U.S. and Taiwan Convene the First Working Group Meeting under the Infrastructure Finance Framework

American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) Logo

October 30, 2020

 The United States and Taiwan Convene the First Working Group Meeting
under the Framework to Strengthen Infrastructure Finance and Market Building Cooperation


On Thursday, October 29, the United States and Taiwan convened the first virtual working group meeting under an infrastructure finance framework, which was signed by the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) and the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office (TECRO) on September 17, 2020.  The Framework to Strengthen Infrastructure Finance and Market Building Cooperation aims to facilitate technical exchanges and information sharing to catalyze investments in infrastructure across the Indo-Pacific.

“This year has been a challenging year for the world.  But it will also be remembered as one that highlighted the already strong and growing interests and values shared by the United States and Taiwan.  The U.S.-Taiwan cooperation and economic relationship has been taken to the next level.” AIT Director Christensen said during the opening remarks.

The U.S.-Taiwan infrastructure finance virtual working group was led by the U.S. Department of Treasury Assistant Secretary for International Markets Mitchell Silk, the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) Director W. Brent Christensen, U.S. State Department Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Western Hemisphere Affairs Julie Chung, and Deputy Assistant Secretary of Economic Bureau Roland de Marcellus.  The U.S. delegation also included representatives from the Departments of State, Treasury, Commerce, Transportation, and Energy, the U.S. Development Finance Corporation, and AIT in Washington and Taipei.  The Taiwan delegation was led by Taiwan Political Deputy Finance Minister Frank Juan, Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister Harry Tseng, and TECRO Representative to the United States Bi-Khim Hsiao.

The U.S. and Taiwan representatives discussed a broad range of issues to enhance collaboration across regional infrastructure investment and finance Initiatives, infrastructure finance and market building, and the facilitation of bilateral investment in infrastructure, which collectively will help secure resilient and sustainable supply chains of the future.

The United States welcomes Taiwan’s important contributions to infrastructure development in the Indo-Pacific region and its broader promotion of a free and open Indo-Pacific.