Beware of Imposter or Fraudulent Websites
The Fraud Prevention Unit would like to advise visa applicants to be cautious in all dealings with non-governmental websites and companies that claim to offer any assistance in obtaining U.S. visas or Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA) status. For fraud alerts and other information regarding fraud, please click here and consult the AIT Facebook page.
Consequence of Committing Fraud
Sometimes visa applicants commit fraud in an effort to obtain a visa or ESTA status. Misrepresentations can range from overstating one’s income to falsifying employment or family relationships. The Visa Unit sees many otherwise qualified applicants who wrongly believe that lying is the only way they will be able to obtain a visa. Any person committing misrepresentation or using fraudulent documents in an attempt to obtain a visa will be found ineligible for a visa and may be subject to a lifetime visa ineligibility.
Help Us Fight Visa Fraud
The Fraud Prevention Unit appreciates all efforts to fight visa fraud. By helping to reduce fraud, you are helping to make visa processing easier and more efficient for all applicants.
If you have information regarding any type of visa fraud or misuse of visas or ESTA status, please contact the Fraud Prevention Unit through the following ways:
Email: AITFraudTips@state.gov
Mail: No. 100, Jinhu Road, Neihu District, Taipei City 11461, Taiwan
Note: To improve the usefulness of the information you send to AIT, please include as much information about the traveler as possible, including full name, date of birth, passport or national ID number, etc. Those willing to provide information should be assured that they can remain anonymous and that their information will be treated with great discretion. Unfortunately, we cannot respond to inquiries about visas or American Citizen Services. Please visit the Visas page or the American Citizen Services page for related information.