U.S. Assistance for Victims of Typhoon Morakot

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PR-0937E | The people of the United States of America have been moved by the humanitarian tragedy in Taiwan caused by Typhoon Morakot.  On behalf of the American people, AIT would like to convey its deepest sympathy for the victims and their families.  At the same time, we are struck by the courage, determination and unity of purpose of the Taiwan people in responding to this crisis.

In support of the response to this natural disaster, AIT is pleased to present NT$8,215,000 (US$250,000) to the Taiwan Red Cross.  This money, provided by the U.S. Agency for International Development, will be used to provide immediate assistance to households affected by Typhoon Morakot.

The United States and AIT have supported the humanitarian work of the Taiwan Red Cross during previous natural disasters.  In addition, we deeply appreciate the assistance Taiwan has provided for victims of natural disasters in the United States, including during Hurricane Katrina in 2005.  We are confident the Red Cross will use our contribution in the most efficient and effective manners possible to alleviate the suffering and hardship for the typhoon victims.