Seminar on the Impact of Cybercrime on Government Agencies

American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) Logo
PR-1035E | Date: 5/26/2010

The Commercial Section of the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) is collaborating with ArcSight, a U.S.-based leading global provider of security and compliance management solutions, to organize the “ArcSight – The Impact of Cybercrime on Government Agencies” seminar in Taipei.  In light of the current global political and economic climate and combined with new and emerging advanced persistent threats, government organizations are facing increased incidents of cybertheft, cyber espionage, and cyberwarfare.  Attend this session to learn why the majority of the ten largest U.S. government agencies rely on ArcSight, the leader in enterprise threat and risk monitoring solutions.

Learn from ArcSight’s experts as they discuss:

  • Latest trends in internal and external forms of cybercrime.
  • The key measures that other government institutions implement to address risks.
  • How to monitor critical infrastructure to identify, prioritize and defend perimeter and internal threats.

This exclusive briefing will be led by Dr. Prescott Winter, ArcSight’s Chief Technology Officer (CTO) for the Public Sector.  Dr. Winter was most recently the Associate Deputy Director of National Intelligence for Information Integration at the National Security Agency (NSA).   He also previously served as NSA’s Chief Information Officer and CTO, and brings almost three decades of public sector experience in the United States.  Dr. Winter will be joined by Ray Patterson, ArcSight’s Vice President for Professional Services.  Prior to ArcSight, Mr. Patterson was Consulting Services Director for Oracle Corporation.  He is also a Lieutenant Colonel in the U.S Army Reserve.

The date and venue of the seminar are provided below:

Date:               Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Time:              9:30AM – 12:00 PM

Venue:    Suite 3207, 32F, 333, Keelung Rd., Sec. 1, Taipei

Cost:               Complimentary

Advance registration for this event is required as seating is limited.  Additional seminar information is available on AIT Commercial Section’s website:

AIT Commercial Section provides free services to assist Taiwan firms locate U.S. suppliers.  Please contact Cindy Chang in AIT’s Commercial Section for details:

Tel:          (02) 2720-1550, Ext. 311