Hi. My name is Hope. I’m from the United States. Director Moy and his family found me through an organization in Virginia in 2011. They decided to give me the name Hope because they rescued me from a high-kill shelter in North Carolina. My previous owner surrendered me because I was chasing squirrels…But Director Moy and his family say that I behave really well and they take me everywhere. I absolutely love jogging with my best friend Kathy. Kathy says that when I run I look like a deer. I am so big that I can easily outrun any member of my human family. I enjoy hiking with Kathy and my doggie buddies Tanya, Jaxon and Wiggle…hahaha I like to chase my doggie friends and play with them. It’s fun! I wonder why the ducks of Da’an Park never say hello back to me? Oh, well. I have met many dogs in Taiwan but being a Great Dane I haven’t found dogs as big as I am. I have made many humans friends too and I happily pose for photos with anyone who asks. I love traveling with my family and tasting Taiwan’s delicious cuisine, from beef noodle soup (if Olivia leaves me some) to scallion pancakes with egg (for breakfast, of course) to the occasional soup dumpling (but only when Amanda drops one by accident). Yikes, I will miss all this yummy food when I go back home! –- Hope #Adopted from the United States #PetsofAIT