If You Are Arrested

  1. If You Are Arrested
  2. AIT’s Role

Contact AIT immediately, or ask the police to do so. In northern Taiwan, call AIT Taipei (02) 2162-2000. In southern Taiwan, call AIT Kaohsiung (07) 335-5006. An AIT Duty Officer is available 24 hours a day.

Do not sign anything you do not understand. Suspects in Taiwan have the right to remain silent and to refuse to sign documents.

Consider hiring an attorney. Suspects have the right to an attorney, and AIT strongly encourages U.S. citizens who have been arrested to exercise this right. AIT officers cannot act as your attorney or provide legal advice.

Click here for a list of English-speaking attorneys in Taipei (PDF 259 KB) or click here for a list of English-speaking attorneys in Southern Taiwan (PDF 625 KB). You may also want to consider contacting the Legal Aid Foundation (LAF), which provides legal advice and services to foreigners in Taiwan.  Click here to locate the branch office nearest you; LAF’s hotline number is 02-412 8518 (dialing from a mobile phone) or 412-8518 (dialing from a land line).


If sentenced to jail, convicted U.S. citizens are usually sent to the Taipei Prison in Kuishan District, Taoyuan, to serve their term. Family and friends may visit during scheduled times. Prisoners may send and receive mail, though communications are subject to censoring. An AIT representative will visit incarcerated U.S. citizens approximately every six months.