Exhibition by American Artist Peter Sarkisian Opens at National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts

American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) Logo
PR-1064E | Date: 10/07/2010

The American Institute in Taiwan is pleased to sponsor the “Peter Sarkisian: Video Works, 1996-2008” exhibition, which will take place at the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, No. 2, Sec. 1, Wu Chuan W. Road, Taichung, from October 9, 2010 to January 2, 2011.

“Peter Sarkisian: Video Works, 1996 – 2008” is a retrospective of works by Peter Sarkisian, a leading multimedia artist based in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Mr. Sarkisian’s innovative artworks, which have been exhibited throughout the United States and abroad, explore the spatial and perceptive possibilities of film, video and sculpture. The exhibition includes 10 video installations that combine three-dimensional screens and daily objects with video projections for a striking effect.

“I am pleased that the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Art, one of Taiwan’s premier venues for contemporary art, has decided to host this retrospective of Mr. Sarkisian’s works. Mr. Sarkisian’s innovative and often challenging installations are sure to fascinate art lovers in Taiwan. On behalf of AIT, I send the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts and all of the exhibition’s organizers and sponsors our best wishes for a successful exhibition,” remarked AIT Cultural Affairs Officer and Director of the AIT American Cultural Center Scott Robinson.

For more information, please visit: http://www.ntmofa.gov.tw/