- 二O一八年十一月二十九日至二O一九年四月八日「立穩根基,共創未來:AIT@40 — 1979 年後美台關係展」高雄市立歷史博物館
November 29, 2018 to April 8, 2019 “Strong Foundation, Bright Future: AIT@40, U.S.-Taiwan Relations Since 1979” exhibit at Kaohsiung Museum of History - 十二月二十五日 (星期二) 聖誕節,放假
December 25 (Tuesday) Christmas Day. Closed.
1. 美國在台協會處長酈英傑 「立穩根基,共創未來:AIT@40 — 1979 年後美台關係展」高雄場展覽開幕致詞。
Remarks by AIT Director Brent Christensen at AIT@40 Exhibition Opening in Kaohsiung. 
AIT OT-1843, November 29, 2018, 2 pages.
“I am particularly honored to help open the AIT@40 exhibition here in Kaohsiung. The U.S.-Taiwan relationship has a remarkable history, and we have come a long way together, as Taiwan developed into both a hi-tech economic powerhouse and also a highly successfully liberal democracy.” (From AIT)
2. 美國在台協會處長酈英傑2018台北國際旅展美國館開幕致詞。
Remarks by AIT Director Brent Christensen at USA Pavilion, 2018 Taipei ITF. 
AIT OT-1842, November 23, 2018, 2 pages.
“We will also spend all of next year celebrating AIT and the Taiwan Relations Act’s 40’s anniversary. As part of this celebration of 40 years of U.S.-Taiwan friendship, we are announcing next year a Travel Year.” (From AIT)
3. 美國在台協會處長酈英傑「Meet Taipei創新創意嘉年華」開幕致詞。
Remarks by AIT Director Brent Christensen at Meet Taipei Opening Ceremony. 
AIT OT-1841, November 15, 2018, 2 pages.
“The United States and Taiwan are natural partners for startups and entrepreneurship. Our Indo-Pacific Strategy calls for cooperation aimed at expanding opportunities on infrastructure, energy, and the digital economy.” (From AIT)
4. 美國國務卿邁克‧蓬佩奥 於美中外交與安全對話上致詞。
Remarks by Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo at U.S.-China Diplomatic and Security Dialogue. 
AIT OT-1840, November 9, 2018, 3 pages.
“My visit is an opportunity to take stock of the flourishing U.S.-Taiwan relationship and our comprehensive, durable, and mutually beneficial partnership. That relationship is grounded in our shared interests, and, just as importantly, in our shared values, in particular our support for democracy and human rights.” (From AIT)
5. 美國在台協會主席莫健與蔡英文總統會面致詞講稿。
Remarks by AIT Chairman James Moriarty at Meeting with President Tsai Ing-wen. 
AIT OT-1839, November 5, 2018, 2 pages.
“My visit is an opportunity to take stock of the flourishing U.S.-Taiwan relationship and our comprehensive, durable, and mutually beneficial partnership. That relationship is grounded in our shared interests, and, just as importantly, in our shared values, in particular our support for democracy and human rights.” (From AIT)
6. 美國在台協會主席莫健於美台國防工業會議致詞。
Remarks by AIT Chairman James Moriarty at U.S.-Taiwan Defense Industry Conference. 
AIT OT-1838, November 1, 2018, 3 pages.
“The United States considers the security of Taiwan central to the security of the broader Indo-Pacific region. To borrow from the recent speech of Vice President Pence: ‘China wants nothing less than to push the United States of America from the Western Pacific and attempt to prevent us from coming to the aid of our allies.’ The United States considers stable cross-Strait relations as essential to maintaining regional stability.” (From AIT)
7. Confronting Growing China-Russia Cooperation: Options for Congress. 
The National Bureau of Asian Research, November 1, 2018, 4 pages.
“This article discusses China’s increasing collaboration with Russia and what it means for U.S. policy.” (From the National Bureau of Asian Research)
8. Bennett, Bruce W.
Alternative Paths to Korean Unification. 
Rand, Oct 31, 2018, 118 pages.
“This report describes challenges to any potential unification of Korea and outlines alternative paths to unification. He also recommends actions that South Korea and the United States could take to achieve a more favorable outcome.” (From Rand)
9. Pence, Michael.
Remarks by Vice President Pence at the 2018 APEC CEO Summit. 
The White House, November 18, 2018, 13 pages.
“US Vice President Mike Pence delivered a speech to the regional business community in Port Moresby that included a focus on the economic importance of the region.” (From the White House)
10. The Global Competitiveness Report 2018. 
World Economic Forum, October 16, 2018, 671 pages.
“Featuring the new Global Competitiveness Index 4.0, the Report assesses the competitiveness landscape of 140 economies, providing unique insight into the drivers of economic growth in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Discover the 2018 edition’s rankings, key findings, your economy’s scorecard, and much more.” (From World Economic Forum)
11. Update Concerning China’s Acts, Policies and Practices Related to Technology Transfer, Intellectual Property, and Innovation. 
The Office of the United States Trade Representative, November 20, 2018, 53 pages.
“The Office of the United States Trade Representative released a report updating information on its Section 301 investigation of China’s acts, policies and practices related to technology transfer, intellectual property and innovation.” (From the USTR)
12. Akhtar, Shayerah Ilias.
U.S. Trade Policy Functions: Who Does What? 
Washington, D.C.: Congressional Research Service, November 1, 2018, 3 pages.
“The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) and many other agencies conduct U.S. trade and international economic functions under various statutory and administrative authorities. USTR-led systems to coordinate U.S. trade policy among the agencies And obtain input from public and private stakeholders aim to balance diverse interests to reach a unified U.S. government voice” on trade matters.” (From CRS Report)
13. Fry, Richard and Kim Parker.
Early Benchmarks Show ‘Post-Millennials’ on Track to Be Most Diverse, Best-Educated Generation Yet. 
Pew Research Center, November 15, 2018, 17 pages.
“As a new generation of Americans begins to take shape and move toward adulthood, there is mounting interest in their attitudes, behaviors and lifestyle. But how will this generation change the demographic fabric of the United States? A new Pew Research Center analysis of Census Bureau data finds that the “post-Millennial” generation is already the most racially and ethnically diverse generation, as a bare majority of 6- to 21-year-olds (52%) are non-Hispanic whites. And while most are still pursuing their K-12 education, the oldest post-Millennials are enrolling in college at a significantly higher rate than Millennials were at a comparable age.” (From Pew Research Center)
14. Open Doors 2018. 
Institute of International Education, November 13, 2018.
“The 2018 Open Doors Report on International Education Exchange provides a wealth of information and data on the numbers of international students studying in the United States in the 2017/18 academic year, and the numbers of U.S. students studying abroad for academic credit in 2016/17.” (From IIE)
15. Holt, Mark.
Nuclear Energy: Overview of Congressional Issues. 
Washington, D.C.: Congressional Research Service, November 16, 2018, 27 pages.
“The 98 licensed nuclear power reactors at 59 sites in the United States generate about 20% of the nation’s electricity. Two new reactors are currently under construction. About a dozen more are planned, but with no specific construction dates. Whether they will eventually move forward will depend largely on their economic competitiveness with natural gas and renewable energy sources. Throughout the world, 451 reactors are currently in service or operable, and 54 more are under construction, according to the World Nuclear Association.” (From CRS Report)
16. Shouse, Kate C. and others.
EPA’s Affordable Clean Energy Proposal. 
Washington, D.C.: Congressional Research Service, November 2, 2108, 31 pages.
“This report provides background information about the CAA and GHG emissions from the power sector and highlights some of the major components of EPA’s ACE proposal. The topics discussed do not represent an exhaustive list of the proposal’s elements.” (From CRS Report)
17. Kota, Sridhar and others.
How the U.S. Can Rebuild its Capacity to Innovate. 
Harvard Business Review, October 23, 2018, 6 pages.
“Many U.S. firms have long had a simple mantra: “Invent here, manufacture there.” But, increasingly, those same companies are now choosing to invent as well as manufacture abroad. From automotive to semiconductors to pharma to clean energy, America’s innovation centers have shifted east, offering growing evidence that the U.S. has lost what Harvard Business School’s Willy Shih calls the “industrial commons”: indispensable production skills and capabilities. It’s not just that virtually all consumer electronics are designed and made overseas.” (Harvard Business Report)
18. Cohen, Jennifer L. and Homi Kharas.
Using Big Data and Artificial Intelligence to Accelerate Global Development. 
The Brookings Institution, November 15, 2018, 14 pages.
“The global community is entering a new world, where real-time data is shortening the feedback loop between outcomes and policy. Conventional methods of data collection, which require substantial time to conduct and disseminate, have hindered efforts to implement change quickly and effectively. By the time reports are available to key decision-makers, data on the ground have already changed. In contrast, big data and artificial intelligence allow researchers to acquire up-to-date information at varying degrees of granularity, while simultaneously processing for patterns that can inform policy. (From the Brookings Institution)