Call for Proposals: Julia Taft Refugee Fund for FY 2022

Call for Proposals: Julia Taft Refugee Fund for FY 2022


Date Open: Tuesday, January 21, 2022

Date Closed: Friday, February 7, 2022

Maximum Award Amount: $25,000


AIT, in collaboration with the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (PRM), is pleased to welcome proposals for the 2022 Julia Taft Refugee Fund from potential partners working to assist refugees in Taiwan.  The Taft Fund, established in 2000, provides grants of up to USD $25,000 per country to national or local non-governmental organizations (NGOs) for quick impact projects to meet currently unaddressed needs.  Proposed projects should address a critical one-time need or intervention.  The Taft Fund is intended for projects that include a target beneficiary base of at least 50 percent refugees, internally displaced persons, or vulnerable migrants.

Priorities for FY2022

The American Institute in Taiwan encourages potential applicants to submit proposals that address at least one of the following areas:

  • Provision of legal assistance, educational support, or vocational training for refugees.
  • Enhancing access to services for unmet health needs for refugees, including mental health resources.
  • Support for civic engagement and self-advocacy by members of refugee communities.

Additionally, projects that promote equal access to protection, assistance, and other solutions in any of the above areas for LGBTQI+ refugees will be given favorable consideration.

Eligibility Criteria and Funding Guidelines

  • The U.S. Department of State will not fund projects that duplicate the work or services provided by the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) or other multilateral refugee programs.
  • The funds are meant to address one-time needs and interventions, not to support long-term projects requiring multi-year funding.
  • The funds are not intended to be used as an emergency funding mechanism (e.g., to address needs like food or shelter).
  • Applicants must be a registered organization (e.g., NGO, community-based organization, faith-based organization) and not a government entity or individual.

Application Package

Applications should include ALL the following components.

  1. Proposal (each application must include the information listed in the Proposal Format section below).
  2. Overall project timeline.
  3. Monitoring and evaluation plan (you may wish to use an Excel sheet format to show indicators, baselines, and target numbers).
  4. Itemized budget.
  5. CV/resume of the project manager and other key project personnel.
  6. Legal name and address of the organization, along with proof of registration.
  7. Copy of bank statement or other proof of existing bank account.

*Proposals must be written in the English language.

Please submit applications by email to by 5:00 p.m. Taiwan Time on February 7, 2022.

Proposal Format

Proposals should be limited to two pages (not including attachments) and include the following information.

  • Problem statement
    A brief description of the primary problem that your project will address.  You may wish to include as an attachment any relevant data (e.g., on the target demographic, information on numbers of past clients (for legal assistance projects), traditional media coverage and social media metrics (for public awareness projects).
  • Objectives
    The objectives should be concise and directly correspond to the Problem Statement. Objectives should be specific, measurable, appropriate, realistic, and time-bound (SMART).
  • Strategy
    Provide a general statement of your approach to solving the problem.  Why is this the best way to meet needs?
  • Activities and Implementation
    Describe major activities that will be carried out to reach the grant objectives, including time frames and sequencing.
  • Monitoring and Evaluation
    Describe how outputs and outcomes will be measured, providing indicators and a target number of beneficiaries as appropriate.
  • Institutional Capacity Statement
    Describe your organization’s capabilities and qualifications for implementing the grant, and why your organization is likely to succeed in implementing the grant.

Review and Selection Process

A committee at AIT, in coordination with the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration, will consider the proposals and will seek to inform all applicant organizations about funding decisions by Friday, April 29, 2022.

Organizations with successful applications will need a registration.  In addition, either a UEI number or organizational DUNS number is required.  Please see the Quick Start Guide for Getting a Unique Entity ID for more information.  Once awarded, each grantee will be responsible for the program and financial reporting as specified in the award agreement.  AIT will regularly monitor the progress of any approved and funded projects.

Please note that funding levels and availability are subject to appropriations from the U.S. Congress.


Please contact with any specific questions.