U.S. Government Vaccine Donation Arrives in Taiwan

American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) Logo

November 1, 2021

 U.S. Government Vaccine Donation Arrives in Taiwan

AIT is pleased to announce the arrival in Taiwan of 1.5 million doses of Moderna vaccine donated by the U.S. government.  Following the previous donation of vaccines in June, this brings the total doses of vaccines donated to Taiwan by the United States to four million.

Partners support each other, especially under tough circumstances, and our support for Taiwan, through vaccines or otherwise, is rock solid.  The United States partners closely with Taiwan on global health issues, and that collaboration has deepened throughout the pandemic. Taiwan provided vital support to the United States in the earliest days of the pandemic, offering PPE and other life-saving materials.  The American people remain grateful for Taiwan’s generosity and proud that we can reciprocate that kindness.

For the last few years, AIT and Taiwan have described our relationship as “Real Friends, Real Progress,” and this donation is a concrete example of our deep and broad ties in trade and investment, security cooperation, people-to-people exchange, and shared democratic values.  As President Biden has said, it is democracies who will be able to deliver results for the people of the world.