AIT, MOFA, and JTEA Host vGCTF on Trade Secrets Protection and Digital Piracy Prevention

vGCTF on Trade Secrets Protection and Digital Piracy Prevention

October 15, 2020

The American Institute in Taiwan (AIT), the Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association Host
Virtual Global Cooperation and Training Framework (vGCTF) Workshop on
Trade Secrets Protection and Digital Piracy Prevention

This morning, the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT), the Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association kicked off a two-day virtual Global Cooperation and Training Framework workshop on intellectual property rights (IPR) protection with a focus on prosecuting theft of trade secrets and stopping digital piracy of copyrighted content. IPR protection is a critical component for economic development in the modern digital economy.

AIT Director Brent Christensen joined MOFA Deputy Minister Tien Chung-kwang, Ministry of Justice Deputy Minister Tsai Pi-chung, and JTEA Deputy Representative Yokochi Akira in delivering opening remarks. Director Christensen’s remarks highlighted the “Four I’s,” which are the virtuous cycle of interaction, IPR protection, investment, and innovation. “Advanced economies all recognize that intellectual property rights protection is the key ingredient to attract investment and encourage innovation in order to compete in our modern global economy,” Christensen said.

The Honorable Edward Chen, U.S. District Court Judge, Northern District of California and Taiwan High Prosecutors Office Chief Prosecutor Hsing Tai-chao will deliver closing remarks on October 16. Speakers from the Taiwan High Prosecutors Office, Taiwan Intellectual Property Office, U.S. Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and others joined the workshop to share experiences and best practices for prosecuting cases related to trade secrets theft and digital piracy.

Government officials with responsibility for IPR protection from 19 different countries are joining the webinar, sharing their own experiences to take lessons learned back to their own work on confronting the common challenge of combatting IPR infringement.