U.S. Delegation Visits Taiwan for Trade Discussions

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AIT Press Release #: PR-1829
September 20, 2018

A delegation of U.S. government officials, led by Acting Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for China Affairs Terry McCartin, traveled to Taiwan from September 12-18 for discussions on the full range of trade and investment issues of importance to the United States and Taiwan. The U.S. delegation included officials from the Office of the United States Trade Representative and the U.S. Departments of State, Commerce and Agriculture. They met with relevant trade authorities in Taiwan to work on a variety of priority issues, including in the areas of agriculture, digital piracy, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, investment and technical barriers to trade.

The United States places great importance on its trade and investment relationship with Taiwan, which is the 7th largest importer of U.S. agricultural products and the United States’ 11th largest goods trading partner overall.

The two sides look forward to continued discussions aimed at promoting free, fair and reciprocal trade between the United States and Taiwan.