The United States and Taiwan to Convene the Digital Economy Forum

The United States and Taiwan will hold a Digital Economy Forum on December 2 in Taipei, to be co-led by Science and Technology Adviser to the Secretary of State Dr. Vaughan Turekian and National Development Council (NDC) Minister Woody Duh.

The U.S.-Taiwan Digital Economy Forum is a high-level, multi-stakeholder platform for the discussion of important policy issues such as digital trade, and creating policy and regulatory environments to enable digital development. The Forum will feature discussions led by senior U.S. and Taiwan officials. U.S. Department of State Economic Affairs Bureau Assistant Secretary Charles H. Rivkin and Taiwan’s Deputy Minister of Economic Affairs Bill Cho announced the creation of the Digital Economy Forum in Taipei this past June.

The United States and Taiwan enjoy robust engagement across a range of science and technology areas. The Digital Economy Forum will enhance cooperation in the information and communications technology sector, including in fora such as APEC, and promote closer coordination and exchange of information on our policies and mutual objectives. The United States and Taiwan share an interest in promoting the open Internet, the free flow of data across borders, expanded access and adoption of information and communications technologies, and the further development of the global digital economy.

As Science and Technology Adviser to the Secretary of State, Dr. Turekian advises the Secretary and other senior officials on international environment, science, technology, and health matters affecting the foreign policy of the United States. This is Dr. Turekian’s first visit to Taiwan. In addition to leading the U.S. delegation to the Digital Economy Forum, he will meet with senior Taiwan officials to discuss the broad range of U.S.-Taiwan cooperative efforts on science, technology and innovation.

For more information on the United States’ information and communications policy, please see: