The United States and Taiwan to Launch Indo-Pacific Democratic Governance Consultations

The United States and Taiwan to Launch Indo-Pacific Democratic Governance Consultations
March 19, 2019
AIT Press Release #: PR-1906


Earlier today at a press conference with Foreign Minister Joseph Wu, AIT Director Christensen announced that the United States and Taiwan had agreed to establish a new annual dialogue called the Indo-Pacific Democratic Governance Consultations.  This important new forum will serve as a regular occasion for the United States and Taiwan to explore ways to increase our cooperation and pursue joint projects in the region that assist other countries in addressing the governance challenges of the day.   The first iteration will be held in Taipei in September, and the U.S. delegation will be led by a senior official from the State Department’s Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor.

Taiwan has accomplished so much in terms of democratic governance, and the United States wants to increase its work with Taiwan to share the lessons Taiwan has learned with others in the region who are seeking progress in their own countries.  Taiwan’s success in protecting the rights of minorities, facilitating interfaith dialogue, promoting women’s political participation and economic empowerment, and holding elections that are credible in the eyes of its voters and international observers can contribute to greater prosperity, better governance, and stronger regional security across the Indo-Pacific.  Modeling good governance is one of the many ways that Taiwan is a valuable partner for the United States in promoting a free and open Indo-Pacific region.