Fact Sheet: AIT New Office Compound

American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) Logo
PR0829E | Date: 2008-05-14


The American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) is pleased to announce that options are being examined for a new office compound in Taipei. This is in keeping with our worldwide effort to upgrade facilities in view of increased security concerns, and is subject to continued congressional support for funding. AIT is now taking initial steps to prepare for a new facility, including prequalifying contractors for site preparation work. The new facility will better allow us to carry out our close and cooperative, but unofficial, relations with the people on Taiwan.

Scope of the Project, Special features, Design

AIT is proposing to develop a site in the Neihu District of Taipei, and is planning a two-phased project. The first phase has recently been advertised to qualify interested contractors, and will consist of preparing the land and building secondary buildings. Ultimately the New Office Compound (NOC) will include an office building of approximately 14,000 square meters that will house AIT, a Chinese language school, consular offices serving American citizens and visa applicants, a parking structure and support structures. Funding has been requested in the U.S. Fiscal Year 2009 Budget. It is anticipated that we will have notional drawings in mid-May. AIT has been discussing plans for the compound with the Taiwan authorities, and the design and construction will meet the highest standards of construction and environmental protection. Most of the buildings will be finished with natural stone or metal panels on the exterior, with smaller areas of glass curtain wall.

All the buildings are planned for the portion of the site that was formerly used as a driving school, which is nearly flat. The proposed designs include formal landscaping and protection of the existing forest vegetation, most of which will be left untouched.


The total costs for the Taipei NOC included in the FY 09 budget request was US$171.6 million. The construction contracts as a portion of the budget are, of course, much smaller than the total cost.

Availability of Request for Proposal Document

Under US law, the Request for Proposal (RFP) documents will be issued only to contractors who are ultimately qualified by AIT under the requirements that were recently advertised. Only qualified contractors will be permitted to submit proposals.