Statement on the First Anniversary of Taiwan’s Accession to the United States Visa Waiver Program Issued by Christopher J. Marut, AIT Director

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One year ago today, Taiwan became the 37th member of the United States Visa Waiver Program. As we celebrate the first year of Taiwan’s participation in the Visa Waiver Program, we congratulate all of those on both sides who have worked so hard to realize this success.

As a result of this landmark accomplishment, travel from Taiwan to the United States has greatly increased. Every new traveler represents one more link between Taiwan and the United States. These visitors experience first-hand the people, sights, food, and culture of the United States.

Taiwan’s entry into the Visa Waiver Program last November was the result of a long term cooperative effort by the United States and Taiwan. That cooperation continues to deepen and grow, reflecting the strength of our unofficial ties and our shared commitment to build upon this important milestone in the U.S.-Taiwan relationship.

The United States congratulates the people of Taiwan on a very successful first year of membership in the Visa Waiver Program.