United States, Taiwan, Japan, and Australia Conclude the second VGCTF Workshop on COVID-19: Preparing for the Second Wave

American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) Logo

June 24, 2020

United States, Taiwan, Japan, and Australia Conclude the second
Virtual Global Cooperation and Training Framework (vGCTF) Workshop on
COVID-19: Preparing for the Second Wave


On June 24, the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT), in partnership with Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Taiwan’s Centers for Disease Control, Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association, and Australian Office, co-hosted the second virtual Global Cooperation and Training Framework (vGCTF) workshop on COVID-19: Preparing for the Second Wave.  This GCTF workshop, conducted on a digital platform, is the seventh GCTF workshop focused on building capacity among public health officials and experts from countries across the region and beyond.  Public health experts from Taiwan, the United States, Japan, and Australia shared best practices, lessons learned, and trends related to COVID-19 response with public health experts representing 16 Indo-Pacific countries.  Participants drew invaluable experiences from each other and deepened international cooperation.

Taiwan Foreign Minister Joseph Wu, Chief Representative of Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association Taipei office Hiroyasu Izumi, and Deputy Representative of Australian Office in Taiwan Susan Moore each gave remarks to open the event.  AIT Director Brent Christensen joined Taiwan Minister of Health and Welfare Chen Shih-chung in delivering concluding remarks.  Director Christensen thanked partners, panelists, and attendees for the significant contributions they have made to maintain global health security in the face of this global pandemic.

As U.S. Secretary Pompeo recently said: “The United States has long considered Taiwan a force for good in the world and a reliable partner.  We have a shared vision for the region—one that includes rule of law, transparency, prosperity, and security for all. The recent COVID-19 pandemic provided an opportunity for the international community to see why Taiwan’s pandemic-response model is worthy of emulation.”