AIT Director Marut Leading Taiwan Delegation to SelectUSA Investment Summit

Christopher J. Marut, Director of the American Institute in Taiwan, is honored to be leading a delegation from Taiwan to the second SelectUSA Investment Summit, which will take place in Washington, DC, on March 23 – March 24, 2015. We are particularly pleased to have a business delegation of Taiwan executives led by Taiwan External Trade Development Council Chairman Francis Liang as an integral part of our overall delegation to the Select USA Summit. The entire delegation from Taiwan will include 88 representatives from 65 Taiwan companies/organizations, more than double the size of the 2013 delegation. Ms. Ireas Cook, Chief of AIT’s Commercial Section, will also accompany the delegation.

Foreign direct investment plays a critical role in the U.S. economy, which is why President Obama launched SelectUSA, the first-ever U.S. government-wide initiative to promote and facilitate investment in the United States. The Department of Commerce designated Taiwan as a priority market under the SelectUSA investment initiative.

The second Investment Summit builds on the success of the unprecedented inaugural event held in 2013, and will connect both domestic and foreign companies and investors with local, state, and regional economic development organizations in an effort to promote investment and support jobs in the United States. U.S. Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker is scheduled to address the plenary session as Summit host. Other scheduled speakers during the Summit include Secretary of State John F. Kerry, Secretary of the Treasury Jacob J. Lew, and U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman.

New this year is a SelectUSA Academy scheduled for the day before the Summit. SelectUSA Academy is designed as an orientation for first-time investors and businesses new to cross-border investment.

President Barack Obama and five U.S. Cabinet Members made it clear during the inaugural Summit that the United States is not only “Open for Business,” but warmly welcomes foreign investors to operate in our transparent, stable and open system.

AIT is grateful for the strong interest from the Taiwan business community, and the partnership effort from the Taiwan authorities, as well as TAITRA, in assembling this important trade delegation.

For more information, please visit the SelectUSA Investment Summit website at