Joint Exhibition of “American College Sports” and “Immigrants Building America”

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The American Institute in Taiwan Kaohsiung Branch Office, in cooperation with the National Kaohsiung Normal University, is pleased to announce the opening of a joint exhibition featuring “American College Sports” and “Immigrants Building America” on September 30, 2013.

The “American College Sports” exhibition, co-organized by the American Institute in Taiwan Kaohsiung Branch Office and the National Sun Yat-sen University America Center, was first exhibited at National Sun Yat-sen University’s Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall in April and then at  Kaohsiung’s Dream Mall in July this year.  The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) is a nonprofit amateur sports association established in 1906 by a total of 1,281 sports associations of various universities and colleges in America. The purpose is to organize and manage student athletic organizations in American universities and colleges to provide a safer, fairer, and more impartial competitive environment.  In 1973, the NCAA officially adopted the current three-division setup of Division I, Division II, and Division III.  The NCAA includes 23 sports; and this exhibition introduces the history, rules and famous schools of three of the most popular sports in NCAA: football, basketball, and ice hockey, along with two special sports: water polo and lacrosse.  The goal of this exhibition is to help visitors understand more about American College sports and their importance in American culture.

The “Immigrants Building America” exhibition, co-organized by the American Institute in Taiwan and the Overseas Compatriot Affairs Commission, has been exhibited at the National Library of Public Information in Taichung and National Cheng Kung University following its debut at the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall last September.  Because so many people of different nationalities and ethnic groups have contributed to the growth of America, the United States of America is often called a melting pot. This exhibit tells moving and inspiring stories Chinese-speaking people who journeyed to a new country, struggled to establish themselves, and contributed their intelligence and hard work to build the vibrant America that we know today.

Time:   September 30 – November 14, 2013
(09:00-17:00, Monday to Friday)

Venue: National Kaohsiung Normal University
(2F, Exhibition Hall, Activity Center)
#116 He-ping First Road, Lingya District, Kaohsiung

Admission is free.