AIT Speaker Programthe Role of Media in a Democracy: Lessons from Indonesia

AIT Speaker Programthe Role of Media in a Democracy: Lessons from Indonesia (Photo: AIT)

The program, featuring speech by Janet Steele, Associate Professor of Journalism at the School of Media and Public Affairs at George Washington University, will take place at AIT’s American Cultural Center at 2:30 to 4:00 p.m. on Monday, June 1, 2009.  It will be conducted in English with simultaneous interpretation.

This program will discuss the role of the press in a democratic society as well as how culture is communicated through the mass media.  Dr. Steele will share her years of experience in Indonesia and talk about the role of journalism in a society in transition to democracy.

This program with former Fulbright Scholar Janet Steele was made possible by a grant from the State Department’s Office of Alumni Affairs.  Alumni of U.S. Government-funded exchange programs are especially encouraged to attend.

Please register with the American Cultural Center to reserve a seat for this program.  (Fax: 2725-2644, E-mail﹕  For more information, please contact Ms. Szu Lee at 2723-3959 ext.230.