over ...

2018 NASA International Space Apps Challenge Hackathon (NASA Hackathon)

26 September, 2018 | Events, News, Press Releases

The American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) is partnering with the National Space Organization, Chunghwa Telecom, Taipei City Government, the National Taiwan Normal University, and American Innovation Center to host the 2018 NASA Space Apps Challenge Hackathon in Taiwan. The hackathon will be held from October 19-21 and registration is now open. | PR-1832E | September ...
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