AIT Cultural Center to Debut New Work by Artist Jane Ingram Allen

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PR-0921E | The American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) American Cultural Center is pleased to host an art exhibition by U.S. artist Jane Ingram Allen entitled Seeing the World – Handmade Paper Artworks from June 5 to June 25.  Ms. Allen will also give a lecture on “The U.S. Environmental Art Movement and its Global Spread” on Thursday, June 11 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the American Cultural Center.

Jane Ingram Allen is an internationally acclaimed sculptor, installation artist and papermaker.  She was the recipient of Fulbright grants that brought her to Taiwan in 2004 and 2005 as an artist in residence.  Since then, she has continued to work internationally as an independent artist and curator.

Seeing the World – Handmade Paper Artworks will feature the Taiwan debut of a collaborative work of art entitled One World – Many Papers, which involves the collaborative work of 42 artists from 38 different countries around the world.  Each artist provided a piece of handmade paper art they made to represent their country.   Ms. Allen combined all of these individual unique pieces of paper together, creating a map of the world that emphasizes the importance of cooperation and international cultural exchange.  This work reflects Ms. Allen’s continuing interest in seeing the world in new ways and encouraging cross-cultural understanding.

To attend the exhibit opening and featured lecture, please call 2723-3959, ext. 227 or 214 to reserve a seat.  The American Cultural Center is located at Room 2101, 21th Floor, International Trade Building, 333, Keelung Road, Section 1, Taipei.