The Sun Yet-Sen America Center Re-opens on September 18, 2009

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PR-0942E | The National Sun Yat-sen University will hold the grand re-opening of the Sun Yat-sen America Center on September 18, 2009.  The American Institute in Taiwan congratulated National Sun Yat-sen University and Kaohsiung City on the re-opening of the America Center, which is the only one of its kind in all Taiwan.  The Center symbolizes the historic friendship and cooperation between the people of the United States and Taiwan and the desire of the American people and the people of Taiwan to strengthen and deepen ties.

The America Center is an international academic institution established in 1999 with resources from National Sun Yat-sen University and support from the American Institute in Taiwan. It plays a key function in serving as a liaison between American scholars of diverse disciplines and scholars of National Sun Yat-sen University, provides a tangible point of focus to National Sun Yat-sen University’s study of the United States, and a convenient point of contact for the American Institute in Taiwan’s academic cooperation with the university. It also offers schools all over southern Taiwan a platform to study and learn about the United States.

The American Institute in Taiwan expressed its gratitude to National Sun Yat-sen University President Yang Hung-duen for his leadership and support for the university’s renewed commitment to ensure that the America Center achieves even greater success in the future.  The American Institute in Taiwan also noted the enthusiasm, dedication, and creativity that Professor Shin Chuei-ling and her staff have shown to re-energize the Center in just a few short months.

The Sun Yat-sen America Center welcomes members of the media to attend the ceremony.  The ceremony details are:

  • Time:   12:00-13:30, Friday, September 18, 2009
  • Location:  Sun Yat-sen America Center
  • Address:  National Sun Yat-sen University Library, 4th Floor,
    No. 70, Lien-hai Road, Ku-shang District, Kaohsiung
  • Point of Contact: Beatrice Lin, Telephone: (07) 238-7744 x625