Taiwan Renews GLOBE Participation After a Rewarding First Five Years

September 10, 2018
AIT Press Release #: PR-1828


On August 14, 2018, AIT and TECRO signed an agreement renewing Taiwan’s participation in the Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program for five more years.  GLOBE is a hands-on international science education program launched by the United States on Earth Day of 1994.  It brings together students, teachers, scientists and community members in over 120 countries to cultivate environmental stewardship, foster intercultural understanding, and facilitate scientific exchange.

GLOBE Chairman Tony P. Murphy expressed that he hopes Taiwan’s robust contributions to the international program will serve as model to the whole Indo-Pacific Region.

Taiwan originally joined GLOBE in 2013, and has been an active contributor to the worldwide community of participants.  In addition to hosting international conferences, Taiwan has participated in the GLOBE exchange program, bringing students and teachers from India, Thailand, the Philippines, Mongolia, and Malaysia to collaborate on events including the AI Robotics Hub.

Taiwan has also been renowned by fellow members for the amount of observation data its participants have contributed to the GLOBE scientific community.  In 2015, Taiwan’s contribution was the 6th largest, and in 2016 it was the 3rd largest.

Taiwan’s successes in promoting science education also led to the GLOBE Chairman inviting Taiwan to share its experience with the GLOBE community.  Now that Taiwan’s Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) has renewed its participation, Taiwan will continue its ongoing collaboration with NASA to promote science education in Taiwan.

Moving forward, Taiwan’s participation in GLOBE will renew automatically every five years unless either party decides to discontinue its participation.

For more information, please contact:

AIT’s Public Diplomacy Section Jewel Huang, Email: huangjty@state.gov, Mobile: 0975082767