Human Rights Report

The Country Reports on Human Rights Practices are submitted annually by the U.S. Department of State to the U.S. Congress in compliance with sections 116(d) and 502B(b) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (FAA), as amended, and section 504 of the Trade Act of 1974, as amended. The law provides that the Secretary of State shall transmit to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate, “a full and complete report regarding the status of internationally recognized human rights, within the meaning of subsection (A) in countries that receive assistance under this part, and (B) in all other foreign countries which are members of the United Nations and which are not otherwise the subject of a human rights report under this Act.” Reports on several countries are included that do not fall into the categories established by these statutes and that thus are not covered by the congressional requirement.

The reports cover internationally recognized individual, civil, political, and worker rights, as set forth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

List of Human Rights Report (Taiwan Part)
  • 2020 Human Rights Report (Taiwan Part) (March 31, 2021) - Taiwan is a democracy led by a president and parliament selected in multiparty elections. On January 11, voters re-elected President Tsai Ing-wen of the Democratic Progressive Party to another four-year term in an election considered free and fair.|OT-2111|March 31, 2021
  • 2019 Human Rights Report (Taiwan Part) (March 12, 2020) - Taiwan is a democracy governed by a president and parliament selected in multiparty elections. In 2016 voters elected President Tsai Ing-wen of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) to a four-year term in an election considered free and fair. |OT2010|March 12, 2020
  • 2018 Human Rights Report (Taiwan Part) (March 15, 2019) - Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2018 (Taiwan Part) | OT-1908E | Date: 03/15/2019
  • 2017 Human Rights Report (Taiwan Part) (April 20, 2018) - Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2017 (Taiwan Part) | OT-1806E | Date: 04/20/2018
  • 2016 Human Rights Report (Taiwan Part) (March 13, 2017) - Principal human rights problems reported during the year were exploitation of foreign workers, including foreign crewmembers on long-haul fishing vessels and household caregivers; domestic violence; and official corruption. | OT-1701E | Date: 03/13/2017
  • 2015 Human Rights Report (Taiwan Part) (April 14, 2016) - Principal human rights problems reported during the year were labor exploitation of migrant workers by fishing companies, exploitation of domestic workers by brokerage agencies, and official corruption. | OT-1602E | Date: 04/14/2016
  • 2014 Human Rights Report (Taiwan Part) (June 26, 2015) - We salute all those who tirelessly work to champion Human Rights. Read the State Departments 2014 Taiwan Human Rights Report here. | OT-1514E | Date: 06/26/2015
  • 2013 Human Rights Report (Taiwan Part) (March 14, 2014) - Taiwan is governed by a president and a parliament selected in multi-party elections. In 2012 voters re-elected President Ma Ying-jeou of the KMT to a second four-year term in an election considered free and fair. |OT-1402E | Date: 03/14/2014
  • 2012 Human Rights Report (Taiwan Part) (April 22, 2013) - Principal human rights problems reported during the year were corruption and violence against women and children. During the first seven months of the year, authorities indicted 576 officials, including 40 high-ranking officials, on corruption charges. There were no reports of impunity. | OT-1302E | Date: 04/22/2013