News & Events

A Call for Proposals for Protecting Labor Rights in Taiwan’s Distant-Waters Fishing Industry

Protecting Labor Rights in Taiwan’s Distant-Waters Fishing Industry A Call for Proposals for Technology-enabled Solutions   Objectives — Themes and priorities The application of innovative technologies to address the risks of forced labor for foreign and vulnerable crew members and to streamline procedures for marine emergency prevention, notification, and response. Real‑time management Smart equipment Labor-focused ...
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Request For Quotation No: TPE200-22-Q-0007 (March 21, 2022)

No: TPE200-22-Q-0007 The American Institute in Taiwan (herein referred to as AIT) has a requirement for a firm to provide tailor-made uniforms service.  The contract type will be an IDIQ with firm-fixed price(s) contract.  All firms that respond to the RFQ must be technically qualified and financially responsible to perform the work.  At a minimum, ...
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U.S.-Taiwan Education Initiative Factsheet 2022

U.S.-Taiwan Education Initiative Factsheet 2022 Outcomes of the Second High-Level Dialogue on March 1, 2022: To reaffirm both sides’ commitment to deepening cooperation on international education, particularly in the area of English and Mandarin Chinese language education, based on what both sides have achieved in past years. To take of stock of achievements to date ...
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Remarks by former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Michael Glenn Mullen

I lead this delegation of private citizens to voice our support for the continued and growing strength of the vital partnership between the United States and Taiwan. We come to Taiwan at a very difficult and critical moment in world history.  As President Biden has said, democracy is facing sustained and alarming challenges, most recently ...
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The U.S.-Taiwan Education Initiative: Continued Cooperation on Mandarin Chinese and English Language Education

Following the first high-level dialogue under the U.S.-Taiwan Education Initiative in 2020, the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs hosted the second high-level dialogue on March 1, 2022 to reaffirm both sides’ commitment to deepening cooperation on international education, particularly in the area of English and Mandarin Chinese language education, ...
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