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To receive or reserve any of these items, please contact Information Resource Center at 2723-3959, ext. 202 or aitirc@mail.ait.org.tw.
- December 25 (Monday) Christmas Day. Closed.
1. 美國在台協會處長梅健華 全球合作暨訓練架構「打造女性科技創業新未來」工作坊開幕致詞稿。
Remarks by AIT Director Kin Moy at the Opening Ceremony of Global Cooperation and Training Framework Workshop “Building a Bright Future for Women Entrepreneurs in Tech” 
OT-1721, November 14, 2018, 2 pages.
“AIT Director Moy: The combination of digital platforms and women tech entrepreneur empowerment has the potential to lift millions of women out of poverty and change the culture of our tech businesses in positive ways all while bringing much needed goods and services to consumers around the world.” (From AIT)
2. 美國在台協會副處長傅德恩 「2017環保科技展*環工年會」聯合開幕典禮致詞稿。 
AIT Deputy Director Robert Forden’s remarks at Opening of the Taiwan Environmental Engineering Conference. 
OT-1719, November 8, 2017, 2 pages.
“Remarks by AIT Deputy Director Robert Forden at the Joint Opening Session of the Taiwan Environmental Protection Technology Exhibition and Environmental Engineering Conference.” (From AIT)

3. Burke, Edmund J. and Astrid Stuth Cevallos.
In Line or Out of Order? China’s Approach to ADIZ in Theory and Practice. . 
Rand, November 10, 2017, 44 pages.
“This report explores questions about the ECS ADIZ and evaluates the prospects for a possible SCS ADIZ. We assess the different situation and context facing Beijing in the SCS and argue that the calculus there does not necessarily suggest that the Chinese government will declare an SCS ADIZ. While Beijing’s recent statements imply that it is keeping its options open, China’s leaders are dealing from a stronger political and military position in the SCS because of their well-documented reclamation and construction of military facilities there. They have already used other tools, including deploying combat aircraft and air defense missiles, in the SCS that are arguably more effective in achieving their objectives.” (From Rand)
4. Thomas, Clayton.
Arms Sales in the Middle East: Trends and Analytical Perspectives for U.S. Policy. (PDF, 1MB)
Washington, D.C.: Congressional Research Service, October 11, 2017, 40 pages.
“This report analyzes state-to-state arms sales in the Middle East with a particular focus on U.S. transfers, as authorized and reviewed by Congress. The information in this report, including sales data, is drawn from a number of official and unofficial open sources..”(From CRS report)

5. Global Financial Stability Report October 2017: Is Growth at Risk. 
International Monetary Fund, October 2017, 139 pages.
“The October 2017 Global Financial Stability Report (GFSR) finds that the global financial system continues to strengthen in response to extraordinary policy support, regulatory enhancements, and the cyclical upturn in growth. Global bank balance sheets are stronger because of improved capital and liquidity buffers, amid tighter regulation and heightened market scrutiny.” (From International Monetary Fund)
6. Views of Job Situation Improve Sharply, but Many Still Say They’re Falling Behind Financially. 
Pew Research Center, November 7, 2017, 28 pages.
“The public’s views of local job availability continue to improve. Currently, 50% of Americans say there are plenty of jobs available in their communities – the highest number saying that jobs are plentiful in Pew Research Center surveys dating to 2001.” (From Pew Research Center)
7. Grishin, Vadim.
U.S.-Russia Economic Relations: Myths and Realities.
Center for Strategic and International Studies, October 24, 2017, 58 pages.
“The report also describes scenarios for U.S.-Russia interaction where economic relations could be reshaped, and it suggests that if the right balance between politics and economic pragmatism can be found, such ties could become a shock absorber and open prospects for qualitative and quantitative improvements in bilateral relations.” (From CSIS)
8. Gonzalez, Gabriella C. and Shelly Culbertson.
Keeping Americans on the Job in a Changing Economy.
Rand, October 27, 4 pages.
“The economy depends upon creating a skilled and agile workforce that can take advantage of new job opportunities as they evolve, which could occur through stronger cross-sector partnerships that link America’s education and business sectors.” (From Rand)

9. Bartels, Frederico.
The Military Rebuild Needs to Start in 2018. 
Heritage Foundation, November 8, 2017, 5 pages.
“The Trump Administration promised to rebuild the U.S. Armed Forces. This is only achievable through sustained and consistent investments in the defense budget. It took years for U.S. military readiness to erode, thus it will also take years to restore it. The restoration should start with the 2018 funding level. The Budget Control Act will have to change to accommodate the levels of spending required to rebuild the U.S. military.” (From the Heritage Foundation)
10. Butcher, Jonathan.
Education Savings Accounts: Giving Every Child the Chance to Succeed. (PDF, 164KB)
Heritage Foundation, November 8, 2017, 7 pages.
“Every child should have the chance at a great education and the American dream. In the 21st century, students can learn anywhere—inside or outside the classroom, online, or from a personal tutor. Education savings accounts allow parents to customize their child’s education to fit his or her individual needs. Lawmakers should consider the account laws enacted in Arizona, Florida, Mississippi, Nevada, North Carolina, and Tennessee as they look for ways to give more children access to a high-quality learning experience.” (From the Heritage Foundation)
11. Paulton, Meridian and others.|
The State Children’s Health Insurance Program at 20: A Reform Agenda for Congress. (PDF, 169KB)
Heritage Foundation, November 1, 2017, 7 pages.
“Funding recently expired for the states’ Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and states will soon run out of funds for their programs. Congress must decide how it will respond. While the debate is focused more on funding, it is even more important to resolve the policy problems that beset the program. Congress created this program in 1997 to address the problem of children lacking health insurance. American taxpayers have invested billions of dollars, with mixed results. Millions of children have received coverage. However, CHIP expansion has also contributed to the “crowding out” of private health insurance coverage for children, as coverage expansion has occurred by adding children to the government health care program. As a result, access to coverage itself does not automatically translate into access to appropriate health care options that fit a particular family’s needs, since public programs leave government officials—not parents—in charge of many decisions.” (From the Heritage Foundation)
12. Radford, Jynnah.
How U.S. Refugee Resettlement in Each State Has Shifted Since 2002. 
Pew Research Center, November 2, 2017, 3 pages.
“The resettlement of refugees in the U.S. has been fairly consistent across the country since 2002, with no state resettling a majority of them. In fiscal year 2017, no state resettled more than 10% of the 53,716 refugees the nation admitted that year. California, Texas, New York, Washington, Michigan and Ohio each accounted for at least 5% of refugees resettled, while all other states had a lower share. In fiscal 2002, the earliest year state-level data are publicly available, California resettled 16% of the nation’s 27,110 refugees, the only state to account for more than 15% of the nation’s total that year – or in any following year, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of U.S. State Department data.” (From Pew Research Center)

13. McCarthy, James E.
Reconsidering the Clean Power Plan. (PDF, 630KB)
Washington, D.C.: Congressional Research Service, October 25, 2017, 9 pages.
“This report provides background on the CPP and its proposed repeal, describes the administrative steps that are required to repeal or amend a rule, and discusses how the CPP and its proposed repeal fit into the context of recent and projected power sector evolution.” (From CRS report)
14. McInnis, Kathleen J. and others.
The North Korean Nuclear Challenge: Military Options and Issues for Congress. (PDF, 157KB)
Washington, D.C.: Congressional Research Service, October 27, 2017, 65 pages.
“In this report, CRS identifies seven possible options, with their implications and attendant risks, for the employment of the military to denuclearize North Korea. These options are maintaining the military status quo, enhanced containment and deterrence, denying DPRK acquisition of delivery systems capable of threatening the United States, eliminating ICBM facilities and launch pads, eliminating DPRK nuclear facilities, DPRK regime change, and withdrawing U.S. military forces.”(From CRS report)

15. ITIF Filing to USTR on Section 301 Investigation of China’s Policies and Practices Related to Tech Transfer, IP, and Innovation. 
Information Technology & Innovation Foundation, October 26, 2017, 4 pages.
“China has resorted to outright intellectual property theft, whether of technologies, trade secrets, or even corporate strategies. Not coincidentally, and appropriately, such practices represent several of the focal areas of the administration’s Section 301 investigation, which as stated include an investigation into: 1.Chinese policies that induce forced technology and intellectual property transfer across a wide range of advanced-technology industries;2.Chinese policies that engage in state-directed foreign direct investment as well as mergers and acquisition activity that specifically targets foreign advanced-technology enterprises as part of efforts to move China “up the value chain” in advanced-technology sectors;3.Chinese policies that orchestrate cyber-based IP and technology theft in the context of overall commercial espionage;4.Chinese policies that compel exchange on unbalanced licensing terms;5.Chinese policies that utilize a range of additional innovation. (From ITIF)
16. Cyberlearning Community Report: The State of Cyberlearning and the Future of Learning With Technology. (PDF, 5MB)
Center for Innovative Research in Cyberlearning, October 26, 2017, 86 pages.
“There are six key themes that will shape the future of education technology, according to a recent report from the Center for Innovative Research in Cyberlearning. They include the use of mobile, geospatial tools; classrooms as digital performance spaces; and the use of avatars and touchscreen interfaces, among others.” (From Center for Innovation Research in Cyberlearning) |