James C. Wood, Jr., Newly Appointed Chairman and Managing Director of the American Institute in Taiwan to Visit Taiwan

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PR9606E | Date: 1996-02-02

Mr. James C. Wood, Jr., appointed as Chairman and Managing Director of the American Institute in Taiwan on December 14, 1995, will be visiting Taiwan February 2-16, 1996. Mr. Wood replaced Mr. Natale Bellocchi, who served as AIT Chairman for five and a half years. AIT is a private corporation, created pursuant to the Taiwan Relations Act of 1979 for the purpose of conducting the United States’ unofficial relationship with Taiwan. During his visit to Taiwan, Mr. Wood will call on a range of officials and individuals involved in issues of concern to the American Institute in Taiwan.

Mr. Wood is an attorney with extensive experience in Congressional, Executive Branch, and international government relations. He has both government and private sector experience in negotiation with foreign governments and on international trade issues and commercial ventures. and he was involved in developing long-term relationships for the New York Stock Exchange with China and Russia. Among Mr. Wood’s earlier governmental positions were Legal Counsel to a Senate Subcommittee on the Judiciary, Chief Legal Counsel for the Office of Foreign Missions, Department of State; Chief Counsel for Legislation, Small Business Administration; Attorney Advisor in the Office of the Legal Advisor, Department of State; and Legal Advisor at the American Embassy in Bonn, Germany