AIT 新聞稿編號:PR-1915

美國農業部首度籌組貿易訪問團來台,美國農業部海外服務署署長艾斯里(Ken Isley)將擔任團長,率領49位美國農產企業及農場組織的代表於4月22日至25日來台北訪問。
除了率領下列公司及組織的代表外,艾斯里也將由美屬薩摩亞農業局局長Filifaatali M. Fuiava、愛達荷州農業廳廳長顧雅莉(Celia Gould),及喬治亞州和內布拉斯加州農業廳官員陪同出訪。
- All Berry & Fruits, Portland, Ore.
- American Soybean Association, St. Louis, Mo.
- American Specialty Food Company, Houston, Texas
- Bard Valley Date Growers, Yuma, Ariz.
- Bell-Carter Foods, LLC, Walnut Creek, Calif.
- Blinking Owl Distillery, Santa Ana, Calif.
- Bridgepathway, LLC, Jericho, N.Y.
- Calway Foods, Inc., Santa Clara,
- CAS InterGlobal, Pleasanton, Calif.
- Clarkson Grain Company, Inc., Cerro Gordo, Ill.
- Cherry Marketing Institute, Dewitt, Mich.
- Citation Wine, Issaquah, Wash.
- Dan Maltby Risk Management Group, LLC, Chanhassen, Kan.
- Distilled Spirits Council of the United States, Washington, D.C.
- East-West International Group, Inc., Moreland Hills, Ohio
- Export-Now.com, Ridgefield, Wash.
- F3 Vineyards, Inc., Las Vegas, Nev.
- Flint Hills Resources, LLP, Wichita, Kan.
- Global Export Marketing Co., Ltd., New York, N.Y.
- Golden Moon Distillery, Golden, Colo.
- Hang Tung Resources (USA) Co., Ltd., Glenview, Ill.
- Hawaii Coffee Association, Kona, Hawaii
- Kauai Coffee, LLC, Kalaheo, Hawaii
- King Orchards, Central Lake, Mich.
- Kirschenman Enterprises Inc., Visalia, Calif.
- Koenig Vineyards, Caldwell, Idaho.
- La Tapatia Tortilleria, Inc., Fresno, Calif.
- Lamar Pecan Company, Hawkinsville, Ga.
- Minnesota Soybean Research & Promotion Council, Mankato, Minn.
- Northwest Hazelnut Company, Hubbard, O
- Pacific Cheese Co., Hayward, Calif.
- PacRim Wine & Spirits., San Rafael, Calif.
- Pure Steeps Beverage, LLC, Anaheim, Calif.
- Redwood Trading Group, Los Angeles, Calif.
- A. International, Inc., Newcastle, Wash.
- Space Enterprises, LLC, (World of Chia) The Woodlands, Texas
- Sun Grape Marketing Inc., Visalia, Calif.
- United Dairy Ingredients Group. LLC, Montebello, Calif.
- United Natural Foods, Inc., Providence, R.I.
- USA Foods, San Francisco, Calif.
- USA Rice Federation, Arlington, Va.
- US Fresh Export. LLC, Rosemead, Calif.
- S. Grains Council, Washington, D.C.
- S. Soybean Export Council, Chesterfield, Mo.
- Vet + Instinct, Phoenix, Ariz.
- Western Onion Sales, Inc., Camarillo, Calif.
- Western United States Agricultural Trade Association, Vancouver, Wash.
- Whistling Andy Distilling, Bigfork, Mont.
- World Import/Export Trading Co., Belmont, Calif.