News & Events

The Visit to Taiwan of Senators Cornyn, Crapo, Lee, Tuberville and Representatives Gonzales and Ellzey

Senator John Cornyn (R-TX), Senator Mike Crapo (R-ID), Senator Mike Lee (R-UT), Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL), Representative Tony Gonzales (R-TX), and Representative Jake Ellzey (R-TX) visited Taiwan from November 9-11, 2021, as part of a larger visit to the Indo-Pacific region.|PR-2157|November 15, 2021
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BPA Advertisement No: TPE200-22-BPA-0003 (Closing date: November 24, 2021)

BPA Advertisement No: TPE200-22-BPA-0003 The American Institute in Taiwan (herein referred to as AIT) has a requirement for a car rental company to provide vehicle rental and professional transportation services. All firms that respond to the advertisement must be technically qualified and financially responsible to perform the work. At a minimum, each offeror must meet ...
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Remarks by the AIT Director Sandra Oudkirk at Virtual GCTF Workshop on “Defending Democracy through Media Literacy III”

As the United States and Taiwan both know all too well, the internet age has seen a dramatic rise in the spread and effectiveness of disinformation.  As open, democratic societies, the United States, Taiwan, and many others are particularly vulnerable to the pernicious effects of intentionally misleading and harmful misinformation.|OT-2154|November 9, 2021
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The United States, Taiwan, Japan, United Kingdom, and Slovakia Cohost Virtual GCTF Workshop on Disinformation and Media Literacy

This is the third GCTF workshop to focus on disinformation and media literacy.  Over 100 officials and civil society experts from over 20 countries shared lessons learned from recent elections, both in Taiwan and around the world, as well as legislative and civil society tools available to deal with disinformation.|PR-2156|November 9, 2021
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