Check Out Our New Site!

Yes, we have a brand new website! Have a look around!

The new-look website has seven sections representing broad topics that may be of interest to you. The sections are broken down further into sub-categories to assist you in finding specific information. The Seven Sections are:

Visas – For all your Visa needs and questions.

U.S. Citizen Services – Providing services and information for U.S. Citizens.

Our Relationship – Information on our current AIT Leaders and the U.S./Taiwan Relationship.

Business – Information on doing Business in the U.S. and providing assistance to U.S. Exporters. You’ll find Commercial Opportunities, as well as information on the U.S. Commercial Service in Taiwan.

Education & Culture – Learn more about quality higher-education opportunities in the U.S. and AIT’s various outreach activities and programs that spotlight the excellence and diversity of the United States, as well as the funding opportunities for international scholars, students and professionals to travel to the U.S. to conduct research, teach, study and attend professional workshops.

AIT Offices – Contact details, and Information on the American Institute in Taiwan, as well as job opportunities within AIT.

And of course the News & Events you are reading here, with the latest news, information, photos, videos and more.

If you can’t find what you are looking for, click on the search icon just above (right) and type in your search query.

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