Health Alert – American Institute in Taiwan

June 16, 2020

Location:  Taiwan 

Event:  As of June 15, the Taiwan Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) has reported a total number of confirmed positive cases as 445.

Visit the Taiwan Centers for Disease Control (Taiwan CDC) website for updated information.

Changes to AIT American Citizen Services

To prevent the spread of COVID-19, the U.S. Department of State significantly reduced passport operations in March 2020. As global conditions evolve and U.S. states begin to reopen, passport centers in the United States are gradually resuming operations in phases. Applications already submitted to AIT/Taipei and AIT/Kaohsiung will be processed by the U.S. passport centers, but processing times will continue to be delayed before the resumption of full operations.

AIT/Taipei and AIT/Kaohsiung are accepting Consular Report of Birth Abroad and in-person and mail-in passport applications, but we expect delivery delays. Customers are encouraged to apply early.

For emergency passport services for U.S. citizens, please contact AIT at

AIT will continue to offer limited routine notarial services.

Routine visa services remain suspended.

Taiwan-specific information

The Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs has announced four automatic 30-day extensions, extending the total period of stay to a maximum of 180 days, for foreigners entering Taiwan on or before March 21 with visa waiver, visitor visa, or landing visa.  No application is required. More information here

Taiwan has barred admission to all foreign travelers except for those who hold an Alien Resident Certificate (ARC) or documents proving they are in Taiwan for diplomatic or other official purpose or to fulfill business contracts, and those who have received special permits. Any travelers arriving from outside Taiwan and granted entry are subject to a 14-day home quarantine.

Travelers are currently not allowed to transit through Taiwan in order to prevent cross-border transmission risks.

For the latest update on conditions in Taiwan, including entry restrictions and visa policy, please monitor the Taiwan Centers for Disease Control (Taiwan CDC) website and contact the Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs Bureau of Consular Affairs (website).

Actions to Take:


  • Contact AIT Taipei Office, located at 100 Jinhu Road, Neihu Dist., Taipei City 11461. Phone: (02)2162-2000; Fax: (02) 2162-2239. After-hours emergency number for U.S. citizens is (02) 2162-2000.  Email: Website
  • Contact AIT Kaohsiung Office, located at No. 88, 5th floor, Chenggong 2nd Road, Qianzhen District, Kaohsiung City 80661. Phone: (07) 335-5006; Fax: (07)338-0551. Email: Website