Employment in Taiwan

In most cases, you should not begin work in Taiwan before the Taiwan employer obtains a work permit for you. U.S. citizens have been arrested and deported for working without permission from the Taiwan authorities.  Please contact the Ministry of Labor to learn more about working in Taiwan.

Finding a Job in Taiwan

AIT is unable to identify employment opportunities for U.S. citizens in Taiwan. For information about working legally in Taiwan, you should contact Taiwan’s representative office in the U.S. or visit the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the U.S. website for details.

Work Permits

Your Taiwan employer is responsible for obtaining your work permit. The Taiwan government agency responsible for issuing it depends on the nature of your work.

If you are already in Taiwan on a Visitor Visa, you should contact Bureau of Consular Affairs, MOFA to apply for a Resident Visa after you receive the work permit. If you entered Taiwan without a visa or with a Landing Visa, you will need to leave Taiwan to apply for a Resident Visa. For detailed information, visit www.boca.gov.tw. The section “Taiwan Visas” also has further information on visas

If you are currently outside Taiwan, you should apply for a Resident Visa before entering Taiwan. See the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in Taipei website for more information.

After you enter Taiwan with a Resident Visa, you must apply for an Alien Resident Card (ARC) within 15 days of your arrival. For information about the ARC visit www.immigration.gov.tw .

Processing a work permit application can take several months. You are not permitted to work in Taiwan during this time. An employer who asks you to work before you receive your permit is breaking the law in Taiwan and is asking you to break the law. Working illegally can result in arrest and deportation.

Read your Taiwan employment contract carefully before signing. Make sure the contract addresses all aspects of your job including duties, hours, overtime, salary and benefits.

If you have a serious dispute with your employer you should contact the Bureau of Employment and Vocational Training, Council of Labor Affairs  www.wda.gov.tw, or retain an attorney. AIT cannot advise or represent you in a labor dispute.
(To download a list of attorneys in Northern Taiwan (PDF, 378KB)
(To download a list of attorneys in Southern Taiwan (PDF 362KB).