News & Events

Solicitation No. TPE200-21-Q-0040 (Closing date: July 29, 2021)

Solicitation No. TPE200-21-Q-0040 The American Institute in Taiwan (herein as “AIT”) has a requirement for a firm to provide landscaping services at the AIT Taipei compound.  Landscaping services are to include sod/turf and new flower/shrub planting as well as drainage installation.  Qualified bidders must attend a pre-proposal conference and site visit at AIT on August ...
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Remarks by AIT Director W. Brent Christensen at the Virtual AIT July 4 Reception

Independence Day was celebrated in the United States on Sunday, July 4.  And today, we are commemorating America’s 245th birthday here in Taiwan.  In our observance of our Independence Day, we celebrate the birth of America as a nation with a government “of the people, by the people and for the people.”|OT-2136|July 13, 2021
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