「AIT TechCamp 資訊傳播科技暨應用培訓營 」 (8月27-29日)

AIT TechCamp



美國在台協會訂於8月底於台北舉行一場為期兩天半的TechCamp –「資訊傳播科技暨應用培訓營」,期許透過現代傳播科技的運用來加強正確的媒體敘事與媒體識讀,同時訓練訊息傳遞者判別與探究訊息的正確性與真實度之能力。我們希望邀請對此一主題有興趣的大眾踴躍報名參加!


活動日期: 2019年8月27-29日 (2天半)
活動地點: Taipei, Taiwan

Fee: AIT will cover all expenses incurred during the TechCamp, including meals, educational materials, and other miscellaneous fees.  Lodging, transportation, and insurance will be covered for participants travelling from outside the Taipei metropolitan area.

Language: Participants should have strong English skills as all activities will be conducted in English.

Criteria for Selection:

  1. Emerging journalists, journalism students, social media influencers (including YouTubers and bloggers), members of the tech and programing community, and members of related NGOs are eligible to apply.
  2. English proficiency is required. Participants must be able to discuss complex issues in English.
  3. Completed application forms must be submitted no later than June 10, 2019, including a paragraph explaining the candidates’ interest and suitability for the program.
  4. Interested participants may also seek a recommendation from professors, supervisors, AIT alumni or related NGOs.


The American Institute in Taiwan will select approximately 40 participants from all regions of Taiwan along with 20 participants from other countries in the region.  Applicants should send application forms to AIT_TechCamp@mail.ait.org.tw no later than June 10, 2019.    Applications will be reviewed by AIT officers and staff.  Participants who are selected will be notified by AIT by the end of June and provided with detailed event information. 若有任何問題,歡迎洽詢 AIT_TechCamp@mail.ait.org.tw .