Forum on Tech Supply Chain Partnership

tech supply chain partnership forum

June 22, 2021

Forum on Tech Supply Chain Partnership

The COVID-19 pandemic and geopolitical uncertainties have posed opportunities and challenges to supply chains around the world. There is a growing demand to develop more resilient, intelligent, and sustainable global supply chains. While businesses and citizens are at the front line of these changes, governments are also involved to meet the needs of society.

On 22 June 2021, the European Economic and Trade Office (EETO), the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT), the Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association (JTEA), and Taiwan’s Ministry of Economic Affairs, together organized a Forum on Tech Supply Chain Partnership. EETO Head of Office Filip Grzegorzewski, AIT Director Brent Christensen, JTEA Deputy Representative Mitsuaki Hoshino, and Taiwan’s Economic Minister Mei-Hua Wang spoke during the event concerning the importance of enhancing tech supply chain cooperation among like-minded partners.  They recognized that no single economy can produce everything it needs, and it is in their common interest to ensure allies and partners have resilient supply chains.

The organizers also invited representatives from government, industry, academia and research institutes in the EU, US, Japan and Taiwan to share best business practices and to identify the dynamics concerning global value chains. Speakers highlighted each roadmap to strengthen supply chain efficiency and resilience by referring to experiences in the various regions and industries.

By organizing this event, the organizers show their interest of working together for the benefit of all stakeholders in tech supply chains.

This is a joint press release by the European Economic and Trade Office, the American Institute in Taiwan, the Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association, and the Ministry of Economic Affairs of Taiwan.