AT&T Brand Licensing Seminar Hosted by the American Institute in Taiwan

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PR-1052E | Date: 8/25/2010

The Commercial Section of the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) is collaborating with the Leveraged Marketing Corporation of America (LMCA) to organize a September 30, 2010 seminar in Taipei introducing U.S.-based AT&T’s brand licensing program to the local business community.

As one of the world’s largest telecommunications companies, AT&T’s reputation is founded on over 120 years of excellence. Offering a wide range of wireless, networking services and customized solutions, AT&T connects people with their world, everywhere they live and work. The AT&T brand licensing program aims to unleash the power of one of the best-known consumer brands in the world and create sustainable value to AT&T licensee partners worldwide. AT&T’s licensed products include mobile phone handsets, smart phones, satellite phones, GPS receivers, marine phones, wireless and land line phones, consumer electronics, and telecommunication equipment as they strategically complement existing telecommunications services offered by AT&T.

This seminar will provide an overview of brand licensing as a proven, effective, and low cost business model. It will also explore the possibilities that Taiwan companies may leverage the power of global consumer brands.

The date and venue of the seminar are provided below:

Date: Thursday, September 30, 2010
Time: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Venue: Suite 3207, 32nd Floor, 333, Keelung Road, Sec. 1, Taipei
Cost: Complimentary

Advance registration for this event is required as seating is limited to 30 attendees.

Registration and seminar information is available on AIT Commercial Section’s website:

AIT Commercial Section provides free services to assist Taiwan firms locate U.S. suppliers. Please contact Cindy Chang in AIT’s Commercial Section for details. Telephone: (02) 2720-1550, Ext. 311;